...Describe any personal or economic hardships or barriers you have had to overcome and explain how they affected your education. Be specific about when you encountered these hardships and how long they lasted. From kindergarten to graduation I attended a private school operated by devout Latter Day Saints. While they did their best to teach from a neutral standpoint, there were subjects that were in direct conflict with their religious views. Science education was extremely limited due to limited resources and conflict with personal ideology. Subjects such as biology and history were covered, but without any depth. Consequently, my math education was a casualty. Early on I heard phrases such as, “It’s okay so long as you understand the concept, you’re artistic.” I took these statements to heart. I loved the arts, and outside of school, it was what I pursued. As math became more difficult, my tenuous grasp on the basics failed me. Rather than pushing me to learn, my teachers merely reassured me that as an artistic person, I would not need to know advanced math. By high school I not only feared math, but believed that I wasn’t smart enough to understand it. This made choosing a major a difficult task. I would consider a field, look up the requirements, and if there were math courses I would automatically reject it as a possibility. A year after graduation I finally chose to enroll in Edmonds Community College’s Hospitality and Tourism program. It was through this program that I...
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...What is Personal Statement Overview of the Personal Statement Personal statements are sometimes also called "application essays" or "statements of purpose." Whatever they are called, they are essentially essays which are written in response to a question or questions on a graduate or professional school application form which asks for some sort of sustained response. Some applications ask more specific questions than others. There is no set formula to follow in shaping your response, only choices for you to make, such as whether you should write an essay that is more autobiographically focused or one that is more professionally focused. From application to application, requested personal statements also vary widely in length, ranging from a couple of paragraphs to a series of essays of a page or so each. Personal statements are most important when you are applying to an extremely competitive program, where all the applicants have high test scores and GPA's, and when you are a marginal candidate and need the essay to compensate for low test scores or a low GPA. :: Context Considerations How are personal statements read, and by whom? It's most likely that your personal statement will be read by professors who serve on an admissions committee in the department to which you are applying. It is important in developing your personal statement to carefully consider this audience. What are the areas of specialty of this department, and what might it be looking for in a graduate...
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...interview as it develops: Has your definition of happiness changed over time? What experiences have influenced your definition? Do you expect the definition to change again? Follow the Unit 4 template for this assignment in DocSharing. It includes submitting a transcript of your interviews, including your questions, so take notes or record the discussion. Finally, you should draw conclusions about the process and the answers that were given. Compare and contrast the results of the interviews. Discuss what was similar or different in the replies, whether the subjects were honest, or if the concept of happiness was difficult to define. The essay should be at least 750 words and should employ terms from the text. The assignment should be completed in Microsoft Word and should follow the template provided for the sample transcript, essay, and reference page. CLA assessment: This unit 4...
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...Essays for A Level Art, Photography, Graphic Communication objectives • To help you to discover and focus in depth upon an aspect of art and design that fascinates you. • To develop your understanding of art and design history and to see how artists exist and work within artistic and social contexts that help shape their work. • To develop your academic research, writing and referencing skills, in preparation for university and work. • To inspire you and allow you to then make better, more well-informed, practical work, that discusses complex issues and sophisticated concepts. Format • A written and illustrated final outcome of 3000 words with 10% tolerance. • No shorter than 2700 and no longer than 3300. • Fully illustrated by you. • Presented visually. • Related to your practical work • Includes evidence of contextual research; critical analysis; critical interpretation; personal response and engagement; and critical evaluations and judgements • It is an essential component of your A2 year but it is NOT worth more marks than the practical element. Title • Design an essay title that will allow you to make a critical and evaluative conclusion. • Consider the following examples. Which ones will result in the better A level essays? Why do you think this is? Title examples • Lucian Freud: A Study of His Life and Works • Justify the following statement: All photographs are fake • To what extent is PhotoShop the cause of mistrust in...
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...on as I continue taking writing classes. Throughout my Writing 122 class I have accomplished a number of reader’s responses that have allowed me to reflect and express my opinion on the subjects assigned and essays that have allowed me to express my strengths and weaknesses in the course. My ability to write and express my ideas, thoughts and knowledge has grown stronger each week. I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper in a manner that is coherent and correct according to assignments as-well as proper punctuation. I can remember being told numerous times in high school to “organize my thoughts” or “provide more support and examples”. These are the things that I have worked on and improved over the past couple of weeks and I feel that my work shows this. Moving through the first essay to the last essay I...
