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Persuasive Essay On Child Hunger

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The majority of people who watch TV are familiar with the commercials by UNICEF that depict scenes of childhood hunger. The vast majority of these commercials pinpoint countries in Africa that are the most in need. These commercials are known for pictures of emaciated children with tears streaking their faces accompanied by depressing lyrical music. While this is an accurate description of what childhood hunger may present itself as, UNICEF does not acknowledge the hunger epidemic that is plaguing children on American soil. While commercials such as this one and countless others create awareness about child hunger abroad, it is on rare occasion that there is any media coverage of the hunger epidemic in the United States. Members of the Grand …show more content…
The equated to 47,939 children across North Dakota who are receiving some government nutrition assistance such as food stamps, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, or the National School Lunch Program. In recent media coverage, the large number of children served by these governmental assistance programs has been disregarded, and the campaign for drug-testing of persons who receive these programs has gained support. The idea that people who receive governmental assistance should be subject to random drug testing, while a good thought, would have detrimental consequences to these hungry children that have no control over their parents action in regard to substance/alcohol abuse. These children, ranging in age from infant to seventeen years old, have minimal control over their parent’s choices. Therefore, taking these resources away from the parents due to their poor choices, would produce increased hardships for these children who would them lose necessary resources. These children could then be forced to fend for themselves in ways that may be immoral or

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