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Factors That Affecting the Study Habits in a Working Student


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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of University of Southeastern Philippines
Tagum - Mabini Campus

In Fulfillment of the Requirements in Education 11 (Practice Teaching)

Baghucan, Fernalyn M.
Ebarle, Bernadeth B.
Lambojon, Carol J.

March 2012
The researchers would like to acknowledge the following persons who have helped in one way or another in making this study possible: To Prof. Maricel A. Palomata, their adviser for her constant encouragement, professional guidance and constructive criticism for the enrichment of this study; To Mrs. Melquiades H. Astorga, principal of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School and Mr. Ruditho R. Mello, English teacher of the section where the researchers administered the test, for their approval, kind cooperation and support, without whom this research study would not have push through; To the selected students of SPS IV-Bonifacio of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School, for their active participation and cooperation, without whom this research study would not have been realized; To Dr. Roque Langcoy II, Prof. Jocelyn Matildo, Prof. Donna Magallanes, Prof. Unique Sajol, Prof. Kaye Pond and Prof. Richel Albite, for the time, patience, knowledge and enlightenment that they have shared to the researchers; To their family and friends for the support and understanding in the duration of the study; Above all, thanks to the Almighty God for the knowledge, wisdom and determination for this study.
The Researchers
Title: Factors Affecting the Performance in English of Senior Students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School
Researchers: Fernalyn M. Baghucan Bernadeth B. Ebarle Carol J. Lambojon
Date: March 9, 2012
Statement of the Problem: This study was intended to determine the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. Is there any significant relationship between the senior students in SPS Curriculum and the following factors: 1. Physical Constraint; 2. State of Mind; and 3. Schedule? 2. What factor affects most on the SPS senior students’ performance in English? 3. What factor brings lesser impact on the SPS senior students’ performance in English?
Respondents: twenty-seven (27) selected students of SPS IV-Bonifacio
Instrument: Survey Questionnaire
Statistical Tool: Percentage Formula
Summary of Findings: The following were findings based on the result of the study: 1. Thirty percent (30%) of the total number of SPS senior students’ responses in Physical Constrain are yes while seventy percent (70%) of it are no. 2. In State of Mind, forty-seven percent (47%) of the students’ responses are yes while fifty-three percent (53%) are no. 3. In Schedule, seventy-five percent (75%) of the total number of responses are yes while twenty-five percent (25%) of the answers are no. 4. The factor which had the highest percentage of students who agreed that it could affect their performance in English is the Schedule. 5. The factor which had the lowest percentage of students who agreed that it could affect their performance in English is Physical Constrain.
Based on the findings of the survey, the researchers had the following conclusions: 1. Physical constrains, state of mind and schedule could affect the SPS senior students’ performance in English. 2. The factor which affects most on the SPS senior students’ performance in English is the schedule. 3. The factor which brought lesser impact on the SPS senior students’ performance in English are physical constrains.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers offered the following recommendations:
A. Policies 1. Students in Special Program in Sports should strive to balance their sport specialization and English subject. 2. Teachers should broaden their capability of understanding the SPS students’ performance in class and help them to cope more effectively. 3. School administrators of TCNCHS should monitor whether the Special Program in Sports Curriculum in their institution was implemented properly.
B. Further Studies 1. The researchers highly recommend a follow-up study on this problem to discuss further the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in SPS Curriculum. 2. Use another method in gathering data to obtain a more valid and reliable study. 3. Review more related readings and studies to have a wide knowledge about the study.

Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Table
List of Figures
Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Review of Related Literature Review Related Studies Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Conceptual Model of the Study Significance of the Study Definition of Terms Chapter 2 METHODOLOGY Research Design Respondents of the Study Research Instrument Data Gathering Procedure Statistical Treatment of the Data Chapter 3 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS Chapter 4 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of Findings Conclusions Recommendations
Curriculum Vitae


Table Title Page 1 Summary of the Factors Affecting the Performance 14 of Senior Students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum


