Premium Essay

Philosophy of Teaching


Submitted By tys42
Words 444
Pages 2
Tyson Liston
Philosophy of Teaching I believe student learn best when they are actively participating, being taught from different angles, and having fun with what they are learning. That is what I plan to do as teacher, having the kids actively participate will make the learning easier. Answering and asking questions in class or getting up and moving around the classroom working in groups will help students make connections to the material easier than having them sit and listen to me talk the entire class period. The easier it is to make connections with the material the easier it will be to be successful using that material. Being hands on and active with teachings is always how I have learned best, that is why I am going into physical education. Everyone is different in their own way which means every student is going to learn different from one another. Knowing how to use different angles in teaching will help cater to all the different learners out there. Great teachers are the ones that can explain the material in many different ways, giving each student the best opportunity to be successful in school and in life. It is my job as a teacher to make sure the students are prepared for higher learning. Teaching in different ways makes the students realize the way they learn the best. In knowing that, the students can have better chances at succeeding in higher education because they will know what works best for them when learning new material. Students feed off the energy and attitude I have in the classroom when I am teaching. Having fun with what I am teaching will make the learning for the students’ fun. The great teachers out there are the ones that love their job. They enjoy coming to school and engaging with their students every day. If you are having fun with it you have a better chance at being successful in teaching. The best teachers I

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