...A brief history of photo journalism Created on: May 28, 2008 Last Updated: August 06, 2008 "A picture is worth a thousand words" should be the motto of the photojournalist. It certainly is what they are all about. Who can ever forget some of the most memorable photos of the 20th century? It was the photo journalist who brought us the horror of the holocaust, the joy of the sailor who returned home and the faces of the world. We have been a part of history through the eyes of a camera lens. Photo-journalism is almost as old as the camera itself. The first photo journalist was Carol Szathmari who did documentary photos of the Crimean War in the 1850's. It was Matthew Brady who really should have the title of Greatest photojournalist of the 19th century. His photos of the Civil War were made into engravings and published in Harpers Weekly. They are no less poignant today than they were when he took them over 150 years ago.He brought to life the main players in the Civil War. If it wasn't for him we would not have seen the care worn face of Abraham Lincoln or the meeting of the great generals. It took until the 1880's for photographs to be published in newspapers. The invention of the flash powder allowed photography to go indoors added a whole new dimension to the ability of the photojournalist to tell his story with pictures. It wasn't until the flash bulb was invented along with the 35mm camera that photojournalism really took off. The period between the 1930's and the 1950's...
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...popular debate about photo manipulation is known to all photographers; amateurs and experts alike. Does this process enhance images or distort the truth? Photo manipulation has been around about as long as photography. There are examples that date back to as early as 1860. With the digital age, photo manipulation has taken huge leaps. You can see examples of digital manipulation in almost everything in today’s digital age, from advertisements to high end photo galleries. It is second nature. So second nature that we do not even think about some aspects of it and how it has changed and is continuing to change the world of photography. Is the subtle alterations to color balance or contrast considered photo manipulation?” That depends. Are you trying to change a mood, or trying to deceive the viewer in any way? Or are you making an artistic illusion? Does it matter which you are doing? Therein lays the debate: Photo Manipulations; is this a new dilemma and where do we draw the line? So what exactly is photo manipulation? According to Reference.com photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception (in contrast to mere enhancement or correction), through analog or digital means. (reference) So what exactly is photo editing? Thefreedictionary.com defines edit as a means to revise, correct, or improve… (reference), so that would mean revise, correct, or improve a photo. Photo manipulation can...
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...Precious Moment There is a photo taken the morning after I had given birth to my second daughter. This photo represents everything that is important in my life. This photo is important to me because it is the first family picture that was taking after our second daughter was born. I am hunched over in agony as my daughter Ella tries ever so gently to climb on my lap. She looks at me with such concern and smiles as she settles her little bottom next to me. I feel like a total mess my hair is all over the place. I have the sagging eyes of an old woman. I basically look like hell. After all I had just given birth. On my right side is my husband Ray sitting next to me with this quirky smile on his loving face. The look of a man who just became a dad is all over his face. He looks amazing as he always does. There is not a sight of the exhaustion that I know he feels anywhere on his face. My husband is very caring and considerate. He is funny, thoughtful, respectful, and so focused on providing for his family. He is the most charming man that I have met I guess that could be why I married him. Ray is educated and always trying to teach me something about what he is working on. Ray owns his own construction business and is always working on some new project and I think that he wants me to feel involved in our business so he tries to explain what he is working on. I appreciate the effort but I really don't understand what he is talking about half the time. Ella, our adventurous...
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...image in traditional photography is the most accurate and realistic image that one can have. Traditional photographs don't lie because unlike in digital photography, it can never be changed or manipulated. In digital photography, images can be altered according to the photographer's context in different ways easily and more artistically. A possible problem with digital photographs is their quality because they fade rather quickly. Though improvements are being done, few digital images will have the longevity of traditional photographs. A counter-argument, however, is that digital photos can be easily reproduced when necessary but it's only for a short-term basis. Once needed, there is no assurance that computers will be able to access them for future use. Another rarely explored issue is the immediacy of digital photography. Immediate results are sometimes not much productive. Your worst photos wouldn't be so bad, but your best images wouldn't be much better. While immediate results might be beneficial to a commercial photographer, in most cases, it becomes a distraction from photography. Digital photography offers more options for creativity. To consider it as more efficient, faster and cheaper is another issue. Traditional photography, on the other hand, is still an easy and convenient...
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...I n 1 8 3 9 D a g u e r r e t o o k p h o t o o f t h e B o u l e v a r d d u t e m p l e . N o r m a l l y t h e s t r e e t s w e r e f i l l e d w i t h p e o p l e , c a r t s , a n d c r i m e b u t a l l t h a t w a s c a p t u r e d w a s b u i l d i n g s a n d t h e s t r e e t l i g h t . e x p o s u r e t i m e l a s t e d f o r a b o u t t e n m i n u t e s a t t h e t i m e , s o i t w a s b a r e l y p o s s i b l e f o r t h e c a m e r a s t o c a p t u r e t h e t r a f f i c i n s t r e e t s o r c r o w d s o f h u m a n l i f e . b y f a u l t a m a n s t a n d i n g i n s a m e s p o t g e t t i n g h i s s h o e s h i n e d l o n g e n o u g h w a s c a p t u r e d i n t h e p h o t o . M a n y t h o u g h t D a g u e r r e h i r e d p e o p l e t o s t a n d f o r p h o t o r e g a r d l e s s i f h e d i d o r d i d n ' t h e w a s f i r s t t o c a p t u r e h u m a n s t i l l l i f e...
