...PEP Grant on Elementary Physical Education Programs in One School District” 1. For my fifth research study analysis, I chose a study that focused on the impact of a grant on physical education in elementary schools. Many of the studies and research I have read led to one main issue, or one necessity, and that was money and funding to make the physical activity impactful in the schools and for the children. I wanted to understand how a grant either helped or didn’t help the improvement of physical education programs and the impacts it made for the schools. I found this research study through .OneSearch (EBSCO) via UNF and I searched “physical education in elementary schools”. To narrow down my search, I made...
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...OF THE BODY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Kinesiology by Laura Azzarito B.S., Universita’ di Scienze Motorie di Torino, Italy, 1994 M.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2000 December 2004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I’m very grateful to all the students and teachers who are the subjects of this work. I greatly appreciate their willingness to participate in this research and the time they dedicated to all of the interviews and member checks. I also thank the principals who gave me permission to conduct this study. I especially acknowledge and thank physical education teachers Celeste Alfred, for welcoming me to her school, and Vickie Braud for her great help in making contacts necessary to complete my data collection. Both Vickie and Celeste were wonderful throughout my research process, helping me to observe classes and arrange student interviews at the schools. I greatly appreciate all the suggestions, insights and comments of my committee members. Thank you to all of them: Dr. Kuttruff, my external committee member, for her interest in following the steps of my dissertation; Dr. Magill, for bringing a very challenging and valuable perspective to my research; Dr. Lee, for her deep knowledge and expertise in the field of physical education; and Dr. Harrison...
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...(www.tiwariacademy.com) (Chapter 1 and 2)(Physical World, Units and Measurements) (Class 11) Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 mark each) Question 1: State one law that holds good in all natural processes. Answer 1: One such laws is the Newton’s gravitation law, According to this law everybody in this nature are attracts with other body with a force of attraction which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportionally to the square of the distance between them. Question 2: Among which type of elementary particles does the electromagnetic force act? Answer 2: Electromagnetic force acts between on all electrically charged particles. Question 3: Name the forces having the longest and shortest range of operation. Answer 3: Longest range force is gravitational force and nuclear force is shortest range force. Question 4: If ‘slap’ times speed equals power, what will be the dimensional equation for ‘slap’? Answer 4: Slap × speed = power Or slap = power/speed = [MLT-2] Question 5: If the units of force and length each are doubled, then how many times the unit of energy would be affected? Answer 5: Energy = Work done = Force x length So when the units are doubled, then the unit of energy will increase four times. www.tiwariacademy.in A free web Support in education 1 Physics (www.tiwariacademy.com) (Chapter 1 and 2)(Physical World, Units and Measurements) (Class 11) Question 6: Can a quantity has dimensions...
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...Terese Wilhelmsen Master’s thesis PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF CHILDREN Exploring how intergenerational transfer of habitus frame boys and girls opportunity to generate and negotiate physical activity within their everyday life. NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management Department of Sociology and Political Science Master’s thesis in Sport Science Trondheim, January 2012 Terese Wilhelmsen PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF CHILDREN Exploring how intergenerational transfer of habitus frame boys and girls opportunity to generate and negotiate physical activity within their everyday life. Master in Sport Science Department of Sociology and Political Science Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU Trondheim, Norway. 1 ABSTRACT Several indicators of social background and gender expectations are found to have an important impact on children’s physical activity patterns, yet few studies have explored intergenerational transfer of habitus through the use of triangulation of methods. The aim of this study is to explore how intergenerational transfer of habitus frames children’s opportunit to generate and negotiate physical activity in their everyday life. This is done by examining the relationship between children’s physical activity pattern’s and: parental capital, parental perception of gender appropriate...
Words: 57260 - Pages: 230
...Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Adolescent and School Health www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth Revised Version — July 2010 (Replaces April 2010 Early Release) Acknowledgments: This publication was developed for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) under contract #200-2002-00800 with ETR Associates. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary . 5 Introduction . 8 Methods 10 Conceptual Definitions . 10 Inclusion Criteria . 10 Identification of Studies that Met the Inclusion Criteria . 11 Classification of Studies . 11 Study Coding Process . 12 Data Analysis . 13 Results . 14 School-Based Physical Education Studies . 16 Recess Studies . 19 Classroom Physical Activity Studies . 21 Extracurricular Physical Activity Studies . 24 28 Summary . Overall Findings . 28 Findings for Physical Activity by Context...
