...Duck and Cover Duck and Cover After the discharge of the original atomic bombs, many Americans were elated that World War II was at an end. As additional research was conducted about the effects and power of atomic bombs, anxiety began to move throughout the United States. But when the first atomic bomb was tested by the Soviet Union in 1949, anxiety turned to terror and alarm. To alleviate Americans’ fears, the U.S. Government created films that shed light on the characteristics and showed practices for persisting an atomic attack. Duck and Cover, a movie, was presented to school aged children starting in 1950. This film featured a cartoon turtle with a jovial theme song, and sound advice. Duck and Cover was supposed to reassure children that they would know what to do, in the event of an atomic strike. Instead of reassuring the kids, pictures of little Billy fleeing to the basement, it convinced youngsters that the atomic shells could drop at any time and gave them bad dreams. The government’s theory during this juncture was that atomic could be used as part of a “conventional” battle between America and Mother Russia. If that occurred, America would need to continue the manufacturing of war products. Large cities would surely be targets, and in the occasion of evacuation, cities would be gridlocked. Citizens of American were advised to formulate plans for potential nuclear occurrence, to recognize what to do and where to go if the air raid sirens ever went off. With...
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...Does the End Justify the Means? Should the doctrine of “the end justifies the means” be accepted? The "the end justifies the means" doctrine is acceptable, but only under certain situations. To understand why this position is being taken, you have to understand the origin of "the end justifies the means." The phrase came from Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince. Machiavelli's phrase is interpreted by many to mean that the end result of an action was justified by the actions one took to get there, regardless of the methods used (End justifies the means, n.d.). The phrase suggests that it does not matter whether these methods are legal or illegal, moral or immoral, kind or cruel, or truth or lie. The phrase has to be put into context in order to understand how it can be applied in our modern times. The Prince’s original intended audience was rulers (i.e., government), and was meant to advise and instruct them (Nederman, 2009). The Prince was never meant for the common people. Since "the end justifies the means" was originally meant for the government, then its doctrine can only be acceptable when it is used by the government under certain situations, such as to establish peace during a time of war. Should “the end justifies the means” be unconditional? Can it be situational? Over the years, people have abused "the end justifies the means." The phrase has been used to excuse any wrongs made to attain a goal. For example, a banker will reason that it is all right to steal...
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...STUDENT UMEED This is a domain which provides students with all term papers, projects or ppt that will be useful for students in pursuing their graduation. Blog Archive ▼ 2011 (2) ▼ January (2) Electrical term paper on MOSFET Physics term paper on TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROS... About Me STUDY PORTAL View my complete profile Followers Physics term paper on TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Friday, January 21, 2011 by STUDY PORTAL in Labels: TERM PAPERS Acknowledgement It is a pleasure of mine to find myself penning down these lines to express my sincere thanks to my teacher to give me this opportunity of preparing this Term Paper, to enhance my professional practice. I express my deep sense of gratitude to my physics teacher to give me knowledge about the topic and concept related to this particular Term Paper. Without his guidance I cannot imagine to complete my Term Paper on time. In the last, I want to thank my parents, without whom nothing was possible. Contents 1. What is TEM. 2. Principle of TEM. 3. Working of TEM. 4. Uses of TEM 5. Limitations of TEM. 6. References The Transmission Electron Microscope: The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a scientific instrument that uses electrons instead of light to scrutinize objects at very fine resolutions. They were developed in the 1930s when scientists realized that electrons can be used instead of light to "magnify" objects or specimens under study. ...
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...Human civilization as a whole has always been innovative. They turned sticks and stones to tools, and the Wright Flyer I to the Apollo 11 in a mere sixty-six years. Most importantly innovations turned mud huts into thriving modern cities with billions of people. The secret to success is power. But by continuing to fuel large cities and businesses with fossil fuels, many nations are knowingly releasing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A study done by Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center states that "The world pumped 39.8 billion tons (36.1 billion metric tons) of carbon dioxide last year. That is 778 million tons (706 metric tons) or 2.3 per cent more than the previous year" (Zolfagharifard 2014). The United States and many countries attempted more environmentally friendly solutions but only to fall on heuristic approaches. In order to tackle the problem head on, nuclear reactors must be built; for this reason Lucas Davis writes: The NRC received 16 license applications for a total of 24 proposed reactors. The time was right, so it seemed, for a nuclear power renaissance in the United States. Natural Gas Prices were at their highest level ever in real terms. The 2005 Energy Policy Act provided loan guarantees, production tax credits, and other subsidies for new nuclear plants. Many believed that the United States Was close to enacting legislation that would limit emissions of carbon dioxide. (Davis 49) Nuclear power is the solution to the...