Figure Title Page 1. Variables of the Study 7 2. Flow Chart of the Procedure 11

Chapter 1
Background of the Study Nowadays, numerous curriculums are being implemented among institutions which could give the learners a variety of options on where would they enroll themselves and on what skill would they hone up. Curriculum, in its broadest sense may refer to the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school. It may also refer to a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfil in order to pass a certain level of education (Christensen, 2003). In high school, curriculum refer to the courses required in order to receive one’s diploma and the overall offering of courses, which help prepare a student for life after high school. Usually, students in high school have some degree of choice in pursuing their education. They often have specially designed curriculum which helps them attain a degree or to specialize in a certain field. Their curriculum may be separated into courses that make one eligible to attend certain colleges, and courses that will merely earn students a diploma (Wallace, 2011). The Special Program in Sports (SPS) is one of the specialized curriculums offered among some of the secondary schools in the Philippines. It is in line with the efforts of the Department of Education (DepEd) to institutionalize a program that will identify or discover students with potential talent in sports and hone their skills for higher levels of athletic competitions (Bureau of Secondary Education, 2009). However, Mahoney, et al. (2004) stated that a common problem for many students enrolled in these specialized courses is that they take on too much. Instead of focusing on their academic performance they tend to be pre-occupied with their specialization which often causes their classroom performance and grades to suffer. In Tagum City National Comprehensive High School, the researchers noticed that some senior students under the Special Program in Sports (SPS) Curriculum have numerous tardiness and absences, participate less when present and does not do their homework. In relation to these, the researchers decided to conduct a study about the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School.
Statement of the Problem This study was intended to determine the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. Is there any significant relationship between the senior students in SPS Curriculum and the following factors: 1. Physical Constraint; 2. State of Mind; and 1.3 Schedule? 2. What factor affects most on the SPS senior students’ performance in English? 3. What factor brings lesser impact on the SPS senior students’ performance in English?
This study of the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School has the following null hypotheses: 1. There is no significant relationship between the SPS senior students’ performance in English and the following factors: 1. Physical Constraint; 2. State of Mind; and 1.3 Schedule. 2. There is no factor that affects most on the SPS senior students’ performance in English; and 3. There is no factor that brings lesser impact on the SPS senior students’ performance in English.
Review of Related Literature Broh (2002) stated that the impact of sports has on academic performance has been debated over the years. Early analysis of the effect of participation in sports on academic achievement produced inconsistent evidence — some say the impact is positive, while others say it is negative. Trend & Braddock (1992) as cited by (Fairclough and Stratton, 2005), participation in sport activities could provide extrinsic rewards to students and help them form social bonds and relationships within school. However, educators were sceptical of participation in sports and other extra- curricular activities, believing that school should focus solely on narrowly defined academic outcomes. Non-academic activities were viewed as primarily recreational and therefore were detrimental to academic achievement and consequently were discouraged (Marsh and Kleitman, 2002). Moreover, Marsh (1988) as cited by Schley, et al. (2002), reported that participation in too many activities produced diminishing returns. Participation in sports and other extracurricular activities was consistently beneficial, but had mixed or predominantly negative effects.
Review of Related Studies In the study conducted by the Carnegie Corporation of New York in March 2006, they found that young people in sports experience multiple benefits. Their results indicated that, at their best, sports programs promote responsible social behavior and greater academic success. Many studies have demonstrated the positive effects of physical education and physical activity on school performance. Several studies have stated that providing increased time for physical activity can lead to better concentration, reduced disruptive behaviors and higher test scores in reading, math and writing (Satcher, 2005). However, the results of the study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in April 2010, suggest that physical education may have favorable associations with students’ cognitive skills and attitudes and their academic achievement, but the relationships are not universal and vary by outcome studied. In schools across the United States, physical education has been substantially reduced — and in some cases completely eliminated — in response to the study conducted about the budget concerns and pressures to improve academic test scores (Goldberg et al., 2005). Moreover, in the study conducted in California State University, a student who devotes his spare time in sport activities spends less time on studies. This can affect his grades if he is not spending enough time studying. It can also become stressful dedicating time to an activity if the schedule increases. As the academic workload increases, so too can sport activity, and a child can feel stressed wondering how he can deal with both (Hartmann, 2008).
Theoretical Framework This study is mainly anchored on Subjectivity Education Theory. The theory presumes that teachers should create democratic, harmonious and loose teaching scenes through guiding and enlightening the students’ internal activity demands, and purposefully organize and specify all kinds of teaching activities in a planned way to cultivate the students to be the subject who can recognize and practice autonomously, actively and creatively. Subjectivity education further assumes that teaching sports to some extent can stimulate students’ initiative and activity and improve their academic performance. It explains that sports class can enlighten and cultivate students’ subject consciousness, establish democratic and harmonious teaching scenes and carry out the teaching thought of subjective participation, respect for differences, cooperative learning and successful experience. However, as what the researchers have observed among the SPS senior students, it shows that their performance in English is opposite to what was mentioned above. Therefore, conducting this study is necessary to find out whether this theory is applicable to all or not.
Conceptual Framework This conceptual framework was used as a guide to explain the relatedness of the three variables that were involved in the study; the independent (factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in SPS Curriculum of TCNCHS), the intervention (survey questionnaire) and the dependent (result of the conducted survey). The central component of the study was the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in SPS Curriculum of TCNCHS (independent variable). Factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in SPS basically include physical constrain, state of mind and schedule. To identify the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in SPS Curriculum, the researchers administered a survey. The result of the survey that was conducted enabled the researchers to determine the factor that affects most and the factor that brings lesser impact on the performance in English of senior students in SPS Curriculum of TCNCHS.
Conceptual Model of the Study

