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Reflective Essay: Course Analysis

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Over the course of eleven weeks I have grown and learned more that I thought possible. Writing 122 has been an academic experience for me. I have overcome my weaknesses and developed a better understanding and feel for my strengths. I have revealed new weaknesses and strengths that I will continue to work on as I continue taking writing classes. Throughout my Writing 122 class I have accomplished a number of reader’s responses that have allowed me to reflect and express my opinion on the subjects assigned and essays that have allowed me to express my strengths and weaknesses in the course.
My ability to write and express my ideas, thoughts and knowledge has grown stronger each week. I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper in a manner that is coherent and correct according to assignments as-well as proper punctuation. I can remember being told numerous times in high school to “organize my thoughts” or “provide more support and examples”. These are the things that I have worked on and improved over the past couple of weeks and I feel that my work shows this. Moving through the first essay to the last essay I …show more content…
Each essay varied on the topic at hand. Gender and Culture, Ethics and Morality, Wealth and Poverty, and Government were all essay topics allowing me to report, interpret and advocate my opinion towards the essay. With each essay came a different question asking for my personal opinion. How I approached each essay determined on how I perceived it in my everyday life. I related a lot of my information on how I perceived Gender and Culture or Ethics and Morality. Doing this allows me to give a more open and free argument for my essay. Writing these essays allowed me to express my thoughts; they allowed me to work on my strengths and weaknesses as-well as my view on the world. By writing about what we learn and/or what we believe in, we are learning how to express

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