Premium Essay

Picture the Supply Chain


Submitted By tcherry26
Words 365
Pages 2
Axia College Material
Appendix B

Picture the Supply Chain

Complete the chart below by outlining the digital content supply chain at Warner Bros. Entertainment.

|Upstream Component |Internal Component |Downstream Component |
|(sourcing/procurement) |(packing/assembly |(distribution) |
| |manufacturing) | |
| | | |
|This supply chain designates the source and|This type of supply chain, packaging |This supply chain involves distribution |
|procurement are made from external |manufacturing and assembly all take place |mainly through external means. |
|suppliers |in the same environment. | |
| | |Warner moved to digital distribution in the|
|Hewlett-Packard is the main suppliers used |Warner shifted to a digital end to end |form of broadband, high-definition |
|by Warner Bros. |business in response to the trend that |television (HDTV) and DVDs |
| |customers demonstrated for digital media. | |
|HP gives them a media digital platform that|Filmmakers, use digital camera |6,000 motion pictures have been digitalized|
|is a complete package of hardware services |technologies. |by Warner Bros. The

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