Figure 1. Variables of the Study
Significance of the Study This study is considered important as its results will benefit the following stakeholders:
Students. This study will help the senior students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum to determine the factors affecting their performance in English. With this, they would be able to address these factors and subsequently avoid low performance in English.
Teachers. The outcome of this study will serve as the teacher’s basis in determining the factors affecting the performance in English of the students in SPS Curriculum which could broaden their capability of understanding the SPS students’ performance in class and help the students to cope more effectively.
School Administrators. The result of this study will serve as an eye opener for the school administrators to monitor whether the Special Program in Sports Curriculum in TCNCHS was implemented properly.
Definition of Terms The following terms were conceptually and operationally defined in this study for better understanding of the paper:
Curriculum. This term refers to the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university. It is a prescriptive, and is based on a more general syllabus which merely specifies what topics must be understood and to what level to achieve a particular grade or standard (Christensen, 2003). In this study, the term is used in the same context.
Physical Constraint. This term refers to physical restriction; repression of one's own feelings, behavior, or actions (Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, 2004). In the study, it refers on the physical condition of the students in a particular time or during English period that hinders them in participating or attending the class.
Schedule. This term refers to a plan of procedure, usually written, for a proposed objective, especially with reference to the sequence of and time allotted for each item or operation necessary to its completion (Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, 2004). In this study, it refers to the sequence of time allotted by the SPS senior students in English and in their sport specialization.
Special Program in Sports (SPS) Curriculum. This term refers to one of the specialized curriculums offered among some of the secondary schools in the Philippines. It is in line with the efforts of the Department of Education (DepEd) to institutionalize a program that will identify or discover students with potential talent in sports and hone their skills for higher levels of athletic competitions (Bureau of Secondary Education, 2009). In this study, the term is used in the same context.
State of Mind This term refers to a temporary psychological state; the mood or the mental state at a particular time (Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, 2004). In the study, it refers to the preference and mind set of the SPS senior students when it comes to English and to their sport specialization.
| |

Chapter 2
This chapter discusses the research methods employed in the study. It includes research design, respondents of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of the data.
Research Design The study employed the descriptive survey method to generate, to analyze and to interpret the factors that affect the performance in English of the SPS senior students. The researchers had chosen this as the most appropriate design for this study since it is a general procedure used to discover facts on which professional judgment could be based (Rivera et al., 2007).
Respondents of the Study The researchers have utilized the non-probability purposive sampling to select the respondents. Purposive sampling otherwise called deliberate sampling is a design where the researchers select the respondents who are best qualified to achieve the objectives of the study (Rivera et al., 2007). Half of the population which is twenty-seven (27) of the SPS IV- Bonifacio students of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School were the respondents for this study. The respondents who perform least in English were identified with the assistance of the section’s English Teacher. The selected SPS senior students of TCNCHS were chosen by the researchers as the respondents for this study because they were best qualified to achieve the objectives of the study.
Research Instrument The researchers used a questionnaire as an instrument for gathering the needed data. The questionnaire was designed to determine the factors that affect the SPS senior students' performance in English. The questionnaire was consist of 9-item situations which was divided into three categories: physical constrain, state of mind and schedule. Each category was composed of three (3) situations that are answerable by yes or no. The survey helped the researchers to identify the factor that affects most and the factor that brought lesser impact on the performance in English of SPS senior students.
Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data of this study, the researchers had undergone several processes:

Figure 2. Flow Chart of the Procedure

Step 1: Formulation of the survey questionnaire The researchers formulated a survey questionnaire that was used during the conduct of the study.
Step 2: Asking permission to the school principal A permission was asked from the school principal of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School, Dr. Melquiades H. Astorga.
Step 3: Administration of the survey The researchers administered the survey to the SPS IV- Bonifacio students of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School. With the assistance of the section’s English Teacher, the researchers selected and conducted the survey among the twenty-seven (27) least performing students in English.
Step 4: Summarization of the result The researchers recorded and summarized the result of the survey given to the twenty-seven (27) selected students of SPS IV-Bonifacio.
Step 5: Interpretation of the gathered data The researchers interpreted the recorded and summarized result of the survey. The factor that affects most and the factor that affects least were also identified in this step.
Statistical Treatment of the Data The data that was gathered by the researchers were analyzed with the use of percentage formula:

The formula above enabled the researchers to identify the factor that affects most and the factor that affects least on the performance in English of SPS senior students.

Chapter 3
PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS This chapter mainly deals with the descriptive presentation of the data gathered and the comprehensive discussion of the findings of the study including the interpretation and its implication. The factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in Special Program in Sports of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School was presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Summary of the Factors Affecting the Performance of Senior Students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum

|ANSWERS |Physical Constraint |State of Mind |Schedule |
| |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |
|YES |24 |30 |38 |47 |61 |75 |
|NO |57 |70 |43 |53 |20 |25 |
|TOTAL |81 |100 |81 |100 |81 |100 |

Result of the study revealed that thirty percent (30%) of the total number of SPS senior students’ responses in Physical Constrain are yes while seventy percent (70%) of it are no. In State of Mind, forty-seven percent (47%) of the students’ responses are yes while fifty-three percent (53%) are no. This means that the number of students who disagree that Physical Constrain and State of Mind could affect their performance in English is greater than those who agree. However, both of them could still affect the SPS students’ performance in English. In Schedule, seventy-five percent (75%) of the total number of responses are yes while twenty-five percent (25%) of the answers are no. This means that the number of students who agree that Schedule could affect their performance in English is greater than those who disagree. Therefore, physical constrain, state of mind and schedule could affect the SPS senior students’ performance in English. However, the factor which affects most on the SPS senior students’ performance in English is the schedule which had the highest number of responses in yes. In contrast, the factor that brought lesser impact on the students’ performance in English is physical constrain which had the lowest number of responses in yes. This result was supported by the study conducted in California State University that a student who devotes his spare time in sport activities spends less time on studies. This could affect the student’s grades if he would not spend enough time studying (Spreitzer and Pugh, 2003).

