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Persuasive Essay Adoption

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The concept of adoption dates from long time ago, and through the years people had had different attitudes towards it. It took many years to change the disapproval into acceptance and by and by adoption has become an inevitable part of life. However, even in these times of prosperity certain questions are still debatable, one of them being- Should Single People be Allowed to Adopt a Child? On one hand, many people are traditionalists and have arguments against the topic. For them, the family unit of mother, father and child represents the base of society. It is a solid environment for raising a child, in which both parents are present. In this case the child will have both male and female role model as well as unconditional love from both of them, whereas in a single parent family that cannot be experienced, which can result in many psychological issues such as depression of the child. A child is a big responsibility to be handled by just one person. It …show more content…
A child can be a blessing and bring happiness and meaning to a single person and vice versa. When all that a child needs is love, it does not matter whether the adopter is single or married. Furthermore, it does have to mean that if the child has not had both maternal and paternal influence it would not grow into a healthy and psychologically stable person, it all depends on the way it was raised and treated by its parent. There are too many children in the orphanages waiting for a home and probably all of them will be happier with having just one parent rather than having none. Also, the single parent’s affection and devotion will be completely directed towards the child as their only family member. As long as a single person is responsible for the child and can support the child emotionally and financially there are no serious obstacles standing in the way of that

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