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..."Einstein" redirects here. For other uses, see Albert Einstein (disambiguation) and Einstein (disambiguation). Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein in 1921 | Born | 14 March 1879 Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg,German Empire | Died | 18 April 1955 (aged 76) Princeton, New Jersey, United States | Residence | Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, United States | Citizenship | * Kingdom of Württemberg (1879–1896) * Stateless (1896–1901) * Switzerland (1901–1955) * Austria–Hungary (1911–1912) * German Empire (1914–1918) * Weimar Republic (1919–1933) * United States (1940–1955) | Fields | Physics | Institutions | * Swiss Patent Office (Bern) * University of Zurich * Charles University in Prague * ETH Zurich * Caltech * Prussian Academy of Sciences * Kaiser Wilhelm Institute * University of Leiden * Institute for Advanced Study | Alma mater | * ETH Zurich * University of Zurich | Thesis | Folgerungen aus den Capillaritatserscheinungen (1901) | Doctoral advisor | Alfred Kleiner | Other academic advisors | Heinrich Friedrich Weber | Notable students | * Abdul Jabbar Abdullah * Ernst G. Straus * Nathan Rosen * Leó Szilárd * Raziuddin Siddiqui[1] | Known for | * General relativity and special relativity * Photoelectric effect * Mass-energy equivalence * Theory of Brownian Motion * Einstein field equations * Bose–Einstein statistics * Bose–Einstein condensate * Bose–Einstein correlations...
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...Chemistry -Study of the composition, structure, properties, and interactions of matter. -Central Science. BRANCHES OF CHEMISTRY 1. Inorganic chemistry is the study of the chemical nature of the elements and their compounds (except hydrocarbons—compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen). Involves substance that do not contain carbon or substances from non-living things. 2. Organic Chemistry, branch of chemistry in which carbon compounds and their reactions are studied. A wide variety of classes of substances—such as drugs, vitamins, plastics, natural and synthetic fibers, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—consist of organic molecules. Study of all substance containing carbon in combination of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. 3. Analytical chemistry is the science of separating complex materials into simpler ones and detecting and measuring the constituents. 4. Physical chemistry is fundamental to all chemistry and deals with the application of physical laws to chemical systems and chemical change. Concerned with theories and experiments that describes the behaviour of chemicals. 5. Biochemistry is the chemistry of living organisms and life processes. Cell: Compound 1. Protein 2. Carbohydrates - sugar 3. Nucleic acid – DNA, RNA 4. Lipids – fats SCIENTIFIC METHOD * A logical approach to the solution of the problem. STEPS: 1. Identify the problem 2. Gathering Information 3. Formulate hypothesis 4. Experimentation...
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...Arturo Alcaraz (Philippines) - Instrumental in a team of scientists, who in 1967 were able to harness steam from a volcano resulting in the production of electricity. Diosdado Banatao (Philippines) - Improved computer performance throughthe development of accelerator chips, helping to make the Internet a reality. Marie Curie (Poland) - Winner of two Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physicsfor her studies into Radioactivity and her discoveries of Radium and Polonium. Paul Dirac (England) - An important contributor in the fields of QuantumMechanics and Electro Dynamics, Dirac was co-winner of the Nobel Prize inPhysics (1933). Albert Einstein (Germany) - Arguably needing no introduction, the most famous scientist that lived and a name that has become synonymous in popular culture with the highest intelligence. Enrico Fermi (Italy) - Heavily involved in the development of the world's first nuclear reactor and his work in induced radioactivity saw him awarded with the 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics. Vitaly Ginzburg (Russia) - One of three recipients of the 2003 Nobel inPhysics for their pioneering work in the theory of superconductors and superfluids. Christiaan Huygens (Netherlands) - Most well known for his wave theory of light, Huygens is credited with discovering the first of Saturn's moons. Werner Israel (Canada) - In 1990 Israel co-pioneered a study on black hole interiors. Ali Javan (Iran) - Born in Tehran, Ali Javan is listed as one of the top 100 living...