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations of the research conducted among the senior students in Special Program in Sports in of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School.

Summary of the Findings

The following are findings based on the result of the study:

1. Thirty percent (30%) of the total number of SPS senior students’ responses in Physical Constrain are yes while seventy percent (70%) of it are no.

2. In State of Mind, forty-seven percent (47%) of the students’ responses are yes while fifty-three percent (53%) are no.

3. In Schedule, seventy-five percent (75%) of the total number of responses are yes while twenty-five percent (25%) of the answers are no.

4. The factor which had the highest percentage of students who agreed that it could affect their performance in English is the Schedule.

5. The factor which had the lowest percentage of students who agreed that it could affect their performance in English is Physical Constrain.


Based on the findings of the survey, the researchers had the following conclusions:

1. Physical constrains, state of mind and schedule could affect the SPS senior students’ performance in English.

2. The factor which affects most on the SPS senior students’ performance in English is the schedule.

3. The factor which brought lesser impact on the SPS senior students’ performance in English are physical constrains.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers offered the following recommendations:

A. Policies

1. Students in Special Program in Sports should strive to balance their sport specialization and English subject.

2. Teachers should broaden their capability of understanding the SPS students’ performance in class and help them to cope more effectively.

3. School administrators of TCNCHS should monitor whether the Special Program in Sports Curriculum in their institution was implemented properly.

B. Further Studies 1. The researchers highly recommend a follow-up study on this problem to discuss further the factors affecting the performance in English of senior students in SPS Curriculum. 2. Use another method in gathering data to obtain a more valid and reliable study. 3. Review more related readings and studies to have a wide knowledge about the study.


Bureau of Secondary Education. (2009). Implementing Guidelines for the Institutionalization of the Special Program in Sports (SPS). Retrieved March 2012,

Christensen, B. (2003). Teachers as Curriculum Planners. Retrieved March 2012, from =true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED295928&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED295928

Fairclough, P., Stratton, E. (2005). Extracurricular Activities: The path to academic success? Educational Leadership, 57(4). Retrieved March 2002, from

Fujita, Kimiko. (2010). The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on the Academic Performance of Junior High Student. Retrieved March 2012, from

Goldberg, A., Chandler, T. (2005). The Role of Athletics in the Social World of High School Adolescents. Youth & Society, 21(2), 238-250. Retrieved March 2012,

Hartmann, Douglas. (2008). High School Sports Participation and Educational Attainment: Recognizing, Assessing, and Utilizing the Relationship. Retrieved March 2012, from /specific_interventio_programs

International Qualifications Assessment Service. (2007). International Education Guidefor the Assessment of Education from the Philippines. Alberta Canada.

Mahoney, Joseph L., et al. (2004). Organized Activities as Contexts of Development: Extracurricular Activities, After-School, and Community Programs. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Retreived March 2012, 1nqai cDxy

Marsh, I., Kleitman, A. (2002).Extracurricular Activities: Beneficial Extension of the Traditional Curriculum or Subversion of Academic Goals? Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(4), 553-562.

Physical constrain. (2004). Merriam Webster’s Dictionary. Geddes & Grosset.

Rivera, M., Rivera, R. (2007). Practical Guide to Thesis and Dissertation Writing (Revised Edition). KATHA Publishing, Inc.

Satcher. (2005). Benefits of Physical Education. Retrieved March 2012, http://w

Schedule. (2004). Merriam Webster’s Dictionary. Geddes & Grosset.

Schley, Vanessa. (2002). The Effects of Athletic Participation on Academic Achievement and Social Status. Retrieved March 2012, from

State of mind. (2004). Merriam Webster’s Dictionary. Geddes & Grosset.


Appendix A

Letter Request to the Principal

University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Teacher Education and Technology
Apokon, Tagum City

September 29, 2011

Principal II
Tagum City National Comprehensive High School

Dear Sir:


We are currently conducting our study entitled “Factors Affecting the Performance in English of Senior Students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School”. This is in compliance of the requirements in Education 11 (Practice Teaching) for the degree Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English.

Anent to this we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to conduct our study in your school. Rest assured that all gathered data will be used solely for the purpose of this study and will be kept confidential.

Your positive response ensures the success of this undertaking.

Respectfully yours,




Noted by:


Recommending Approval:


Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire

Republic of the Philippines
Tagum-Mabini Campus
Apokon, Tagum City


I. Profile of Respondents Name (optional): ________________________________ Sport Specialization: _____________________________

To the Rater: Hereunder are items concerning the conduct on “Factors Affecting the Performance in English of Senior Students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School”. Put a check mark on the left column in responding to the description specified on the right column.

Your honesty and sincere assessment is needed in connection with the researchers’ study entitled “Factors Affecting the Performance in English of Senior Students in Special Program in Sports Curriculum of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School”.