Words: 32584 - Pages: 131
...Assignment 1 Project Analysis EDU 533 IDENTIFIED NEED Many schools cut physical education and physical education funding with the trust that more rigid classroom time would somehow encourage students to learn more. Students need sufficient amounts of physical exercise throughout the school day, not only does physical fitness prevent obesity and obesity-related issues, but it also improves students overall personal health. Physical education is critical to educating all students in grades K-12 and students should receive physical education on a daily basis. K-12 students should take all required physical education courses and have no substitutions, waivers, or exemptions should be permitted except for medical reasons. Physical fitness education should be recognized as part of the total education curriculum. Exercise directly impacts the behavior and development of the brain and physical activity has benefits beyond improved students grades, physical activity improves absenteeism, student’s dropout rates, and social connectedness (Graham, 2008). LEANER CHARACTERISTICS Gender * Boys and Girls Age * 4 to 18 years old Work experience * None from ages 4 to 15 and limited work experience 15 to 18 Education * Levels K-12 Ethnicity * All GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal Provides an overview of health and skill related physical fitness, explains the purpose of physical education, provides guidelines for...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH OF SENIOR STUDENTS IN SPECIAL PROGRAM IN SPORTS CURRICULUM OF TAGUM CITY NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of University of Southeastern Philippines Tagum - Mabini Campus In Fulfillment of the Requirements in Education 11 (Practice Teaching) Baghucan, Fernalyn M. Ebarle, Bernadeth B. Lambojon, Carol J. March 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to acknowledge the following persons who have helped in one way or another in making this study possible: To Prof. Maricel A. Palomata, their adviser for her constant encouragement, professional guidance and constructive criticism for the enrichment of this study; To Mrs. Melquiades H. Astorga, principal of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School and Mr. Ruditho R. Mello, English teacher of the section where the researchers administered the test, for their approval, kind cooperation and support, without whom this research study would not have push through; To the selected students of SPS IV-Bonifacio of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School, for their active participation and cooperation, without whom this research study would not have been realized; To Dr. Roque Langcoy II, Prof. Jocelyn Matildo, Prof. Donna Magallanes, Prof. Unique Sajol, Prof. Kaye Pond and Prof. Richel Albite, for the time, patience, knowledge and enlightenment that they...
Words: 5657 - Pages: 23
...The Benefits Of Having Children Attend Pre School Education Essay Abstract This report covers the benefit of sending children to pre-school before kindergarten. Literature review is used to explore the research existing in this field. It will help us to understand what effect pre-school has on children. Such programs are also discussed in the paper which is conducting training for preschoolers for their development. This paper not only covers that academic aspect but also sheds light on the benefits preschool education has on social and emotional aspects of children's life. After collecting this information, it will be collaborated with the findings of this research paper using different research technique. In the end, the paper will be concluded along with some suggestions. Introduction In this competitive world it is very important to train the children in such a way that they are not left behind. Study shows that with pre-school training, children show much developed skills of learning when they enter kindergarten. If a child is being read to at home, visits museums, learns how to play a game and reads along someone then it is more likely that his/her learning abilities are polished and ready for kindergarten (Stube & Patrick, 2010). Pre-school is a planned program for children before they start their formal education. It deals with the learning ability of a child. Children are trained in such a way that their learning abilities are enhanced. Specified techniques are...
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...Data from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys shows that the prevalence of obesity has increased for children in all age categoris. Below is a chart depicting the tested age groups along with the increase in obesity rates. Statistics also show that 17% of all children and adolescents are either overweight or obese. AGE | %INCREASE | 2-5 | 5-12% | 6-11 | 7-17% | 12-19 | 5-18% | Is childhood obesity a growing problem in Massachusetts? Nearly 30 percent of children in Massachusetts are overweight or obese, and the number of overweight children has more than tripled in the past three decades. Both nutrition and physical activity play key roles in the obesity epidemic. A lack in financial resources has played a major role in both in nutritional and physical...
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...UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Education, & Access Williams Watch Series: Investigating the Claims of Williams v. State of California (University of California, Los Angeles) Year Paper wws rr School Facility Conditions and Student Academic Achievement Glen I. Earthman Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University This paper is posted at the eScholarship Repository, University of California. http://repositories.cdlib.org/idea/wws/wws-rr008-1002 Copyright c 2002 by the author. School Facility Conditions and Student Academic Achievement Abstract This paper shows that the condition of school facilities has an important impact on student performance and teacher effectiveness. In particular, research demonstrates that comfortable classroom temperature and noise level are very important to efficient student performance. The age of school buildings is a useful proxy in this regard, since older facilities often have problems with thermal environment and noise level. A number of studies have measured overall building condition and its connection to student performance; these have consistently shown that students attending schools in better condition outperform students in substandard buildings by several percentage points. School building conditions also influence teacher effectiveness. Teachers report that physical improvements greatly enhance the teaching environment. Finally, school overcrowding also makes it harder for students to learn; this effect is...