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...Monroe, Marilyn (1 June 1926-5 Aug. 1962), film actress and sex symbol, was born Norma Jeane Mortensen (and was also known as Norma Jeane Baker in her youth) in Los Angeles, California, the daughter of Gladys Monroe Baker Mortensen, a film cutter, who was unmarried when she gave birth to Monroe (her father has never been positively identified). Gladys Mortensen was an avid movie fan, but Monroe spent very little time with her often unstable mother. Within two weeks of her birth, Monroe was placed in the first of what would be a succession of foster homes, guardianships, and orphanages. This experience convinced her that she was a "mistake," a person easily abandoned. Given an insecure childhood that included the trauma of sexual molestation and an early marriage (to James Dougherty in 1942; they were divorced in 1946) arranged in part to prevent her return to an orphanage, it is a testament to Monroe's tenacity, personal strength, and resilience that she managed to achieve the heights in her career that she did. Her marriage to Dougherty compelled Monroe to quit high school, and her lack of formal education furthered her sense of inadequacy. While her husband served in the merchant marine during World War II, Monroe found a job inspecting parachutes at the Radioplane Company (1944-1945). Army photographers who had arrived at the plant to take commercial and military pictures of female war workers discovered her. From this first successful posing arose Monroe's fabled "love affair"...
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...what would constitute a fair post-war settlement and balance of powers. Less than a year later, on March 5, 1946 Churchill gave his famous “Sinews of Peace” address in which he referred to an "Iron Curtain" having descended across the continent. Although Truman initially distanced himself from Churchill’s views (Dockrill, Hopkins 2006: 33), already the next year he echoed the very same sentiment by acknowledging the split and declaring that “at the present moment in world history nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life.“*1* A few months later also Andrei Zhdanov noted that the world is “divided in two camps,” and with that the Cold War had become a reality. In 1949 the Soviet Union successfully detonated its own atomic bomb, ending the brief period of American nuclear supremacy and by 1950s United States and Soviet Union were locked in a global stand-off between two competing political, economic and social orders. As the relations between Soviet bloc and the Western world deteriorated, a general sense of imminent danger quickly spread on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Although the predominant concern was, at least nominally, that of the possible outbreak of yet another war, the fact that in the case of a direct armed confrontation both sides would be facing a mutually assured destruction established an uneasy and precarious balance (cf. Holloway 2010: 397). As Orwell had observed regarding the United States and Soviet Union at the close of the war: “Unable...
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...Korean War Korean War The Korean War (25 June 1950 - armistice signed 27 July 1953[1] ) was a military conflict between the Republic of Korea, supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, supported by the People's Republic of China (PRC), with military material aid from the Soviet Union. The war was a result of the physical division of Korea by an agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War at the end of World War II. The Korean peninsula was ruled by Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II. Following the surrender of Japan in 1945, American administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th Parallel, with United States troops occupying the southern part and Soviet troops occupying the northern part.[2] The failure to hold free elections throughout the Korean Peninsula in 1948 deepened the division between the two sides, and the North established a Communist government. The 38th Parallel increasingly became a political border between the two Koreas. Although reunification negotiations continued in the months preceding the war, tension intensified. Cross-border skirmishes and raids at the 38th Parallel persisted. The situation escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950.[3] It was the first significant armed conflict of the Cold War.[4] The United Nations, particularly the United States, came to the aid of South Korea in repelling the invasion. A...
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...Carlson Gerelus Professor Patel In to Sociology Film Analysis Media Influence We’ve likely to grown up thinking that the main stream media was our friend, the middle man that is always there when we need it. Faithfully provides us with information that is of common sense and natural judge for everything that matters. They’ve told what to eat, what to drink, how to eat, how to drink, what wear to, and what the standards of beauty should be and look like. The content that’s important, and a reliable guide to existence. As we’ve gotten older we have come to realize that this isn’t quite true as we would want it to be. For that we have to go in depth with what is wrong with the main stream media. From time to time, the greatest messages have been propagandized through the usage of movies and drama over the asphyxiation of motive and emotional sequences, disregarding any logical or factual sequences, thus having media outlets pushing emotional content to its viewers, distorting fantasy from reality. This content is necessary in the eyes of the distributor that is trying to get its consumers to do something or believe in the same ideology as the distributor would want them to believe in. Rather than go through a discussion or debate using logic and facts. Let’s take Fox News for example, a right wing news outlet that specializes in taking tender topics to the extremes to get its viewers hooked on its coverage for consumption, allowing one side of an argument to be seen but...
