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Physician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legalized Essay

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There are situations in life that can demand that we make split decisions. Some decisions are reversible whereas others, such as Physician Assisted Suicide, are concrete. While some view it as a solution or being a form of relief from intolerable pain, Physician Assisted Suicide should not be legalized. The reason for this is because patients shouldn’t make final decisions filtered by frustration. Other reasons are that Assisted Suicide can also give patients the idea that losing all hope is Ok. Although It’s fair to feel hopeless. The positive mindset can have great benefits to our health. Finally, many times it is the wrong approach to a much deeper problem. Hidden mind altering moods or emotions such as Depression can cause illogical reasoning. These are only a few reasons while Physician Assisted Suicide should be legalized.
Frustration is an emotional state that a person experiences while under distress. It is also one of the many leading causes for attempting to find an “easy way out”. …show more content…
One leading cause of suicide attempts is depression. Depression is a very common and an extremely serious mood disorder. When a person gets a devastating diagnostic such as a terminal disease or a life full of pain it is very easy to spiral into a mindset of depression and lose all hope. Most terminally ill patients who choose suicide over life are depressed. USA Today reported that 90% of terminally ill suicide attempters suffered from depression. It’s a wrong fix to a deeper problem because Depression, with the right medications, therapy and counseling can be managed or treated. Many times after the depression has been dealt with the patient can have a more rational way of dealing with the life altering news of terminal illnesses. Assisted Suicide might not be as promising as it did when the effects of depression were taking

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