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Political Interest Group Analysis

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An interest group is an assembly of people who share similar views regarding a subject or subjects that gather together in order to promote these ideas and/or oppose those which do not coincide with their particular belief(s). An interest group becomes a political interest group when they seek to change public policy (Gable 85). These political interest groups seek to gain leverage in governmental policy through contributions to campaigns of congress members. These political interest groups are unique because they allow citizens of the United States to voice their opinions to those in the American government. Interest groups exist in a wide variety of differentiating views and goals. Some of these interest groups include, but are not exclusive …show more content…
The National Rifle Association is an extremely well know gun ownership activist group. In 2008, the NRA was financially involved in 271 campaigns for both the house and the senate. Of those 271 campaigns, 230 won (SVDS 1). The National Rifle Association has a strong voice in the United States congress. As for Barak Obama’s gun control legislation, the NRA openly opposed and disputed the idea of enforcing new gun control laws. The NRA believes that doing so would be an infringement upon the second amendment. Because of their conservative political ideology, the NRA endorsed those opposed to gun control legislation (NRA-ILA 1). Though most were republicans, some were democrats as well (SVDS 1). The Gun Owners of America, formed in 1975, was created to protect American’s rights to bear arms under the second amendment. This group has endorsed many campaigns in order to sway congress toward their stance on gun ownership. When Barak Obama tried to instill new gun control regulations, this organization encouraged citizens, who were also opposed to the bill, to contact the Social Security Administration. The interest groups who opposed the gun control legislation fought very hard to defeat the bill and ultimately …show more content…
They are now recognized for their involvement and achievement in successfully stopping the gun control bill from passing. Much to Present Barak Obama’s dismay, the gun control legislation bill did not go through. This was a huge let down to the Obama administration because of their ideology on gun ownership. In fact, Barak Obama does not feel that there should be private gun ownership in America whatsoever (Adelmann 1). However, Obama stated that the “effort is not over” and encouraged Americans in favor of gun control to not give up (Obama 2). He also emphasized the importance of congress acting together. He also mentioned that the majority of NRA households supported this bill (Obama 3). This can suggest that the interest groups who opposed this bill may have had a louder voice than that of the American people as a whole. Regardless, the issue of the gun control bill directly shows the power behind interest groups. In an article, Richard Gable suggests that interest groups are most effective if they are able to change the public’s view on a subject (Gable 88). He also suggests that money plays a significant role, as well (Gable 89). Both of these techniques were used by the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of America. Because of this, it is likely that the endorsement from these groups influenced the decision of this

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