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School To Prison Pipeline Research Paper

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Risk factors that coincide with the School-to-Prison Pipeline
The way the School-to-Prison Pipeline generally works is that is tends to focus on low-income minority students and families. Those students who are lucky enough to be born to a white family, and in a higher SES neighborhood are less likely to feel the effects of SPP. A result of this long-standing problem, SPP, it has created a culture within these populations that being involved in the court system at an early age is the norm. An article in the journal Rethinking Schools, it quotes an eleventh grade African American student from California stating, “Every man in my family has been locked up. Most days I feel like it does matter what I do, how hard I try – that’s my fate, too”(editors …show more content…
But there are those youth who are resilient and do not accept what the system is telling them is the norm. There are young individual who are standing up for their rights and overcoming the struggles they face.
In Michigan, there is an organization called “Youth Voice”, and it is a program that allows teens to begin networking together to develop their leadership skills and make community change. The SPP has a ways of disempowering students and not promoting change in the community, but this organization allows youth to form a chapter that must consist of at least 5 youth from school, an organization, church or neighborhood. The goals of this program are to provide these teens with a way to learn how to identify solutions and advocate for the concerns they face as young youth. “They conduct research and build relationships with city officials, plan and organized community events, and learn skills such as management, planning and goal setting, conflict resolution and negotiating, research and computer skills, problem solving, critical thinking, public speaking, teamwork and relationship building”(Harriett Tubman Center, 2014). These youth could accept their circumstance and continue on as many of their peers do, but this program allows youth to protect themselves from the system and learn skills to work with key individuals to bring positive change to their community and their

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