Premium Essay

Phase of Organisational Development and Change


Submitted By sudhakar5a
Words 1917
Pages 8
New aircraft technologies

We have become accustomed to the "standard" airliner of the early 21st Century. It has a familiar form and most of them have the family characteristics of large twin engines, a cylindrical fuselage, a lower freight bay and upper passenger compartment, swept back wings and a tricycle undercarriage. Some argue that this form is the conclusion of evolution and that it simple demonstrates the limiting form of the idea. Others take the view that any form is only the product of the circumstances that produced it and if these change the evolutionary form will change and can be changed. The ideas presented here follow this path.
Prompted by the pressures for environmental sensitivity some ideas focus on ways to make dramatic, or at least important, savings in the amount of fuel used by the world’s airliners. Previously dismissed contributions to economy of fossil fuel lie behind the thinking of several new technological concepts.

1. The glider-like airliner

Gliders has very high aspect ratio wings. These low drag wings allow them to sustain altitude in the lightest of upward thermals (about 1 fpm) and thereby to carry out long distance flight on no fuel at all. Their glide ratio is extremely shallow – in the order of 1 in 55 compared with a typical airliner of 1 in 15 (B747). Powered gliders are somewhere between a conventional a/c and a glider. Their small engines can be used to gain or to sustain altitude and the consumption of fuel is still only small.
The concept is for airliners with some of the characteristics of a powered glider. It would have high aspect ratio wings and be fitted with substantial engines for climb out but much less powerful than those in current uses. Its cruising speed would inevitably be much lower. Take-off speeds would be lower and runway lengths much reduced.
The benefits are mainly in the consumption of

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