Personal responsibility essay
Josh Beaver
Jackie Jenkins
Personal Achievement
Many people do not understand what personal responsibility truly is. From my experience in the military it was a matter of life and death. For a Marine combat squad to be successful in combat, each individual must be trusted to be able to perform his or her duty. Luckily, earning a college degree isn’t quite life or death, however it is still very important. Being successful in school means implementing some of the same techniques taught in the Marines. These qualities, such as personal responsibility, accountability, morality, time management, and self discipline are skills necessary to succeed in life. Personal responsibility is being able to hold yourself accountable for your own actions in life. The ability to take an organized, disciplined approach to a task utilizing skills such as maintaining your morality, personal accountability and organization is pivotal for success with anything you put your mind to in life including college. Personal responsibility is the ability to hold ones self-accountable for their own decisions. The keys to college success are much the same for personal and career endeavors.
Having a strong sense of accountability will ultimately be one of the most important skills required to reach maximum success. There will be difficult times in the future where I must exercise a degree of personal accountability to take on the added responsibility of continuing my education and completing the tasks ahead. By holding myself liable I will be in a better position to obtain success with my assignments. ”Accountability is an everyday affair”. ”It is accepting responsibility for the actions taken and giving an explanation of how much they are