II. Direction: Put a check mark (() on the space provided that represents your answer.

|1. I have not participated in my English class because I’m already tired from my sport specialization class/training. | | |
|2. I have skipped from my English class just to rest because I’m so tired from my sport specialization class/training. | | |
|3. A rigid training in my sport specialization class have caused me to be absent from my English class because of | | |
|physical/health troubles. | | |
|1. I prefer to do my assignments/tasks in my sport specialization than in English. | | |
|2. I believe that my English teacher will surely pass me even if I won’t work hard on his/her subject because they need me | | |
|to represent the school. | | |
|3. I think about my sport specialization even when I’m in my English class. | | |
|1. I have skipped from my class in English just to have a practice in my sport specialization. | | |
|2. I have experienced to be tardy in my English class because of a practice in our sport specialization. | | |
|3. I have joined sport competitions that are held during regular class days which causes me to be absent from my English | | |
|class. | | |

Appendix C

Factors Affecting the Performance in English of SPS Senior Students of TCNCHS

Appendix C

Physical Constrain
|ANSWERS |1 |2 |3 |
| |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |
|YES |8 |30 |5 |19 |11 |41 |
|NO |19 |70 |22 |81 |16 |59 |
|TOTAL |27 |100 |27 |100 |27 |100 |

|ANSWERS |1 |2 |3 |
| |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |
|YES |16 |59 |8 |30 |14 |52 |
|NO |11 |41 |19 |70 |13 |48 |
|TOTAL |27 |100 |27 |100 |27 |100 |

State of Mind

|ANSWERS |1 |2 |3 |
| |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |Frequency |% |
|YES |16 |59 |21 |78 |24 |89 |
|NO |11 |41 |6 |22 |3 |11 |
|TOTAL |27 |100 |27 |100 |27 |100 |


Personal Data

Name : Fernalyn M. Baghucan

Date of Birth : July 04, 1990

Place of Birth : Sabangan, San Isidro, Davao del Norte

Civil Status : Single

Father : Fernando G. Baghucan

Mother : Avelina L. Baghucan

Address : Purok-3 Lintahon, Bagong Silang, Laak, Comval Province

Educational Background:

Elementary : Bagong Silang Elementary School

Bagong Silang, Laak, Compostela Valley Province

Secondary : Sawata National High School

Sto.Nino. San Isidro, Davao del Norte

Tertiary : University of Southeastern Philippines

Apokon, Tagum City


Personal Data

Name : Bernadeth B. Ebarle

Date of Birth : August 22, 1991

Place of Birth : La Libertad, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Civil Status : Single

Father : Bernardo C. Ebarle

Mother : Zenaida B. Ebarle

Brother : Rodel B. Ebarle

Address : Apitong, La Libertad, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Educational Background:

Elementary : Apitong Elementary School

Apitong La Libertad Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Secondary : La Libertad National High School

La Libertad Sto Tomas, Davao del Norte

Tertiary : University of Southeastern Philippines

Apokon, Tagum City, Davao del Norte


Personal Data
Name : Carol J. Lambojon
Date of Birth : October 21, 1990
Place of Birth : Davao Regional Hospital, Tagum Davao
Civil Status : Single
Father : Pat W. Lambojon
Mother : Angelina J. Lambojon
Brother : Ken Carlo J. Lambojon
Sisters : Ivy Maris J. Lambojon Karen J. Lambojon Ira Marie J. Lambojon
Address : #60, Gladiola St., Merville Subd., Magdum, Tagum City

Educational Background:
Elementary : Magugpo Pilot Imelda Elementary School Sobrecary St., Tagum City, Davao del Norte
Secondary : Tagum City National High School Mangga, Visayan Village, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
Tertiary : University of Southeastern Philippines Apokon, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

I. Profile of Respondents Name (optional): ________________________________ Sport Specialization: _____________________________

II. Direction: Put a check mark (() on the space provided that represents your answer.

|1. I have not participated in my English class because I’m already tired from my sport specialization class/training. | | |
|2. I have skipped from my English class just to rest because I’m so tired from my sport specialization class/training. | | |
|3. A rigid training in my sport specialization class have caused me to be absent from my English class because of physical/health troubles. | | |
|1. I prefer to do my assignments/tasks in my sport specialization than in English. | | |
|2. I believe that my English teacher will surely pass me even if I won’t work hard on his/her subject because they need me to represent the | | |
|school. | | |
|3. I think about my sport specialization even when I’m in my English class. | | |
|1. I have skipped from my class in English just to have a practice in my sport specialization. | | |
|2. I have experienced to be tardy in my English class because of a practice in our sport specialization. | | |
|3. I have joined sport competitions that are held during regular class days which causes me to be absent from my English class. | | |


I. Profile of Respondents Name (optional): ________________________________ Sport Specialization: _____________________________

II. Direction: Put a check mark (() on the space provided that represents your answer.

|1. I have not participated in my English class because I’m already tired from my sport specialization class/training. | | |
|2. I have skipped from my English class just to rest because I’m so tired from my sport specialization class/training. | | |
|3. A rigid training in my sport specialization class have caused me to be absent from my English class because of physical/health troubles. | | |
|1. I prefer to do my assignments/tasks in my sport specialization than in English. | | |
|2. I believe that my English teacher will surely pass me even if I won’t work hard on his/her subject because they need me to represent the | | |
|school. | | |
|3. I think about my sport specialization even when I’m in my English class. | | |
|1. I have skipped from my class in English just to have a practice in my sport specialization. | | |
|2. I have experienced to be tardy in my English class because of a practice in our sport specialization. | | |
|3. I have joined sport competitions that are held during regular class days which causes me to be absent from my English class. | | |

