...Phonebloks Asta Tamosaityte Raluca Emanuela Hirbu Oliver Fracke Möllnitz Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Company background 3. Concept 4. Problem area 5. Problem formulation 6. Mission, Vision, Values and Goals 7. Selling prepositions 7.1. USP 7.2. ESP 8. Target group 8.1. Questionnaire 8.2. Target group 9. Marketing Mix 9.1. The four P’s 9.2. PEST analysis 10. Market research 10.1. Mobile subscribers worldwide 10.2. Top mobile markets: The 100 million Club 10.3. Mobile phone shipments 10.4. Mobile device market penetration 10.5. Smartphone shipments by manufacturer 11. Competitors - SWOT on competitors 11.1. Competitors 11.1.1. Direct competitors 11.1.2. Indirect competitors 11.1.3. SWOT analysis on competitors 12. Partners 13. Social media strategy 13.1. Filter bubble 14. Marketing constraints 14.1. Modular concept vs. unibody concept 14.2. Purchasing individual components 14.3. Marketing place 14.4. Easy process 14.5. From store to phone 14.6. Producers 15. Producers scenario 15.1. Manufacturing 15.2. Partnerships 15.3. Selling and Market place 15.4. Branding 15.5. Sizes 16. Technical constraints 16.1. Installation of components 16.2. Components 16.3. Upgrades 16.4. Unibody vs. Modular 16.5. Compatibility 17. Mandatory components 18. Phone and screen size 19. Quality assurance 20. Phonebloks - SWOT and TOWS analysis 21. Design description 22. Rendering techniques and details 23. Video 24. Conclusion 25. Appendix and Literature list 1 1. Introduction es...
Words: 14197 - Pages: 57
...Performance analysis of working capital management of “pharmaceuticals industry” 1. 1. Performance Analysis of Working Capital Management of “Pharmaceuticals Industry” Page 1 of 166 2. 2. A Term Paper on Performance Analysis of Working Capital Management of “Pharmaceuticals Industry” Submitted To: Khairul Alom Course Teacher School of Business Studies Southeast University Submitted By: Name Md. Fayshal Hossan Miazy ID No 2009110000038 Mubashir Hossain 2009010000050 (21st) Md. Ahadul Islam 2009110000049 Md. Robiul Islam 2009110000066 Md. Shaheen 2009110000069 BBA.22nd. Batch. Major: Finance-A Southeast University Date of Submission: 27 August, 2012 Page 2 of 166 3. 3. Acknowledgement At first, we thank to almighty Allah who made us capable to prepare this proposal. Secondly would like to thank my honorable advisor Khairul Alom and course teacher of Southeast University, School of Business for providing proper guidance and help to complete the term paper. We are also grateful to the DSE library that’s helped me to collect the information. At last we want to thank my group members for their co- operation and making this possible to submit this term paper on time. Page 3 of 166 4. 4. Dedication Dedicate to our respected “Parents” And Our honorable course teacher “Khairul Alom” Page 4 of 166 5. 5. Letter of Transmittal 27 August, 2012 To, Khairul Alom Course Teacher School Of Business Studies Southeast University Subject: Submission of term paper on Performance...
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