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How Did Martin Luther King Jr Influence America

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”I look to a day when People will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character”. Martin Luther King Jr inspired the human race to strive for harmony among all people. Martin Luther King Jr has influenced America to change from what it was to a better place.
Marches Martin Luther King Jr used Marches to helped bring the people to fight for equality For blacks. During the years Martin Luther King Jr was alive, he had brought non-violent Marches to helped fight for African-Americans.”Martin Luther King Jr with a number of civil rights and religious groups to organize the ‘ March On Washington’ for jobs and freedom”(Martin Luther ). Martin Luther King Jr, religious groups and other civil leaders used this March to show how African-American injustices that they face around the United States. The issue with segregation in alabama came to supreme court and later segregation became ban.“in 1956, he helped to organize a bus boycott in montgomery, after …show more content…
One of Martin Luther King Jr strongest belief he had was that he didn't believe in violent protest but nonviolence protest. “Activist used a boycott, sit-ins and Marches to protest segregation, unfair hiring practices and other injustices in one of America's Most racially divided cities”( Martin Luther ). Martin Luther King Jr and many other civil rights leaders did things to show the effects of segregation. One of Martin Luther King Jr motives was to create a movement that would end racial discrimination.”March on Washington held on August 28 and attended by some 200,000 to 300,000 participants, the event is widely regarded as a watershed moment in the history of the American Civil Rights movements and later pass the civil rights activists of 1964”( Martin Luther ). In the last push or idea Martin Luther King Jr did before he was assassinated was to change america and give freedom to millions of

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