----------------------- i ii iii vi viii ix






Survey Questionnaire


Result of the Conducted Survey


Factors Affecting the Performance in English of Senior Students in SPS Curriculum of TCNCHS

1. Physical Constrain 2. State of Mind 3. Schedule 4.
Formulation of the Survey Questionnaire

Interpretation of the Gathered Data

Administration of the Survey

Summarization of the Result

Asking of Permission from the Principal of TCNTS

Percentage =


Total Responses

X 100

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Negative Factors Affecting the Study Habits

...NEGATIVE FACTORS AFFECTING THE STUDY HABITS OF STUDENTS ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014 In Partial Fulfillment Of The Subject Requirements In English 2 A Colloquium Presented to The English Faculty of the Our Lady of Fatima University GRANTUSA, WINORE D. CONCEPCION, SOFIA LORRAINE P. CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Your study habits play a big role in determining your success in the learning process. Study habits are the ways that you acquire knowledge that you have formed during your school years. Study habits can be good ones or bad ones. Good study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading your textbooks, listening in class and working every day. Negative study habits include skipping class, not doing your work, watching television or playing video games. Therefore, negative study habits of students are not helpful for a better education. Study habits are defined as the regular tendencies and practices that one depicts during the process of gaining information through learning. The manner with which you consistently use to study for school or college even for next day lesson plans if you are a teacher. It means you are not distracted by anything, you have a certain place to go where it is quiet everyday where you study and do homework. (Sanchez, 2010) Studying is a skill. Being successful in school requires a high level of study skills. Student must first learn these skills, practice them and develop effective study habits in order...

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Factors Influencing Students Academic Performance in Nigeria

...Factors Influencing Students Academic Performance in Nigeria Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Students Academic Performance in Nigeria Some Explanation from a Local Survey Nigeria like any other developing nations has witnessed series of political instability, with obvious effects on educational policies at federal, state and local government levels. This gradually laid the foundation of fallen standard in education at the primary and secondary school levels, which caused differential academic performance of students. In the quest of finding survival feet, the nation has evolved series of socio-economic and educational measures but these have not improved the social-economic status of families in the country. It is within this milieu that this study examines socio-economic factors influencing students' academic performance in Nigeria, with some explanations from Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State. The time frame of the study covers the period of 2004 to 2007. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) copies of questionnaire were administered to respondents. The study revealed that insufficient parental income, family type and lack of funding by governments are factors influencing students' academic performance. Based on these findings, certain recommendations are made towards improving student academic performance. Prominent of these include proper funding of education by government, sensitization of parents towards their children education and the support of NGOs to eradicate...

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Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Working Students

...CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Student jobs have become a sort of trend among students around the world, who wants to be a working while they are studying. In short, the term that suits this trend is ‘Earn and Learn ‘ policy. Other reasons why student jobs are popular among students are they help to cope up with the constant increase in tuition fees, and a way to afford further educations. The problem has been developed with the question as to how the corresponding workloads and required working hours of working students affect their academic performance at EARIST. As a researcher, the main purpose of the study is to know the factors that affect the academic performance of working students. In addition, this paper aims to provide encouragement and motivation to all students especially to those who are financially distressed to pursue and finish a college degree in order to competitive in the future and be able to realize their goals and aspirations. It may also provide learning experiences and information to other students who are not working. In order to accomplish our objectives, we adopted several methodologies in obtaining data and information such as conducting surveys by providing questionnaires to our subjects, getting information in the internet and conducting interviews personally and honestly with our target subjects to get assurance that our data, information and values gathered were correct and accurate...

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Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Working Students in Hotel & Restaurant Management

...  Background of the study   Orszag (2001) Working while attempting to obtain a degree has become a pervasive lifestyle for today’s University students among the reasons contributing to an ever increasing trend of working during education could be the increasing financial pressures from higher college tuition and fees, the necessity of gaining social experiences, and academic requirements for practical internships. The likelihood of working while in school for college students has been increasing particularly as the cost of education has also been rising. Noni’s and Hudson (2006) Academic performance is measured by the standing of rates of grades of student in every subject. Having a high level of performance on the academic area of a student suggest its competency and high level of confidence on its certain field. Students have their own attitude towards learning and achieving a high level of academic performance. The development of their enthusiasm towards succeeding in their own field varies. In order for a student to succeed he needs to be armed with strategies and techniques that will supplement his desire to reach his goals. Crede and Kuncel (2008) One way is to have an efficient and adaptive study habit. This phenomenon can be linked to multi factors that affect their study habit. Such factors can be found in their environment, these includes the type of house they live in; the people around them and the level of support they give; the student and his family’s daily...

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Study Habits

...declining quality, relevance and accessibility of education, the very basic rights of the Filipino youth. Many problems are mentioned except the problem regarding the attitudes of the students toward their academic performance. There is a usual observation and protest of the secondary school teachers regarding the products of the elementary level of education or the foundation of their learning. They said that the pupils do not know how to study on their own initiative. Some cannot work out their assignments; others cannot take part actively in the class recitation, and others do not know the art of note taking. There have been many instances which showed that majority of the students display inability to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information they got from their references. Quite a number of students simply pick up the words from the pages of the books or printed materials while comprehending the meaning of it. These and many others are results of poor method of study habits. Thus, developing the youth requires early training in the schools. According to Covey (1989), “To focus on technique is like cramming your way through school. You sometimes get by, perhaps even get good grades, but if you don’t pay the price day in and day out, you’ll never achieve true mastery of the subjects you study or develop an educated mind.” It is said that aside from...

