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Personal Narrative-Sexist

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From the young age of six, I puzzled over this question: “Why do they hate me?” Was it because I looked odd with short lengthed hair and was unusually tall? Or was it because I was one of the two girls in my whole grade two class and the guys in my class were just immaturely sexist? Or was it because I did better academically than them and they were simply jealous? Well I never found out the reason for this abuse from my tormentors. School in Bangladesh was the usual: the strict teacher droning on about something important for tests, teasing from the obnoxious boys sitting around me and the only other girl in that class ignoring me -- actually she ignored all her peers -- so nothing was new there.
However, there was one particular day that …show more content…
Then everything happened in a blur: the insolent pair sitting opposite of me hit the ground with a bang, so I flipped terribly high up, out of balance without my partner. Then all of a sudden the boys behind me brought me down, by gripping my the seat, shocking me. This terrible situation kept on continuing for a few eternal seconds, until the bell rang. The wild boys sitting opposite of me suddenly got up and ran along with their vicious friends to class, leaving me to be off balance. So the heavy seesaw was held by my two weak arms, perpendicularly above me. I felt like one of those helpless insects upside down, with my wobbly legs supporting the heavy load. Someone must have notified my teacher to help me after some agonizing amount of time had passed.
Even after moving to the cold “friendly” Canada at seven years old, the complete opposite of my warm climatic country, the different cultured kids still excluded me, They all came from the same judgemental tree, wired to exclude, ignore and antagonize others for unfathomable reasons. Even when I was one of two new students, people left me to be alone, while they instantly approved the other girl. Some only hung out with me out of

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