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...on personal essays to submit as part of their college applications. UT this year made the essay a required part of its applications. The priority admissions and scholarship deadline is November 1; the regular application deadline is December 1. “UT’s new requirement for short-answer essays gives our team an opportunity to learn more about the student beyond the academic benchmarks of test score and GPA—and in their own voice,” said Kari Alldredge, interim associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions. “As part of our holistic review process we consider a number of factors, and while we want to see strong academic preparation, we also want to learn more about our applicants’ goals, interests, and how they will contribute to our Volunteer community.”...
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...interview as it develops: Has your definition of happiness changed over time? What experiences have influenced your definition? Do you expect the definition to change again? Follow the Unit 4 template for this assignment in DocSharing. It includes submitting a transcript of your interviews, including your questions, so take notes or record the discussion. Finally, you should draw conclusions about the process and the answers that were given. Compare and contrast the results of the interviews. Discuss what was similar or different in the replies, whether the subjects were honest, or if the concept of happiness was difficult to define. The essay should be at least 750 words and should employ terms from the text. The assignment should be completed in Microsoft Word and should follow the template provided for the sample transcript, essay, and reference page. CLA assessment: This unit 4...
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... Etheridge Summary, Response, Analysis Short Paper Goals: * Students will understand the difference between summary, response, and analysis * Students will apply that knowledge by writing a summary, response, analysis short paper on one of the readings listed below * Students should demonstrate knowledge of Standard American English (SAE), including clean grammar/editing and clear, effective style * Students should demonstrate knowledge of effective paragraph organization * Students should apply standards of MLA formatting and citation Requirements: * Papers should be turned in via Blackboard by the date listed on the course schedule or as mentioned by the instructor * Papers should be 550-700 words in length. Papers which do not meet the length will be severely penalized. Do not use unusual fonts or formatting. * Papers should address all three elements (summary, response, analysis), but the least amount of space should be spent on the personal response section. * Paper should have a Works Cited entry and at least one use of parenthetical/in-text documentation for a direct quote. Information on in-text citation can be found starting on page 284 in the Current Issues text and in the LB Brief. Directions: For our first short paper, you will choose one of the essays out of the Current Issues text (options listed below) to read. Then you will write a paper which summarizes, responds to, and analyzes that essay. You should first...
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...Project 1 – Academic writing Personal Essay If there's one thing you've had a lot of experience with at this point in your life, it's our class topic—education and personal development. You've been through at least twelve years of formal schooling working towards your development, and you've probably had plenty of other life experiences that could be considered educational with development as an end. This first piece is informal. Think of it as a chance to reflect on one of those experiences by writing about it. The key question you'll answer is "How has this experience affected the way I think/feel about school education or learning and how it contribute to your development of abilities?" You're answering the key question for an audience you identify. You might write to your classmates, in which case you could think of this piece as your contribution to our conversation on the topic of education and personal development. You might write to friends who are still in the high school you graduated from recently, in which case you'll need to remember that they haven't been reading and talking about the ideas we have in this class. You might write to a relative or close friend elsewhere, perhaps someone who shared the experience with you. Keep in mind the kinds of things your readers/classmates will understand already and what you'll need to explain and/or describe in greater detail. Please note your target audience at the top of each draft as you revise. Your goals as a writer...
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... |College of Humanities | | |ENG/120 Version 3 | | |Business Literature | Copyright © © 2011, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course explores business and the workplace through imaginative literature and essays. Students may study poems, plays, short stories, and essays with themes or story lines that emanate from the workplace. Students will read, interpret, and analyze the literature while responding to the connections between occupation and personal identity and the connections between the social and personal significance of their relationship with work. Students will note and discuss trends in society that are illustrated by business and workplace attitudes and portrayed in literature. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies...
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...throughout the course). Various supplemental handouts I will give you throughout the semester (all of which you must keep through the whole of the semester). An email address that you check daily. This will be my primary out-of-class form of communication, so be sure to stay vigilant for any and all emails I will send to you. You are responsible for reading all email correspondences and acting accordingly. Course Overview This course is a four-credit, semester-long writing seminar designed to develop your writing and revision processes. To accomplish this, we will encounter, discuss, and write critically about non-fiction in a variety of media sources (e.g. essays, websites, images, video). The most important aspect of this course is, of course, the formal written essay assignments, in which you will respond to and analyze the sources, developing your writing through...