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...Helium is a chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements and it exists only as a gas except in extreme conditions. Helium is the second lightest element and is the second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass, which is more than 12 times the mass of all the heavier elements combined. Its abundance is similar to this figure in the Sun and in Jupiter. This is due to the very high nuclear binding energy (per nucleon) of helium-4 with respect to the next three elements after helium. This helium-4 binding energy also accounts for its commonality as a product in both nuclear fusion and radioactive decay. Most helium in the universe is helium-4, and is believed to have been formed during the Big Bang. Some new helium is being created currently as a result of the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars. Helium is named for the Greek God of the Sun, Helios. It was first detected as an unknown yellow spectral line signature in sunlight during a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. Janssen is jointly credited with detecting the element along with Norman Lockyer during the solar eclipse of 1868, and Lockyer was the first to propose that the line was due to a new element, which he named. The formal discovery...
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...r Contents This revision guide is intended to guide you to the key essentials necessary for answering questions on Unit 3. You shouldn’t use at it a replacement for your class notes or your own revision notes, but as a way of supplementing them and ensuring you have a firm awareness of major events, individuals and ideas. 1. The seeds of conflict 2. Emergence of Cold War, 1944-53 3. The ‘Thaw’ & ‘Peaceful Co-existence’ 4. The arms impact of the arms race 5. Sin-Soviet relations 6. Détente 7. End of Cold War Reminder of the structure of Unit 3 • Unit 3 = 25% of total marks • Written exam: 2 hours • Answer ONE question from Section A (30 marks), and ONE from Section B (40 marks) - choice of 2 questions in both sections • Section A – discuss an historical issue • Section B – use source material & knowledge to discuss an historical event Section A – themes to explore in your revision: 1. The post-Stalin thaw and the bid for peaceful coexistence in 1950s: a) USSR: Khrushchev b) USA: the responses of Dulles, Eisenhower and Kennedy. • the continuation of the Cold War in the 1950s following the retirement of Truman & death of Stalin, despite the bid for improved relations on the part of the USSR in the form of unilateral cuts in the size of the Red Army and withdrawal from Austria and Finland. • the...
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...Annals of Internal Medicine Clinical Guidelines Screening Mammography in Women 40 to 49 Years of Age: A Systematic Review for the American College of Physicians Katrina Armstrong, MD, MSCE; Elizabeth Moye, BA; Sankey Williams, MD; Jesse A. Berlin, ScD; and Eileen E. Reynolds, MD Background: The risks and benefits of mammography screening among women 40 to 49 years of age remain an important issue for clinical practice. Purpose: To evaluate the evidence about the risks and benefits of mammography screening for women 40 to 49 years of age. Data Sources: English-language publications in MEDLINE (1966 – 2005), Pre-MEDLINE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and references of selected studies through May 2005. Study Selection: Previous systematic reviews; randomized, controlled trials; and observational studies. Data Extraction: Two independent reviewers. Data Synthesis: In addition to publications from the original mammography trials, 117 studies were included in the review. Metaanalyses of randomized, controlled trials demonstrate a 7% to 23% reduction in breast cancer mortality rates with screening mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age. Screening mammography is associated with an increased risk for mastectomy but a decreased risk for adjuvant chemotherapy and hormone therapy. The risk for death due to breast cancer from the radiation exposure involved in mammography screening is small and is outweighed by a reduction in breast cancer mortality...
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...4141- 4141--- Cherished and Cursed:Towarda Social History of The Catcher in the Rye STEPHEN J. WHITFIELD THE plot is brief:in 1949 or perhaps 1950, over the course of three days during the Christmas season, a sixteen-yearold takes a picaresque journey to his New YorkCity home from the third private school to expel him. The narratorrecounts his experiences and opinions from a sanitarium in California. A heavy smoker, Holden Caulfield claims to be already six feet, two inches tall and to have wisps of grey hair; and he wonders what happens to the ducks when the ponds freeze in winter. The novel was published on 16 July 1951, sold for $3.00, and was a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. Within two weeks, it had been reprinted five times, the next month three more times-though by the third edition the jacket photographof the author had quietly disappeared. His book stayed on the bestseller list for thirty weeks, though never above fourth place.' Costing 75?, the Bantam paperback edition appeared in 1964. By 1981, when the same edition went for $2.50, sales still held steady, between twenty and thirty thousand copies per month, about a quarter of a million copies annually. In paperback the novel sold over three million copies between 1953 and 1964, climbed even higher by the 1980s, and continues to attract about as many buyers as it did in 1951. The durabilityof The author appreciates the invitationof Professors Marc Lee Raphaeland Robert A. Gross to present an early version...
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