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Netsilik Research Paper

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The Netsilik people’s arctic environment produced little plant life, so the Netsilik had to rely on hunting to obtain most of the resources they needed to survive. The Netsilik would hunt caribou on the tundra. They used just about every part of the caribou to increase the survivability in such a harsh climate. The Netsilik people implemented caribou bone, hide, and meat to survive in the arctic tundra. The Netsilik people implemented caribou bones to make several different types of tools for several different types of functions. The cleaned caribou bones could be made into many different tools such as knives, blades and fleshers. The father in the video was making arrows for his bow using the caribou’s bones. He also created a toy for his child using some bone and a string. Archaeologists could find remnants from these tools by finding broken/whole ones near a settlement of one of these family groups. …show more content…
Caribou hides were ideal for winter clothing. In the video, the mother cut the hair from the hides then scraped the fat and flesh from the inner surface. This work was often done using tools made from caribou bone or antler. Then she was drying it to later create clothes for her family or possibly add on the shelter. The shelter was made from caribou hides sewn together and secured over a structure of willow poles. The hides dried with fur were used as sleeping mats as shown in the beginning of the video. Caribou hide was also used as a trading tool with other groups because of how valuable it was. Archaeologists could find remnants from this by finding abandoned shelters in the wilderness were these people

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