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...In America, the Shoes are manufactured outside of the US in the Pacific Rim. Outsourcing overseas can be a good option as it has a lower labour cost. However , Conducting manufacturing overseas can also create problems. Bribery is against the law in the U.S . But in some countries it's part of a routine of doing business, and refusing to conduct it may place your company at a risk. Security is less certain overseas than in the U.S. Terrorism, corruption , crime and political instability can cause a downpour. The Shoes are then transported by water transport. Water transport can ship large volume of products under a low cost. Although shipping holds are large percentage in today’s manufacturing business, risk like shipping can become more slower than others due to harsh weather that can add to further delays and shipping by seas cause to pay another amount of port duties and taxes. Once the containers reach the ports here in the United States they must be searched to make sure contraband was not smuggled and that they fullfil all regulations. If regulations are violated the companies could face significant fines. The shoes are shipped to distribution centers by stack train .Rail transport are environmental friendly compared to other transport. Nontheless , rail transport can be much more pricy than road transport and worst come to worst mechanical failure can also happen. At the distribution centers the management decides how many of each shoes will go to each retail...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |US/101 Version 8 | | |Introduction to University Studies | Copyright © 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description The essential information, skills, tools, and techniques necessary for academic success and personal effectiveness at University of Phoenix are introduced in this course. The course develops and applies practical knowledge and skills immediately relevant to first-year university students. Course topics include goal setting and working with personal motivation, understanding and using university resources, developing efficient study habits, making the most of personal learning styles, and how best to manage time and reduce personal stress levels. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to...
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...create high-quality photos. In fact, some of the photos (indoors without flash, for example) may be of poor quality. Do not alter these photos in Photoshop…submit the original file as it comes off your camera. Assignment: Take 16 digital photos using varying subjects and techniques to apply what we learned in class today. Name all photos as indicated below and place in a folder named yourlastname_firstphoto. Place this folder in the 59VanWyke folder. 1. two photos must be of the same subject at two different resolutions (640x480 and 1600x1200, or your smallest and largest resolutions). ▪ Slug these photos yourlastname640.jpg and yourlastname1600.jpg 2. two photos must be an indoor portrait of a person, one using auto flash and one without flash. ▪ Slug these photos yourlastnameindoorflash.jpg and yourlastnameindoorsnoflash.jpg 3. two photos must be an outdoor portrait of a person shot at mid-day (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) in bright sunlight, one using fill-in flash (or “force flash”) and one without flash. ▪ Slug these photos yourlastnameoutdoorflash.jpg and yourlastnameoutdoornoflash.jpg 4. one photo must be a close-up (macro) of text in a book or other printed publication. ▪ Slug this photo yourlastnamemacro.jpg 5. two photos must be of the same subject, one using the camera’s zoom feature and one without zoom. You must shoot from the same distance from your subject for both photos. ▪ Slug these photos yourlastnamezoom...
Words: 576 - Pages: 3
...Adding a Photo to the SportsManager System – For Spring Soccer Step 1: ** Please use a solid/plain background for the picture. Option A - You can use an existing photo if you have a recent one. You just need to make sure it is a close up of the face. You can also crop an existing photo with a photo editor to get a close-up of the face. Option B – Take a new picture and upload it to your computer: * Make sure you take a close up of the face from a front view. The phone/camera should only be a 2-3 feet from the face when you take the picture. This way you won’t have to edit or crop the photo later. * Note - If using an iPhone * don’t take in portrait orientation, you need to take in landscape mode (holding iphone sideways) * the button (bottom of iphone) should be on the right * if you are taking a selfie then the button (bottom of iphone) should be on the left when you take the selfie. * If you have a picture that needs to be rotated you can use a computer program, like MS Paint, to rotate the photo. MS Paint comes with Windows and should be on your computer if you are using Windows. * Android Users - If using an Android phone the orientation should not matter Step 2: Email photo from your phone to yourself, or connect phone/camera to your computer, and then save the photo to your computer. * Remember where you saved it Step 3: Log into SportsManager using the ‘Parent Login’ tab Here is the URL - https://www...
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...Photo manipulation is the function of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception through analog or digital means. Its uses, cultural impact, and ethical concerns have made it a subject of interest beyond the technical process and skills involved (Wikepedia). Photo manipulation has been regularly used to deceive or persuade viewers, or for improved story-telling and self-expression. As early as the American Civil War, photographs were published as engravings based on more than one negative (Wikeepedia). I believe that for the sake of representing honest and accurate information, the digital editor should avoid anything that will change the actual event or scene as it was captured by the camera. This includes adding, removing or moving objects in such a way that the context of the event is altered. The digital image editor should be careful to let the photos speak for themselves. So I don’t think it's permissible to alter any aspect of place or time. Since the 1940s political leaders from around the world have been gathering in New York City at the United Nations headquarters to discuss and maintain international peace and security, to safeguard human rights, to promote social and economic progress, to improve living standards, and fight diseases. The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress and human...