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Determinants of Study Habits

...FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOURS SPENT BY CBAA STUDENTS ON STUDYING REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Success in school is not so much determined by sheer intelligence as knowing how to study. Studying is a skill. Being successful in school requires a high level of study skills. Students must first learn these skills, practice them and develop effective study habits in order to be successful. Very often the study habits and practices developed and used in high school do not work for students in college. Good study habits include many different skills: time management, self-discipline, concentration, memorization, organization, and effort. Desire to succeed is important, too( College students have many obstacles to overcome in order to achieve their optimal academic performance. It takes a lot more than just studying to achieve a successful college career. Different stressors such as time management, financial problems, sleep deprivation, social activities, and for some students even having children, can all pose their own threat to a student’s academic performance as well as the hours they spend on studying (Womble, 2004). Study habits are the ways that students study- the habits that they have formed during their school years. Study habits can be good ones, or bad ones. Good study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading the textbook, listening in class, and working every day. Being organized means the student can easily access his or...

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The Working Students and Their Academic Performance

...Conceptual Framework Study habits and academic performance of the working students have attracted increased attention among the university teachers and students with the aim of knowing and understanding the reasons, problems and other factors affecting them. This may empower them for lifelong learning to their journey to success hindered by their busy schedules and always no time to their study and academic performance. In Surigao State College of Technology the study habits and academic performance of working students give any positive and or negative impact on their grades depending on how they cope with it. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Figure 1.The Research Paradigm The research paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework of the study that shows the relationship of the input, process and output of the topic. This framework embodies the specific direction by which the research will have to be undertaken by describing the relationship between specific variables identified in the study. The input consists of the research method applied in conducting the research regarding the study habits and academic performance of the working students. Qualitative research undertaken to gain insights concerning attitudes, beliefs, motivations and behaviours of individuals to explore a social or human problem and include methods such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, observation research and case studies. The process on the other hand shows how the research being conducted through defining...

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Part 2 Chapter 1 Research About the Factors Affecting Student's Study Habits

... Quadrant 2: Important but Not Urgent – Items in this category are integral to your life but do not require your immediate attention right now. Quadrant 3: Not Important but Urgent – Items in this category are not integral to your life, but they do require your immediate attention. Quadrant 4: Not Important and Not Urgent – Items in this category are not integral to your life and do not need to happen at any particular time (or not at all, for that matter), yet doing them consumes your time and energy. Dependent Variable * Grades * Interest Independent Variable * Subject * Teacher * Time * Mind set (Pessimism vs. Optimism) Figure 2. Paradigm of the Study This concept shows some factors that can affect the performance...

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Factors That Affects the Study Habits of Bshrm

...Introduction “A STUDY PROBLEM AFFECTS THE STUDY HABITS OF THE STUDENTS” A study habit is vital to every student’s life. It plays an essential role not only in the academic field, but also in every areas that require understanding and learning. Observance of a good study habit will ensure that success in every academic endeavour is achieved. A good study habit is founded on the very idea that the person engaged is focused on what he is studying. It also entails that the environment is peaceful and free from any disturbances. Most importantly, it requires focus. Focus would mean that the student’s mind is free from any worries and problems such that his or her concentration is centered on the study materials. To speak about habit is to speak about consistently doing something on a regular basis. It also means following certain guidelines to ensure a successful outcome. However, it cannot be ignored that there are certain factors that could affect study habits. To name a few, these are: online games/social networking, gadgets, peer factors, teacher factor, student factor and financial problems Given the high tech age, online games such as Dota and social networking like Facebook can highly affect a good study habit. It consumes the time of every student. Undeniably, majority of the time that is supposedly be devoted to studying is spent instead navigating the internet. Gadgets such as PSP and playstation are also disturbances . Peer factors can also destroy...

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Theories of Study Habits

...learn effectively, one must have a good study habits. Study habits are the ways that you study- the habits that you have formed during your school years. Study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading your textbook, listening in class, and working everyday. However, there are factors that can hinder students to have a good study habits, which are the learning environment; socioeconomic status; the teacher; nutrition and students’ motivation to study. Study habits are learning tendencies that enable students to work privately. Azikiwe (1998) describes the study habit as “the adopted way and manner a student plans his private readings, after classroom learning so as to attain mastery of the subject”. According to her, “good study habits are good assets to learners because they (habits) assist students to attain mastery in areas of specialization and consequent excellent performance, while opposite constitute constraints to learning and achievement leading to failure”. Good (1998) define the term study habits as: The student’s way of study whether systematic, efficient or inefficient etc”. Going by 9 this definition it literally means that good study habit produces positive academic performance while inefficient study habit leads to academic failure. Your study habits determine your grades. If you study effectively, your grades will improve; if you study poorly, they will be poor grades. Background of study. Did you ever stop to wonder...

