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Philip Vs Spain Research Paper

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Philip V of Spain was the Catalyst for the war of the Spanish succession Not only was he a French man running Spain but there were other more rightful heirs in their opinion. who was the fifth of Spain comes from the bar ball family of France he would have been 6th in line for the French throne but since his brothers and uncles were more likely to get the throne King Charles the second of Spain named Philip V his air. by the age of 14 Philip had been shipped off to Spain to become the rightful heir to the throne In 1724. Philip married young, 18 that is to his first wife Maria Luisa of Savoy she was 13 at the time. but sadly Maria died of tuberculosis At the age of 26. young Philip heartbroken slipped into a deep manic depression that defined him as a king proving that through heartache and hardship he was not a worthy ruler. …show more content…
their first son name was Lewis and soon to be king after Philip decides to abdicate due to one of 2 Reasons. one of the theories is the Philip was manically depressed and could not continue on as king. The second of the two theories The after the death of most of his family, due to smallpox he felt that there were no more legitimate heirs to the throne and that he himself did not belong on the throne. At this point he's eldest son Lewis took the throne but sadly this was short-lived young king Lewis died shortly after, 7 months to be exact of smallpox, so yet again Philip was forced to take the

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