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...tips for veterans to succeed in college (Personal) |Week 1: Who am I Assignment 1- Honor Code |Quiz 1-Scavenger Hunt |Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 2 |Read:http://www.apus.edu/ctl/students/skills-development/test-taking.htm Assignment #2 - Topic for Final Paper |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.usnews.com_edu20130220131239-1.URL Week 2: Making the most of your time. Forum (Personal) |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.elearners.com_20130220131239.URL Quiz #2 - Policies and Procedures Quiz |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.elearners.com_20130220131239-1.URL Assignment #3 - Managing Time - Creating your own Personal Calendar |Read:http://www.studygs.net/timman.htm Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 3 |Academic skills Test Taking |4 Time Management Tips for Online Learners (Personal) |How to avoid Feeling Isolated in your Online Classes Week 3:What is my style |Time Management for Online Learners |Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 4 |Assignment 5 Annotated Bibliography The Writing Process |The Process and Types of Writing Week 4: Personal Essays vs Research Papers: What is the Difference? (Personal) |Conduct an internet search and find articles...
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...ENG 101-D23 LUO Professor Desiree B. Sholes 11/12/2012 To be or not to be well-educated: A Narrative Response to Alfie Kohn’s “What does it mean to be well-educated?” To be or not to be well-educated: A Narrative Response to Alfie Kohn’s “What does it mean to be well-educated?” Alfie Kohn’s essay “What does it mean to be well-educated?” begins on a personal note using his wife as an example to substantiate his hypothesis. Encountering Alisa at the very beginning of the essay was indeed a refreshing way to initiate thought into a subject not often considered. Today not everyone ponders the real relevance behind education nor does anyone contemplate just how much of education is needed to be considered well-educated. Alisa has a doctorate in anthropology and is an excellent physician yet her lack of knowledge in basic math and English leads her husband to question the implications behind what true education is all about (Kohn, 2003, pars. 1-4). My first response to this startling line of thought was that something like this had never occurred to me before. One is either educated or not. But where does one cross over from educated into well-educated and what does the latter term encompass? These were interesting premises that galvanized me into Kohn’s text, rapidly seeking a resolution for my questions. The first question that Kohn tackles involves the purpose of education. Is education meant to create better individuals or introduce better...
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...Jones/ENG121/Fall2013 Major Assignment 3 For this assignment, write a response to the question: What is American? Your response may take one of several forms: a personal narrative (what do you personally feel is “American” based on personal experience), a thesis driven structured argument, a creative response with verbal portraits of “Americans,” or any other format you wish to use. Notice that the question asks “what is American.” If you choose, you may instead respond to “what should be American.” This must be in ESSAY form. In other words, it should be organized with proper paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting ideas. You have a great deal of freedom to personalize your response, but grammar/mechanics/style still counts. Feel free to reference any of the essays or film we have viewed thus far in your response. This is not required SCHEDULE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT: Mon 10/28 – Free writing/organizing in class (for a grade) Wed 10/30 – Writing workshop – tips and to do’s when writing essays Fri 11/1 – Complete Rough Draft Due – bring two copies of rough draft to class (for a grade) Wed 11/6 – PAPER DUE IN CLASS NOTE: Since rough drafts are mandatory for this assignment, I will NOT be reviewing rough drafts via email in the days leading up to the date due. I will only review drafts turned in on the day rough drafts are due. I will also answer questions about the assignment via email. Requirements * Title – your essay should have a “good” title – not just “Paper 3” or...
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...Mr. Macomber English 3 AP Syllabus 1.5 English 3 AP Course Overview Students in this introductory college-level course read and carefully analyze a broad and challenging range of nonfiction prose selections, deepening their awareness of rhetoric and how language works. Through close reading and frequent writing, students develop their ability to work with language and texts in order to establish greater awareness of purpose and strategy, while strengthening their own composing abilities. C16 Students examine rhetoric in essays, images, movies, novels, and speeches. They frequently confer about their writing by conferencing in class. C 14 Feedback is given both before and after students revise their work to help them develop logical organization, enhanced by specific techniques to increase coherence. Rhetorical structures, graphic organizers, and work on repetition, transitions, and emphasis are addressed. I comment on individual drafts, and I write memos to the class in a blog about whole-class concerns such as specificity of quotations, parallelism, and transitions. C13 Simultaneously, students review the simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence classifications. We examine word order, length, and surprising constructions. Loose and periodic sentences are introduced. We examine sample sentences and discuss how change affects tone, purpose, and credibility of the author/speaker. In addition, feedback on producing sentence structure variety...
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