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Peterson Case Summary

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In 2014, Adrian Peterson was suspended indefinitely for “conduct detrimental to…the game of professional football,” and was fined by the NFL a sum equivalent to six games’ pay. The suspension came from Peterson’s plea of nolo contendere to charges stemming from an incident involving Peterson abusing his child. Peterson pleaded no contest to the charge and received a class A misdemeanor. Goodell used the August 2014 memorandum when deciding Peterson’s punishment. Which meant that Peterson would be suspended for a minimum of six games without pay. Goodell cited that the severity of the abusive incident merited the long suspension and Peterson’s continued lack of remorse for his actions. The Player’s Association on behalf of Peterson appealed the suspension. Goodell appointed Harold Henderson to hear Peterson’s appeal. Henderson ultimately …show more content…
In conjunction with the Ray Rice domestic violence ruling, Goodell sent out a memo to the NFLPA and all league owners stating that the baseline for domestic violence suspensions would start at six games. And would increase or decrease at the discretion of the commissioner himself. The NFLPA argues that the Peterson incident occurred prior to the new memorandum created by Goodell and should follow the previous domestic violence suspension rule of two games for first time offenders. The NFLPA argues that Goodell is abusing his power of suspending Peterson for more than two games. The NFLPA believes that Peterson should be suspended for only two games and has decided to appeal the suspension and the power Goodell has in this case. An independent court ruled that two game suspensions was a guideline for Goodell when determining the length of suspension. He did not need to abide by the two games and he had the power to instill a six game suspension upon Peterson even if the incident occurred before the new memorandum was sent

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