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...The journey baseball players take on from the beginning of their careers to the end are full of success and strife. Baseball is a game of failure, but the failure is what fuels our desire for success. I’ve been playing baseball since I was eight years old and has pretty much been the main focus of my life. As I grew up, the game has taught me many life lessons that go beyond the baseball diamond. After high school, I received a scholarship to play for Kankakee Community College near my home of town of Chicago, Illinois. The picture was takin last year by one of my teammates shows me preparing to play in a Regional Championship with the winner advancing to the College World Series. The photo represents various different aspects of my playing career and how the journey has helped me become a better man. Throughout my baseball career I have faced a lot of adversity. I started my career at age eight playing for Jackie Robinson West Little League in inner city Chicago. My father also played in the league when it first was established. He also played college baseball, so he mentored and taught me the foundations of the game. After my little league career I began playing for a travel team. Traveling around the country, I was able to meet players from around the country and learn their stories. I enjoyed hearing them because it was cool to talk to someone with the same goals as you. As I entered my high school years, I entered a very intense part of my career which was finding a college...
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...started taking photo technique class. This class is important to my field. Previously, I did not have knowledge or experience about how to use the Professional camera. After one month of taking photo technique class, I became having background about how to take a brilliant photo from best sight. In this essay, I will Explain steps for taking a great photo by professional camera. I know that almost everyone knows how to take a good picture with a mobile phone Camera or normal camera, But what about professional camera like Canon or Nikon? It's different. You will notice these differences when you buy a professional camera. For example, Canon 70D camera cost almost 1,500 dollars. Do not panic from the price, The photos that you are going to take, deserve that price. Forget about the price, and let begin the steps. First step, Turn on your camera. Make sure your camera has a full batteries, then set your camera mode. Second step, Find your object. Try to find something interesting, it can be a location, or person, or an inanimate. Third step, Find an emphasis for your subject. For example, The eye on a cat, Cherry on a sundae, Or ladybug on a leaf. The fourth step, Be sure of the proper lighting. If you are inside home, it might be best to use your camera flash. If you are outside, Put your back to the sun and turn off the flash. Fifth step, Imagine your photo in black and white. You should have white, black and a gray spots in your photo. Sixth step...
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...3. Examine the organizational structure that has resulted from the merger or acquisition. Instagram was founded in 2010, by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. It only had just a handful of employees (13 employees) supporting its popular photo sharing application (8). After Facebook purchased Instagram, it has decided to keep the Instagram's photo sharing service managed independently. This is contrary to what Facebook did with its previous acquisitions. After acquisition of a company, Facebook tend to close their products and accommodate their staff on some other projects (8). Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, commented on his profile page that, he would keep in mind, about the strength of Instagram's photo sharing application and strive to add more features to the photo - sharing service rather than just trying to integrate it into Facebook. This is the very reason for which Facebook was very much committed to continue building and allow Instagram to grow independently (4). Instagram CEO, Kevin Systrom, also reiterated his plans to strengthen and support the service's functionality and said he would look forward to take the advantage of Facebook's resources and talent (1). Analyze the major differences between the resulting company and the original two (2) organizations. The below picture summarizes the Facebook organization chart which is constructed by HierachyStructure.com, a website that is specialized in designing organizational structure diagrams (9). Instagram organizational...
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...|Question 1: | |A pixel is the basic binary digit used by computers. | | |You Answered: | | |False | | |You Answered: | | |False | | |You Answered: | | |True | | |You Answered: | | |False | | |You Answered: ...
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...Photo Manipulation in the Media A Senior Project presented to the Faculty of the Graphic Communication Department California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science by Stephanie Coffaney December 2011 © 2011 Stephanie Coffaney Table of Contents Abstract Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Appendix Works Cited 3 4 6 12 14 20 22 35 2 Abstract In today’s society there are photos everywhere; they are in magazines, advertisements, newspapers, and books because photos make the text or the story stand out. Some may not know it, but most of these photos have been edited and retouched. This research paper attempted to determine the majority opinion of what types of photo editing was above the tolerable limit, as well as the public awareness of media manipulation. The different levels of photo editing included changing the contrast, removal of blemishes and dust, addition/removal of objects, and addition/removal of main subjects. The results revealed that most people are aware of photoshopping in the media and they suspected there was more photo editing in magazines and advertisements than newspapers. 3 Chapter 1 In every publication there are most likely photos accompanying articles, advertisements, or exist as an article by themselves. Pictures help support an article, promote a product, tell a story, and bring the viewer in. Nowadays there are an abundance...
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