...Farming, industry, political views, the economy; some of the many aspects that differ between two completely different regions, the North and South. “Where you live affects how you live”, and that saying is relevant to the first half of the 1800’s. The South had warm summers with lots of fertile land perfect for growing crops and supporting their agriculture. While the North although okay for farming was famous for their industry and manufacturing. The north and south were puzzle pieces that could not fit together because of their very distinct differences in their views as well as their economic differences. Both the North and South differed greatly in the first half of the 1800’s when comparing their economies and political views. Firstly,...
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...These are only some of the many differences between northern and southern Carolina. Next, Carolina faced many problems. In the 1680s the proprietors stopped granting free land to settlers. The proprietors had the settlers sign an official agreement requiring them to pay a rent on the land, but the colonists wanted the land rent free. The problems over free land grew worse and worse, because there were factions among the colonists. A faction is a small united group within a bigger group. Another problem occurred when more Dissenters moved into the colony. Dissenters are Protestants who are not Anglicans. The Dissenters generally disagreed with colonial leadership. The early colonists were known as the “Goose Creek men” because they were from the Goose Creek area, and most of the...
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...that occurred as a result of these changes. However, these developments affected the North and the South in great ways. The differences between the two eventually caused a good amount of tension because they were moving in completely different directions with culture, political views, and economies. As a consequence of poor farming conditions and a mass amount of immigrants coming into America, the Northern states developed into an economy based on industry and manufacturing. The North was mountainous with rocky soil and rapid rivers. It had long cold winters and mild summers which were not suitable for cash crops such as tobacco, cotton, sugar, rice, etc. They had to focus heavily on industrialization due to the resources they had available to them, such as iron and coal that was abundant. Using these resources as an energy source, the North constructed factories that produced textiles, furniture, tools, etc. Since factories were producing a mass amount of goods in a short amount of time, they exported their goods to the West and South. Trade was easier in the North, due to the amount of canals and railroads that connected major cities and towns to one another. To keep these factories running, they needed unskilled workers who would monitor the machines, work for low wages and lengthy hours in hazardous conditions. Many of these factories used woman and child labor, and unlike the South slavery was outlawed. Because of this many labor unions went into effect that fought...
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...cause of it was the North and the South fights over slavery. The North and the South were mostly the same. In 1861, the Civil War between the two sides, much of it was because of slavery. In the North, slavery wasn't allowed in the 1800’s. In the South few blacks were free. The North and the South both had some differences in political, Social, and Economical. South was totally all for having slaves and having slave labor, mainly not all of the North was against slavery, but when uncle toms cabin came out, most people would find out how the slavery being treated which led them to fight for slaves to be free. How the North and the South had some Differences and some likelihood. Some Social differences between the North and the South was how the population grew rapidly in the North due to some increase in manufacturing production. The North had many slaves and free blacks come to the North to get jobs. “4 million between 1840-1860 immigrants, most from Ireland and Germany”(Notes). By how many immigrants...
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...The North and the South developed differently during the 1800’s in the United States. Due to their differences, both advanced in distinct ways. As a result, their economies, population, and methods of transportation differed. During this time, the South and North had individual economies. Agriculture became the base of the southern economy. Cotton turned into its most important crop after the cotton gin was invented. Because of this invention, planters needed more slaves to pick the cotton. Slavery was soon essential to the southern economy. The North’s economy, on the other hand, was industrially based. The rising demand for textiles caused more water-powered mills to spread along northern rivers. Factories used cotton from the South to make clothing. Cities developed near the factories and became trading centers. As a result, many new methods of transportation emerged in society. For example, the railroad system was a huge success in the North. Thousands of miles of track were laid by 1850. The South, however, continued to depend on the steamship, and railroads were very limited in this area. The transportation in the South developed at a much slower pace than in the North. The...
