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Martin Luther King Jr.: Civil Rights Activist

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Kristal Bautista Silva 3/8/18 Page One Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and a Civil Rights Activist.He was born on January 15,1929. In Atlanta , Georgia. He is well known to the world, Martin was a motivation to many others during their era. Many people know him because of his “ I have a dream” speech, but there was more he offered to others. He found a way to make a change in a non violent matter. …show more content…
His father was a Protestant Leader who shaped his views and inspired his son. In honor to his father he changed his name from Michael to Martin. One of his quotes was “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is. “What are you doing for others?” This quote is what i believed inspired him everyday to help others. When Martins quote “ Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” It shocked me because deep down i know people fear speaking up. Mahatma Gandi helped bring out Martins spiritual side and he showed him the path of nonviolence. “In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”This quote struck many cords because it is true and it does matter to speak up. I was inspired by many of Martin Luther KIng Jr quotes. But if i had to to pick my favorites i would

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