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Scope Trial Research Paper

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The scopes trials were made an impact on people's lives as what our next generation should focus on the creation or science. The teachings that younger kids can adapt when they're still young as they got older there's a little influence on their mind. This will argue that having different set points if the teachings types for children both based on religion and science without any harm in either of sides of people, one being all religion and the other side is all science can communicate together to reach towards an agreement. When younger kids are taught, they can adapt easily to information. At that time teachers presented the Darwinism theory, which explains the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection. Base on their parent's …show more content…
Parents who believe in our creation were offended that someone with a different stance takes part of their children’s life.To prevent their children learn about Darwinism, the parents sue the teacher in their children's education. Parents need to know as their children grow up they need to learn how to differentiate different perspectives within their own eyes to experience, get both sides an idea of what to follow. The scope trial was most famous in the 1920’s in Tennessee, the time was the day of the whole conspiracy of teaching science as it was introduced in the theory of Darwinism.The fairness of the Scopes trial was based on a teacher teaching a topic to children offend the parents.The trials were so important for the community that involved with so much dedication for the future of the children. This evolution was very important in the 1920’s by how science was introduced as an enemy of society. The main person that was John Thomas Scopes had the idea of teaching his students about science as the Darwinism theory, explains another way we were evolved. At that time families were based on religious belief in how we were created by God. The issues that brought to people, like parents to have doubts in bringing children to learn science for them was like brainwashing.

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