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Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Phil Murphy, New Jersey’s Governor, campaigned with a promise to legalize marijuana within his first 100 days in office. He stated in his inaugural address “a stronger and fairer New Jersey embraces comprehensive criminal justice reform — including a process to legalize marijuana”. There is currently legislation to legalize recreational marijuana being debated in the state senate. This bill would permit people that are over 21 to have possession of one ounce or less of marijuana for personal use. It would be regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol. Recreational marijuana has already been legalized in 10 states, and has been legalized for medical use in 39 states. This was initiated by the debate about whether marijuana should be legal. …show more content…
In addition to this, legalization would allow a Division of Marijuana Enforcement to regulate the industry. This would allow production and sale of marijuana to have safety and economic regulations. Many doctors believe that marijuana differs from other drugs, in that addiction is not a metabolic dependence. They think that the addiction is psychological, rather than chemical. This is supported by the fact that 9% of marijuana users have an addiction, compared to the 10 -15% of alcohol users and 24% of tobacco users suffer from addiction. Alcohol and tobacco are both legal substances in the United States. Marijuana can be used in many states for medical purposes. Some uses include treating muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, extreme nausea from chemotherapy, poor appetite and weight loss from chronic illness, seizure disorders, and Crohn’s disease. Medical marijuana can also be used as an alternative painkiller to narcotics. Dr. Marcus A Bachhuber conducted a study that found that from 1999 to 2017 there was an increase in opioid overdose deaths, however in states that have legalized marijuana opioid overdose deaths have decreased by almost

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