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Personal Narrative: New Medicine

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The long and uneventful days of nonstop work were paying a toll on me. It has been my sixth cup of coffee to keep me up for those long forty-eight hours. I was barely able to keep both of my eyes open, but I had to keep going. I had to do the long shift because everyone was away with their family over Thanksgiving weekend. Ever since my parents had died from cancer, I had no one left in my family, so I was able to work holidays. I was in the lab mixing medicine for sick people and testing new drugs out. Some of the medicine was to help people with cancer, but it didn't do much. There still are many people dying from cancer, and there was no cure for it. As I walked to the cabinet I took out some of the new medicine that was created to help cancer; however, it was not really helpful yet because it didn't stop …show more content…
I think we should test it out a few more times," I explained with great joy. Dr. Smith and I grabbed a few more containers of the cancer cells and remade the compound. As we waited suspenseful for a long hour the cancer cells were not there, so we tested it, and the cancer came up as negative. I had found a cure for cancer! After a few months of making the compound, which was named Seybold Cure after me, we continued to test more of the Seybold Cure to make sure it was full proof. On January 1st, 2021, the new medicine had been released to all cancer patients. As a doctor, I wanted to make sure it was working right, so sometimes I would ask the hospital to allow me to meet some of the patients, who were getting the drug. Every time I went to see them I would get thanked for what a huge discovery I had made. What I had discovered made me world famous. However I was upset when I had become world famous for the Seybold Cure because I wasn't able to help my parents get cured. Even though I helped millions of people, I am still resentful that I couldn't save the two people who were the most important to

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