...(at LT feeder pillars A, B as shown below). It is connected to earth at two separate and distinct points. The neutral of a main-line cable is earthed at both ends via LT feeder pillars (A & B), while neutral of a service cable is earthed at one end (via LT feeder pillar B) and not at meter cabin end with due consideration of safety issues. Earthing of neutral (which is normally a current carrying part) and consumer earth wire (which is normally a non-current carrying part) may get electrically connected due to space constraints at consumer end. In real life, due to lack of inspection and poor maintenance, the earthing may get open and likely to remain unnoticed. In case of a phase to neutral cable fault, there is a likelihood of the consumer earthing and thereby consumer house-hold equipments get charged to a voltage unsafe to human life. Hence, it is always preferable not to earth the neutral at consumer (meter cabin) end. The Single Line diagram of the ‘Assumed System’ is as – [pic] I.E. Rule 1956, section 61(a) requires that “Neutral conductor of a 3 phase, 4 wire system shall be earthed by not less than two separate and distinct connections with a minimum of two different earth both at the generating station and at the sub-station (Neutral Earthing at distribution centre). The earth electrodes so provided, may be inter-connected to reduce earth resistance. It may also be earthed at one or more points along the distribution system (LT feeder pillars A, B) or service...
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...Part I: Quote Explication 1. “And when the Lord smelled the pleasing odor, the Lord said in his heart,‘I will never again curse the ground because of humankind, for the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth; nor will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.’” (Genesis 8:21 – 22) Answer: In chapter 8 of Genesis, it describes what happened after 40 days and nights of rain. God allowed Noah to save himself and his family and the animals by building an ark in which they survived 40 days and 40 nights of rain. God remembered Noah and what he have done to save all kinds of creatures on earth. Then god decided not to punish earth because of humankind any more and the day and nights and everything else will never be punished again even if the human beings are born with evils in their heart. The reason...
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...Because of the times we live in, there is much interest today in the Mayan Calendar, 11:11, and twin flames. Many souls on earth are having the delightful and challenging experience of meeting their twin flame. At the time of creation, the souls split into two distinct and separate souls, thereby enjoying more opportunity to learn and grow while incarnating on earth and other life realms. This created a great opportunity to learn and grow, but at the same time has created much conflict and a need to reunite with one's "other Half". Many have been looking for many years and gone through failed relationships seeking to reconnect with their true twin soul. The number eleven has long been considered a highly spiritual number. It is often referred to as a master number, but master of what? I believe one of the events the number eleven signifies is the twin flame....
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...The world religions of planet Earth contain fifteen major religions, but for my report, I focused on the top three religions to represent Earth’s population. Together, Christianity, Muslims, and Hinduism represent nearly sixty eight percent of the planet’s religious beliefs. According to Mary Pat Fisher (2011), the definition of religion is a particular response to dimensions of life considered sacred, as shaped by institutionalized traditions. The criteria used to determine if people on earth are religious involves understanding what they believe in regards to the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, the way that they observe rituals, and the way they live their lives according to the moral code established by their specific religions. The first criteria that I felt needed to be met for the planet to be considered religious was what the population believed in regards to the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe according to their beliefs. Christianity, the planet’s most common form of religion, believes that there is one single, almighty god. This god created the universe and all organisms that inhabit it in seven days. Christians believe that god created the ultimate organism (humans) to live in his divine view of perfect love and justice. The purpose in life of Christianity for these believers is to love and serve God throughout their lives (Christianity Human Nature). I examined the Muslim religion to understand how these believers observed rituals in accordance...
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...Jesus of Nazareth and the Prophet Muhammad were key important figures in the respective religions. Jesus Christ was important to Christianity and was seen as a messenger, teacher and the living embodiment of God. The Prophet Muhammad was also seen as messenger for God, and he united Arabia under one polity, which was Islam. Both Jesus of Nazareth and the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings are followed in the current era. Their lives and the manner of their deaths have brought inspiration to literally millions world-wide. Each of these historical individuals is considered the greatest prophet of their own religion. They were each were radical leaders of their people during their lives and are still highly regarded by followers today. It is believed that Jesus was born a few years before the beginning of our current Christian’s calendar Year One. He is said to have been born in Bethlehem in current day Israel. The New Testament of the Bible tells the story of Jesus’ life as beginning with a virgin birth by Mary. He worked as a common carpenter, following in his father Joseph’s trade. 18 years of Jesus’ life are unrecorded in the New Testament. His story picks up when he is 30 years of age and begins preaching among the people. He gathers disciples during this time who follow him throughout the region. His teachings include the basic precepts of living in humility, faith and forgiveness. He also taught of God’s mercy and forgiveness to man. He is said to have performed...
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...Jesus and Muhammad Paper Instructor: Pablo Cuadra Axia College Still alive today are the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus of Nazareth. Many lives across the world have been affected and inspired by the life and death of the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus. In their religion, both Jesus and Muhammad were considered to be the greatest prophets. Many who followed and practiced their faith still consider both of these men as leaders of their times. What is now called the Common Era, Jesus is believed to be born in Bethlehem a few years before. Mary gave birth to a miraculous son named Jesus, which is told by the New Testament. As, in the New Testament a carpenter named Joseph is said to believe that he is the father of Jesus. It was also said that Jesus followed in his footsteps and was a carpenter himself. During Jesus younger years, there is not much said about them in the New Testament. There is more said about Jesus in the New Testament when he was approximately thirty years old. Jesus had done many travels. Through his traveling Jesus started preaching to small groups of people. He also gathered many disciples and followers that listened to what he was preaching. Many people would follow him just to hear what he was preaching. Faith, forgiveness and humility are what Jesus would preach throughout his travels. He also preached about great mercy and God’s forgiveness. Through Jesus travels, while preaching the word, he also performed many miracles. He is a few of the...
