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Persuasive Essay On High School Sports

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Breaking news! Orthopedic surgery becomes the most profitable career in medicine as increasing numbers of high school baseball players tear their shoulders and elbows to shreds.

That wasn’t the headline in my local newspaper this past summer, but this was: “New pitch count limits applauded by some, ripped by others.” For those of you who don’t eat, sleep, and breathe high school baseball, you wouldn’t know what this means, so here’s some background. The NFHS, the national governing body of high school sports, had instituted an innings limit on high school pitchers to ten innings every five days. It was meant to prevent shoulder injuries. Nobody liked the limit because it made no sense. It had no bearing on the number of pitches thrown, since a pitcher could throw 50 pitches in one inning. Seeing the issues with this, there will be a pitch count limit for this upcoming season.

Some people love this idea, but they don’t play the sport and don’t …show more content…
They then start throwing beyond their arm’s tolerance level, and they hurt their elbows and shoulders. Throwing too much can hurt a player, but an arbitrary number is not the answer. A good coach knows when to rest a pitcher and how to schedule bullpen sessions so he doesn’t get hurt.

The problem with overthrowing isn’t with the pitchers; it’s with the catchers. I, as a lifelong catcher, have seen far worse problems in the catching community. From day one of the preseason to the last inning of the last playoff game, I’m constantly throwing. Day one every year involves me catching three bullpens of about fifty-five pitches. That means I throw the ball back over 160 times. Now multiply that by a three month season, adding in extra throws from other drills in practice and extra throwing in games. That’s over 16,000 throws in a season, and nobody

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