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...that took place as the United States came of age. As the industrialized North and the agricultural South grew further apart, tensions between both sides grew until war was inevitable. The North and South both had drastic cultural and economic differences- historian Wyatt Brown believed the south had severe cultural differences compared to the ‘Yankee’ north, Owsley believed there was a clash of values and a clash of two economic systems while others believed the aggressive north was infringing on the rights of the south. However, Craven and Revisionists believe the differences between the north and south have been exaggerated and there was more uniting the north and south than dividing, such as the shared language, history and culture. Although, it has been argued that slavery was the underlying cause, which resulted in a bitter, fueled war. The north and south of ante-bellum America are commonly known as being vastly different, however historian Craven argued that there was more uniting the two sections than diving and he stated that war was not inevitable. Both sections shared a common language, history, culture, politics and transport and trade links. Most southerners, alike the Americans living in the north shared the pride in US achievements, the respect for property ownership and all the other components of the ‘American Dream’ therefore bringing both sections together. The terms “north” and “south” are figures of speech, which distort and oversimplify the reality that...
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...prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. Every war has its reasons weather it be a good and acceptable reason or a bad reason. If people are going to be killed and the country itself be damaged because of the war, people will want to hear a reason. Some wars are inevitable and some are not. It all depends on its cause. The American Civil War is thought to be an inevitable war. Many are convinced that there was no other way to solve the tension between the North and the South. The difference in thinking of slavery of both sides was one of the reasons for the build up of the tension between the two sides but it was not the only reason as some may think. Economical differences and political differences also led to the tension between the two sided which resulted in a war. The war was considered inevitable because the South would not give up slavery, and the North would not let the South separate from the Union. The part slavery had on the Civil War cannot be ignored but it should not be responsible for the main cause. It was the difference in the North and the South that slavery created which led to the war. Slavery led to economic differences. In the South, slavery became a way of life. It was a large part of their society. Because they were farmers, they needed many workers to plant and gather. The South thought that if slavery was to be abolished, than their economy would fall because there would be no workers. In the North, slavery was not needed as much...
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...significant and was responsible in the outbreak of the civil war, however the issues such as slavery, Lincoln’s election, westward expansion and basic differences between north and south were also instrumental and a key factor in the outbreak of the civil war. Not just state rights but slavery also played a significant role in the outbreak of the civil war. Tension grew between the confederates and the union with slavery rights. The north wanted slavery out and the south wanted to keep them in. With this tension growing a civil war became closer and closer to out breaking. There were about three million slaves in America in 1619. The north grew out of slavery and the south did the exact opposite by depending more and more on slavery. From Yankees and confederates in the American stats in the mid – 19th century it reads, “This fundamental difference was one of the key causes of the American civil war”. Slavey was a fundamental difference because the north did not want slaves in America and the south did. This is because it was the way of life for the confederates. They did not want a anti-slavery country because number one their businesses would suffer but also the way they went about life. The south argued that the north just could not simply take away slavery and that it is typical for the union to tell the south what it should do. The south thought that the northerner’s assumed that they were better then them and they are of a high class of them. This is also contributing fact to...
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...War THE CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR I Introduction to Civil War II Social Causes A Differences in society B Westward Expansion III Economic Causes A Differences in economy B Westward Expansion IV Political Causes A Government V Aftermath A Costs of War CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR I. Introduction to Civil War The American Civil War was a war fought within the United States of America between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) starting from 1861 and ending in 1865. This war was one of the most destructive events in American history, costing more than 600,000 lives. It was thought to be one that helped shape the character of the American individual today. From the Southern point of view, this war was a War of Rebellion, or a War for Southern Independence. From the Northern point of view this war was seen as a revolution. This unfortunate war started as a result of many years of differences between the Union and the Confederacy. It erupted after many years of conflict building up between the two regions. Between the North and the South there lay deep economic, social and political differences, but it is important to understand that Slavery was the root of cause of these differences. II. Social Causes There were many factors that contributed to the onset of the Civil War. Socially, the North and the South were built on different standards. The South, or the Slave States, was a slave-based community that followed a class-based system. This system...
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...battle. From economic differences, to political disagreements, as well as friction from the northern and southern views on slavery put the nation to the brink of war. And growing sectionalism also caused problems within the two sides, until a fever pitch was inevitably hit. With the difference in economy, the growing sectionalism between the north and south, and the political disagreements, war was all but preventable. The economic differences between the north and the south were a major factor in the Civil War’s tension starting to build. Tariffs on imported good gave the north an economic advantage, as their exports were faster to make and more desired. While the south’s exports, mostly cotton, took time because of how...
