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In A Letter From Birmingham Jail, 'Or The Negro Is Your Brother'?

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Time in a Jail of Birmingham In the famous letter “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” or also known as “The Negro Is Your Brother” written by famous activist Martin Luther king Jr was written on April 16, 1963 as an open letter. Between the years of‎ 1954–1968 the movement of American civil rights was going on. And during the movement of American civil rights African American people and non-colored people were treated very differently. Some examples would consist of colored people not being able to go to a certain amusement parks because of the color of their skin while non colored people were able to go to any amusement parks, another example where colored people were treated …show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr was arrested in Birmingham, Alabama, and was sent to Birmingham jail, for protesting on the treatment of black people. While Mr. King was in jail he had wrote letters to the newspaper explaining why he had broken the law. He wrote “ I am here because injustice is here” Now during this time period there were a lot of colored people who were afraid to stand up for their rights, because police have scared them with hosing people down, beating colored people down, and even having dogs attack colored people. While they had some colored people who were afraid to stand up for their rights, Martin Luther King Jr on the other hand was not scared nor afraid to stand up for his rights, because he felt that everyone should be treated equally and not judged based off of the pigment in their skin. In “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” Mr. King used ethos, pathos, and logos in his letters to the newspaper on why he feels that colored people had waited long enough to be treated equally as non-colored people. However while Martin Luther King Jr was adamant on change of treatment being done on colored people, he had approached this situation in the most nonviolent way, considering the fact that he was a Baptist minister he felt that violence was not only the wrong answer but that it could make the situation worse than it already

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