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Personal Narrative: True Hope

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fine you wanna know who i saw? i just really hope you don't screenshot or say anything because you threatened me yesterday so idek what you will do to me tbh, i just hope you don't do anything and believe you won't, just a small part of me is trying to hope you won't say anything, anyways i walked to pacsun to look for this shirt i wanted, and with my dad, and comes walking out is jeanne and a bunch of other girls? leeah? i think she was with them but idk i didn't really look cause idc about them, but anyways they stay infront of pacsun just waiting, and then my dad starts looking at adidas stuff and all of them still there staring and one girl literally takes off her glasses to look at me , i saw that when i just peeped real quick , and i …show more content…
whatever you 'peeped' i strongly don't believe you because we got our understandings last night and was honest af to each other , i was and i believe you are too but there was times you lied to me so right now i have a hard time believing you but i do it anyways because if i don't believe in you it adds to the love, support, and that i'm here for you, without believe why would you still be a part of me? so i'm going to believe

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