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...framework The study habits and its effects on Academic performance of freshmen students at Colegio San Agustin... Save Paper Study Habits provides medical missions and free medical operations in the city. Theoretical Framework This study was premised on Mary Joy 11 Functional Health Patterns... Save Paper Study Habits session. (2011, Theoretical Framework This study will employ various strategies of examination preparation apply by the respondent. It will assist... Save Paper Study Habits Chapter 1 College of Education THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study is about the theorems of different authors who studied the different kinds of study habits. (a.) Dr... Save Paper Study Habits in Figure 1 below: Management of Time Study Environment Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study The study habits of MCC students were categorized... Save Paper Factors That Affecting The Study Habits In a Working Student Review of Related Literature Review Related Studies Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Conceptual Model of... Save Paper The Effects Of Malls Near Schools To The Study Habits Of 4Th Year High School Students In St. Louis School... the school. Can it really affect not the study habits but the attendance of the students? B. Theoretical Framework There are schools that prohibit their students... Save Paper Study Habits others can know and appreciate their attributes and other characteristics. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework This study is based in...

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...FACTORS AFFECTING MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE OF GRADE-10 STUDENTS AT MALVAR NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL S.Y. 2015-2016 A Research Proposal Presented to the Malvar National High School Malvar, Batangas In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for Grade 10- Mathematics By: Elwin Grace Pillarda Ellaine Joyce Villegas Maureen Vanguardia Allysa Jane Soriano Sarah Jane Lagrana Dhanna Carandang Ritchie Anne Buli Cairrine Pedraja Lara Sophia Cea Nicole Castillo Leah Valencia CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Since 2012, K-12 program has already started. Philippine’s Basic Education has been enhanced and now, 12 years of education is required. There were some adjustments made. And now, teachers, parents & students need to participate well in in this changes. We live in a mathematical world. Whenever we decide on a purchase, choose an insurance or health plan, or use a spreadsheet, we rely on mathematical understanding. The World Wide Web, CD-ROMs, and other media disseminate vast quantities of quantitative information. The level of mathematical thinking and problem solving needed in the workplace has increased dramatically. In such a world, those who understand and can do mathematics will have opportunities that others do not. Mathematical competence opens doors to productive futures. A lack of mathematical competence closes those doors. Students have different abilities, needs, and interests. Yet everyone needs to be able...

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Determinants of Financial Literacy Among Youth

...City Abstract Financial markets around the world have become increasingly accessible to everyone but financial products are becoming more complex and difficult to grasp for an average individual. Therefore it is of paramount importance to equip the Youth with Financial Literacy so that they can manage their own finances and securing their financial future. The present study is carried out with the objective to find out the determinants of financial literacy of the youth. The major determinants that influence the financial literacy are required to be sought in order to deal with the complexities of current financial markets and products. Data has been collected through primary sources by framing questionnaire answered by 100 respondents in Amritsar. Factor Analysis has been used to analyse the data. The analysis revealed five underlying dimensions namely Interest in Financial Issues, Financial Behaviour, Saving habits, Financial Attitude and Financial Awareness. The results of this paper will be helpful for making people more financially literate. Keywords : Financial Literacy, Youth, Factor Analysis INTRODUCTION Financial Literacy is the ability of individual to understand and analyze the required information necessary for making decisions with the awareness of likely financial consequences. It is basically a process in which skills, resources and...

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Study Habits

...Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Education plays a vital role in our lives. It is important like our basic needs – food, clothes, shelter. It is through education where we can put our potentials in maximum use. It is a precious tool in our lives. It is our key to success. It opens doors of opportunities and serves as our guide to achieving our dreams. It is a preparation for our future roles. Without education, we cannot develop our skills and talents that will help us become successful in our respective careers. It is the only way where we can achieve our goals. According to Manali Oak, “Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops us in a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education.” Information is everywhere. But it’s not enough that we just gain information. We need education for us to be able to understand and interpret it. Through education, we develop proper attitudes, values and behavior towards other people. We learn how to interact using good manners and appropriate conduct with the people around us. “The words ‘cultivate’ and ‘civilize’...

Words: 5514 - Pages: 23

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Study Habits

...EXAMINING THE STUDY HABITS OF FILIPINO SECONDARY PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THIS 21ST CENTURY: WHO AND WHAT INFLUENCE THEM THE MOST Lennen Crisostomo Students have different study habits., that influence their attitudes toward their classes. This study will examine or investigate who and what most affects students’ study habits in the 21st century. Study habits are the very core of the students on how they perform at class. Habits can make the students’ academic performance either good or bad in specific tasks such as answering exams, reciting, and writing. The other factors that interest are: recent curriculum changed in my place of work, the changes created by the use of new information and communication technologies, parents’ upbringing, increased awareness of students’ rights, and the current situation of public school classrooms. (Include here some reference to existing literature regarding how changes in new information and communication technologies, lack of work-life balance of parents, overseas migration of working parents, popular media, etc. are affecting students and their study habits). I have considered to conduct my study in my work place, which is Cong. Teodulo C. Natividad High School, given my access to easily get primary and secondary data. (Include here why you picked this school besides the obvious convenience sampling – is this a typical high school in terms of demographic profile...

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