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...The United States of America is undoubtedly one of the most unique countries to come into existence. From the beginning, it was created as a refuge for the individual in need of freedom. People from Europe with different backgrounds came over, in hopes of a better future. Slowly, the people formed a loose sort of government. As a result, many of the differences between the different groups of people were ironed out. While ironing these differences, one issue was always left alone due to its volatility. The difference that remained was the issue of slavery between the Northern and Southern regions of the United States. Due to the industrial boom of the North, the difference between the North and South continued to grow, until time ran out. The...
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...name,”(Document 5). During the 1860-1861 the South had seceded from the Union, what led up to the secession of the states was the ongoing conflict of slavery. The North and South’s differences were growing, and during these issues, many people argued that slavery was unconstitutional, which had brought up even more issues between the North and South, and it had ultimately led to the secession of the South from the Union. Secession was the withdraw of eleven Southern states from the Union. When the states had spilt, the North had remained as the Union and the South had formed what they called, a Confederacy. The secession of the states didn’t last long when the North...
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...States Civil War was the result of conflictive ideologies between the Northern states and the Southern states. The North was abolitionist and heavily developed while the South was poorly industrialized and strongly dependent on agriculture. More than being a social issue slavery was the basis of economy in the Southern part of the United States. The problem was not about whether slavery was morally correct, but whether the South could economically survive without this type of labor; for Southerners slavery was an economical pillar and crucial for their subsistence, to the extent that it would rather fight or secede from the Union before giving up their profitable labor system. In contrast, the North was more densely populated and had more resources in terms of money, men, and supplies than the South did. Slavery for the North was not as necessary as it was for the rural South. Further more, the South was a strong believer of small national government and strongly advocated state rights over national laws, while the North was a strong supporter of federalism and believer in the Union with no option of secession or nullification, which was a common thread of Southern states against the Union. As all these differences grew bigger between the two, more issues and sectionalism emerged and finally led to the American civil war. To summarize, the American Civil War was caused by the differences between the North and the South leading to economic conflicts, as time passes, the Southern...
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...were split, hundreds of thousands were killed and cities and towns and homes were destroyed. The ideological and economic differences between the North and the South of Antebellum America were significant motivations towards the Civil War. These differences eventually lead to great tension between the North and the South, and the start of the Civil War. The geographical differences between the North and South Lead to to different ways of life in the two regions. In the South, People were provided with sunny days, long, hot summers, and short,...
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...UNRAVELLING THE NORTH-SOUTH DIVIDE DISCUSSION GROUP IV Content Page Content Page 1. Introduction.…………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 Methodology…………………………………………………………………. 3 2. North-South Divide 2.1 Language Binary..…………………………………………………………….. 2.1.1 Northern Indians, Sanskrit, Hindi and Influence of English.………..4 2.1.2 Northern Indians, Sanskrit, Punjabi and Influence of English………4 2.1.3 Southern Indians, Tamil and Influence of English….…………...…. 5 2.1.4 Southern Indians, Telugu and Influence of English…………………6 2.2 Religious Binary.………..………………….………………………………… 7 2.2.1 Hinduism ………….……………………………………………….. 7 2.2.2 Islam.………….……………………………………………………. 12 2.2.3 Inter-religious Interaction.…….…….……………………………… 13 2.2.4 Evaluation..…………………………………………………………. 13 2.3 Economic Binary.………………………………....…………………..……… 14 2.3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………… 14 2.3.2 Indians in Colonial Singapore……………………………………… 14 2.3.3 During Japanese Occupation……………………………………….. 17 2.3.4 Post War to Present Day Singapore………………………………… 17 2.4 Cultural Binary.………………………………………………………………. 18 2.4.1 Word “Raga”.………………………………………………………. 19 2.4.2 South Indian Music…………………………………………….…… 21 3. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….…….. 23 4. Bibliography …………………………………………………………….……………... 26 5. Appendix A…………………………………………………………….……………….. 28 1. Introduction India, the second most populous country in the world, is home to a rich diversity...
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