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...Critique Does HOPSports Promote Youth Physical Activity in Physical Education Classes? The purpose of this study was to compare the physical activity levels of youth that were engaged in HOPS based physical education classes to those who were engaged in regular physical education classes. This was a longitudinal intervention study where children in grades 4th-8th participated in. The sample size of this study was 387. When using the HOPS program the children were significantly more active. This study suggest that HOPS can be the most effective way to promote diverse and dynamic program options that physical education teachers cannot. With the possibility of increasing physical education classes because of budget the use of this technology may be beneficial to increase physical activity and fight rising levels of youth obesity. The specific research problem that has been identified in this study is that physical inactivity of youth due to rising levels of watching television, videogame use, and obesity. The youth today are less engaged in the outside world and are less physically active than when their parents were younger. Youths today increased use of technology can be linked to reduced leisure time physical activity because these activities take up the same time where kids can be engaging in different kinds of physical activities. This is a quantitative study because it measures minutes of moderate and vigorous physical activity achieved with HOPSports compared...
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...machine, perhaps makes problematic the notion of the body as 'natural' because it is no longer just a biological entity, but a socially constructed product and ultimately, to gain distinction, a 'body for others.' The body for others “is the visible manifestation of the person, of the 'idea it wants to give of itself', its 'character', i.e. its values and capacities."[2] This manifestation of the body is influenced by the person's 'taste', social field and 'habitus'. Bourdieu defines taste as an incorporated principle of classification which governs all forms of incorporation, choosing and modifying everything that the body ingests and digests and assimilates, physiologically and psychologically.[3] Taste is thus determined by class, according to Bourdieu. This is significant because "People develop preferences for what is available to them."[4] These preferences are formed from a mixture of economic, social and cultural 'capitals' that will be discussed and evaluated later in the essay. A social field is a “network of social relations that follows rules and regularities that are not directly explicit."[5] Society today is composed of many specialised fields that value certain 'bodies' more than others and that value certain social practices more than others. The rules of the field, its regulations and the participation...
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...Class Discussion E-commerce 2014 business. technology. society. tenth edition Global Edition The Financial Times: A Remodel for 21st Century Publishing Profitability Kenneth C. Laudon Carol Guercio Traver What were the objectives of the Financial Times in redesigning its e-commerce presence? What considerations, if any, unique to the newspaper business were involved? What did Financial Times do to meet the needs of mobile device users? Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education Slide 3-1 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education Slide 3-3 Imagine Your E-commerce Presence What’s the idea? Vision Mission statement Target audience Intended market space Strategic analysis Internet marketing matrix Development timeline and preliminary budget Chapter 3 Building an E-commerce Presence: Web Sites, Mobile Sites, and Apps Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education Slide 3-4 1 Imagine Your E-commerce Presence (cont.) Imagine Your E-commerce Presence (cont.) Where’s the money? Business model(s): Portal, e-tailer, content provider, transaction broker, market creator, service provider, community provider Characterize the marketplace Demographics Size, growth, changes Structure Competitors Suppliers Substitute products Revenue model(s): Advertising, subscriptions, transaction fees, sales, and affiliate revenue Where is the content coming from? Static or dynamic? Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education Slide 3-5 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education Slide 3-7 Imagine...
Words: 1900 - Pages: 8
...Additionally, the F-change of 61.22 is statistically significant. For every extra $30,000 that a respondent makes in this model, their perceived health quality improves by 0.121 on the health scale. Even though this is slightly less of a change than the first model, every extra year of education that a respondent gets also improves their health by 0.053 on the health scale. Additionally, the F change is statistically significant, which portrays how education is beneficial to the model. Even though the third model does not have a statistically significant F-change, the combination of family income, years of education, and if the respondent is female can account for 10% of the variability in perceived conditions of health. In this model, the slopes for family income and education remain statistically significant and generally similar to model 2. However, if a respondent is female does not have a statistically significant relationship on perceived quality of...
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...Vark Analysis Paper: Learning Style Grand Canyon University:NRS-429V Family Centered Health Promotion December 12th, 2013 Vark Analysis Paper: Learning Styles Neil Fleming designed the VARK (visual, aural, read and kinesthetic) whose main aim was to help people in understanding the various learning styles. Fleming designed a questionnaire of sixteen questions that when answered are supposed to grade a person in relation to the nearest learning style (Walter, 2009). The questions determine ones line of thought and directly grades the person hence allowing them to know their learning style which in turn helps them to plan on how to allocate their study time according to the results from the questionnaire. The paper is an indication of the VARK questionnaire results and an explanation of the results. For the different styles of learning the level of study intake differs with every style having a different level of output. The research has often shown that for every student the results are different and do not indicate the most preferrent method of learning for a group for example in the case of a class environment. There are different learning reactions for the different learning styles. For visual learners the most preferred form of learning is the use of pictures in which they mostly find it more comfortable when they take a general look at their situations instead of a more detailed look that divides the case study into smaller...
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