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Dog Eat Dog Research Paper

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Atlanta High School

Dog Eat Dog

Jessie Reynolds
AP English IV- 5th Period
02 December 2015

Jessie Reynolds
AP English IV-5th period
16 November 2015
Dog Eat Dog Cute and cuddly describes a lot of dogs you see daily, but are all dogs nice and friendly? All people treat dogs differently, giving them lots of attention daily, while some give them none at all. The way dogs act around people and other dogs depends on the way they were raised. Dog fighting is a dangerous sport, where people train different types of “fighters”, and eventually end up killing the dog, or causing life-long disabilities. To start off, there are a couple of different “fighters”, which include street fighters, and professionals (Destreza). These fighters can be everyday people ranging from teachers, lawyers and doctors, to regular people who work at a restaurant. Woman are more sympathetic to dog fighting, so it is usually men who are more involved in it (Lee). The “street” fighters are people who only do it once or twice, or very rarely. Their dogs usually are not as experienced, and not necessarily aggressive, just a little meaner than regular dogs. Their fights are in backyards, garages, or any little secluded place. The fights are just for bragging rights, or for fun. The dogs …show more content…
The dogs can have broken legs, torn muscles, and the mental mindset everything wants to hurt them (Destreza). Dog fighting is a dangerous sport, which has not only impacted the dog fighters themselves, but also people’s opinions about the dogs. The constant cycle of dog fighting is years of training, minutes of fighting, and seconds of dying. The many different types of fighters, styles, and training vary depending on the dog owner. The fighting also has affected everyone around participating or experiencing it, and influences the thoughts about the dogs, or even the owners. Dog fighting is an outrageous sport, and should be taken serious, and put an end

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