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Physiology Lab Report


Submitted By PatBrooks94
Words 569
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Physiology Lab Report

DATA Table 1 | | Kick 1 | Kick 2 | Kick 3 | Kick 4 | Kick 5 | Average | Time of muscle contraction (s) | 5.995 | 9.795 | 11.93 | 13.475 | 15.435 | | Time of stimulus (s) | 5.735 | 9.565 | 11.6 | 13.3 | 15.155 | | ∆t (s) | .26 | .23 | .33 | .175 | .28 | .255 |

Table 2 | | Reflex 1 | Reflex 2 | Reflex 3 | Reflex 4 | Reflex 5 | Average | Time of muscle contraction (s) | 7.925 | 11.605 | 15.050 | 18.105 | 21.195 | | Time of stimulus (s) | 7.830 | 11.415 | 14.940 | 18.010 | 21.080 | | ∆t (s) | .095 | .19 | .11 | .095 | .115 | .121 |

Graph 1: Neuromuscular Reflex for Various Activities

Graph 2: Voluntary Neuromuscular Reflexes

Graph 3: Involuntary Neuromuscular Reflexes

Graph Explanations

* Graph 1: This graph depicts the EMG measurements of the muscle after doing different activities. EMG stands for electromyography. Electromyography is a technique for evaluating and recording electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. Some of these activities included kicking a leg out and doing a knee bend. * Graph 2: This graph depicts the voluntary activation of the quad muscle. The graph illustrates the acceleration of time it takes the hammer to hit the table and then the EMG that was recorded. The person we did the experiment on was Louis Gallo. When Louis heard the hammer being hit on the table he kicked his leg out. * Graph 3: This graph shows the involuntary reflex of the patellar reflex when being struck with the hammer. The EMG illustrates the time it took for the subject, Louis, to react after being hit with the hammer.

2. The reaction times for voluntary and involuntary activation of the quadriceps muscles differed. Our data showed that it took Louis longer to respond voluntary to the sound of the hammer then it took him to respond involuntarily. The results make sense. When Louis was reacting voluntarily he was waiting to hear the sound of the hammer, so there was a delay. When he was acting involuntarily, his body simply just reacted to the hammer. So, there was less of a delay.
3. Speed at which a stimulus traveled from the patellar tendon to the spinal cord and back to the quadriceps muscle: Calculation 63.5 cm * 2 = (127 cm / .121) = 1049.58 / 100 = 10.49 m/s
4. Nerve impulses have been found to travel as fast as 100 m/s. Obviously; this isn’t the case with us. We believe that Louis’s leg was too tense when we were conducting the experiment. The increase tension in the leg could cause his reaction time to be slower. If he let it hang completely loose, it would have been a faster reaction. Another issue we may believe may have hindered the reaction time was the equipment we used. We weren’t conducting the experiment with hospital or profession-grade equipment. Therefore, it may not have measured our results completely accurate.
5. We compared our data found with that of another groups. The other groups data was: average voluntary reaction time of .766, average involuntary average speed of .74, and 76 centimeters from spinal cord to patellar. We found that we had a smaller difference between involuntary and voluntary results. The other groups’ subject had a faster involuntary reflex and we had a faster voluntary one. The body types of the two subjects were different. The other groups’ subject had a much different physique.

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