...expected to attend all the scheduled class. If the student has many absence, instructor has the capability of dropping them from the course. It is advised that all student should contact their professor, in advance, if they are going to be absent. This may also be done to arrange a make up day and/or class work. The University of Texas Rio Grande Vale excuses student who participate in sponsored university activities. This activities include, athletic sports, religion, or military service. Student have the right to drop any class without penalty of earning a grade. This is only until the official drop date. After the drop date, student will get a letter grade and may no longer drop the class. Classes dropped with a letter may affect their academic success. Undergraduate students are only allowed to drop 6 classes in the state of Texas. If a student drops the same course three times, additional fees may be charged on the next...
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...Corporate Social Responsibilities 1. Introduction According to Argenti,Pul.A (2007) Many companies have a separate subfunction in the human resources area to deal with community relations and a foundation close to the chairman that deals with philanthropy, but the two should be tied closely together ascompaies take on responsiblities in communities in which they operate.When constitiuencies involved and the most importantthis hs in shaping the imge of the firm, this subfunction also needs to be housed within the corporte communication function where very closely with it. Sustainable development is an idea of ensuring better quality of life which aims to protect environment, enhance social progress, use natural resources prudently and maintain high and stable economic growth. CSR is believed to have a significant influence on corporate sustainability. In the business context, CSR has emerged as a form of sustainability governance with advantages to the economic, environment and social progress. In terms of governance through policy implementation, CSR can be practiced in a strategic manner with better understanding. Policy framework can be designed using a mixture of regulations, economic instruments and communication strategies which significantly affects the environmental and social impacts from corporate activities. This might influence the level of corporate sustainability(Chamhuri Siwar and Siti Haslina Md Harizan,2008). Companies are aware that they...
Words: 8921 - Pages: 36
...most important in a communication plan? What are the advantages of a formalized communication plan? What might happen if a consultant does not establish a communication plan with a client? In my opinion, the most important components in a communication plan consist of the measurable goals and objectives. The measurable goals are meant to express the end points towards the direct effortsof the project. The business consultant's communication plan should be outlined to help the client and the organization to communicate successfully and meet the core organizational objectives. The components include but not limited to help the organization achieve their overall objectives, engage adequately with stakeholders, deliver and demostrate the success of your project, ensure to the client and stakeholders you understand their business, and if necessary change behaviour and perceptions where necessary. One of the advantages of a communication plan it helps with communication between staff members, and helps to manage, create, and sustain organizational opertions. Sometimes if the business consultant does not establish a communication plan with the client many projects have problems and are not successful. Week Five Discussion Question 2 What are some strategies for building an emotional commitment to engagement on the part of the client? Which of these strategies are going to be the most effective for your project? Why are these strategies the most effective? In my opinion, some...
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...June 2012 Chief Editor : Rina Sonowal Kouli Editor : Manogyan R. Pal Vol 56 Joint Director (Production) : V.K. Meena Cover Design : Ruby Kumari E-mail (Editorial) : yojanace@gmail.com (Circulation) : pdjucir_ jcm@yahoo.co.in Website : www.yojana.gov.in Let noble thoughts come to us from every side Rig Veda CONTENTS RETHINKING POLICY ON CHILD SEx RATIOS Mary E John ......................................................................................5 NCW: TWENTY YEARS OF EMPOWERING WOMEN Mamta Sharma ..................................................................................9 STREE SHAKTI Rashmi Singh ..................................................................................13 NORTH EAST DIARY ...............................................................18 EMPOWERING WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE Amrit Patel ......................................................................................19 EMPOWERED WOMEN, EMPOWERED NATION Shahin Razi .....................................................................................24 WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT ACROSS INDIAN STATES Arundhati Chattopadhyay ...............................................................29 J&K wINDOw ..........................................................................56 AMENDING ARCHAIC LAWS TO EMPOWER WOMEN Moushumi Das Gupta .....................................................................52 WOMEN AND PANCHAYATI RAJ Nupur Tiwari ..................................................
Words: 28168 - Pages: 113
...This week's graded topics relate to the following Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs): A | Given an organizational requirement to conform business practices to both the law and best ethical practices, apply appropriate ethical theories to shape a business decision. | I | Given specified circumstances of a business decision to expand to international markets, determine what international legal requirements or regulatory controls apply. | Topics for This Week's Discussion * Introduce yourself to your professor and the rest of the class. (not graded) * Thread over TCO A/I (graded) * Ethics and Patent Rights Post 9/11 (graded) * Q & A Forum for your questions and comments (not graded) | | There is a drop down arrow next to the "Select a Topic" box. Click on this arrow to select topics for discussion. | ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Select a Topic: Bottom of Form The World Bank Situation (graded) | Class, please read Chapter 2, problem 5 from the Jennings text, p. 72. This week, we will discuss the Wolfowitz situation at the World Bank. Consider the questions at the end of the problem as you make comments in the threads this week. What are the ethics here? Was Wolfowitz trying to do the right thing? Does that make a difference ethically? Throughout the week, I will bring in further questions. Be sure to read the lecture and the international ethics article stated in your reading for the week as well. | ...
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...Palestine Red Cresent Society Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A Participatory Action Research Study of the Vulnerabilities and Capacities of the Palestinian Society in Disaster Preparedness August 2000 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRECSENT SOCIETIES United Nations Children's Fund West Bank & Gaza Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A Participatory Action Research Study of the Vulnerabilities and Capacities of the Palestinian Society in Disaster Preparedness Palestine Red Crescent Society August 2000 Copyright © Palestine Red Crescent Society 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval sysems without prior permission from The Palestine Red Crescent Society, Al-Bireh, Palestine. For further infromation: Palestine Red Crescent Society Headquarters/ Al-Bireh P.O.Box 3637 Tel: ++972-2-2406515/6/7 Fax: ++972-2-2406518 e-mail: info@PalestineRCS.org Website: www.PalestineRCS.org Thanks to technical support of UNICEF West Bank and Gaza to this study and to the financial contribution of UNICEF- Middle East and North Africa Regional office who made the design and printing of this publication possible. Special thanks to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for their technical and financial support to carrying this study. Cover...
Words: 34257 - Pages: 138