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...In 1 Enoch, “new” pillars and ornaments are associated with both a “new house” symbolic of heaven and with the “old house” described as the “abyss, full of fire and flaming”, associated with a hellish prison dimension in which the fallen angels or “shepherds” and their sheep are condemned. In 2 Enoch 44:5, Enoch-Metatron makes the following...
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...Shelby Hooper Matthew Franks HUM/130 June 28, 2014 Five Pillars of Islam The first pillar of Islam is the “Shahadah”, this is the assumption in no god but God, this wholeness shows their loyalty to God. The other part of this one pillar is to give others outside of the religion this communication, in order to increase the word about the religion, but they aren’t to admit the message under pressure. The second pillar is to do regular prayers, Muslims need to pray five times a day, to use water or sand, face Mecca and repeat a order of prayers that come from the Qur’an. They do this by bending over on their hands and knees. The third pillar is called zakat, this where all Muslims must contribute, half of their yearly earnings to the underprivileged and deprived people. This is believed to help with prejudice in wealth among the people, but it is also meant to keep a person from being money hunger. According to Fischer (Fischer, 2005) Saudi Arabia gives fifteen percent of the country’s gross domestic product earnings to development and relief projects all over the world every year. The Islamic Relief association is subsidized by this; they support communities all over the world after tragedies and other problems. The fourth pillar is fasting, it is urged that all Islamic people do constant fasting; the time that it is necessary is during Ramadan, commemorating the first announcement of the Qur’an to Muhammad. (Fischer, 2005). The fasting during Ramadan takes place between...
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...1 Islamic Religion 2 Islam is among the largest monotheistic religions practiced in the world today. Like Christianity and Judaism, Islam believes in one Supreme deity, being Allah, or God. Although, Islam is considered to have a significant historical past, it is the youngest of the three monotheistic religions and can be linked to its counterparts. Islam’s identity and tradition are portrayed by the Five Pillars of Islam, the belief in the six articles of faith, and the holy texts of the Qur’an. Islamic prayer can be considered an important duty amongst its followers. Each believer must face towards Makkah or Mecca, which is Islam’s holiest city, and pray five times a day during sunrise, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and evening. Even though Islam can be interpreted and learned about through educational texts, to really understand its traditions and practices, one may gain knowledge by interviewing a person of this faith. In the following paper, included will be an introduction to Islam, an interview and its summary of a person practicing this faith, a compare and contrast to Christianity, and an overview of Islamic tradition. All these different aspects of this religion should provide a better understanding of Islam and what its practices consist...
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...Bismillah al rahman al rahim: Ultimate pillar connecting divine and vicegerent. The religion of Islam is rich in rituals, myths and symbols, but the true testimony of an individual’s relationship with god, or in the case of Muslims Allah, is seen in the duties of worship “ibadat”. Duties of worship are also better known as the five pillars of Islam, which creates a relationship between Allah and his people, as well as the relationship that human beings have amongst themselves. From the name of the faith there can already be seen the importance of Allah, as Islam in Arabic can be translated as submission, and as one will see, the follower of Islam submits himself first and foremost to Allah. Through the submission of oneself to Allah, a Muslim person performs rituals that bring them closer to the transcendent, whilst creating a sense of universal community. The foundation of Islam is as the nature of the word implies, that the believer recognises only Allah, and submits to all the commands that Allah puts forward (Waines, D. 1995: 3). Prior to an individual becoming a follower of Islam, they are to pronounce the Shahadah. The shahadah is the first pillar of Islam, and is the declaration that the individual chooses to bear witness to the oneness of god and that Muhammad is his prophet (Jomier, J.1989: 53). The shahadah becomes a part of the daily life of a Muslim as it is not only said at the declaration of one to the following of Allah, but it is also pronounced at a birth...
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...Report on the Religious life of Planet Earth Joan C. Mercieca Strayer University Religion 212 – World Religions Dr. Lawrence Ruddell April 28, 2012 I recently traveled to the planet called Earth to ascertain if people and the planet are religious and what they practice in the aspects of religion. I will give you examples of behavior or beliefs I observed during my visit on Earth. The first thing that I saw was that Earth and its people are separated by many religions and variations of religions. What I mean by this is currently Earth has about forty three hundred belief systems and within these beliefs there are many different sects (Fisher, 2011). According to Barrett (2000), I looked at there are twelve classical major world religions. Babi and Baha'i faiths, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism (Fisher, 2011). There are many other religions on earth but Christianity is the largest. Christianity comprises of Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodox. What I have observed from Christianity is that they have different sects within. Christian’s believe that there is one God who is supremely powerful and knowing. Christian’s beliefs sounded bizarre to me because they believe that anything is possible if they believe in this God. These Christians believe that their God made the Earth, heavens and animals in six days and...
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...Jesus and Mohammed Paper Kai Taylor Jesus and Mohammed Paper The lives of Jesus of Nazareth and of the Prophet Mohammed are still being told today. Their life stories and teachings have impacted and inspired many people from all over the world. Jesus and Mohamed are the holiest in their religions right behind God. They were both great leaders of their religions and continue to lead to this day to the faithful. Jesus was said to be born in a mangier in the city of Bethlehem. His birth was a miraculous birth, meaning that his mother, Mary, was a virgin and had been impregnated by God himself. Jesus was believed to be a carpenter, although the bible and scriptures do not say exactly what he did for a good part of his adulthood. Very little is known about Jesus until he was about 30 years old. That where his story picks back up. Jesus starts his travels and preaches his teachings to the people and begins to gather a following. Through his travels he gathers disciples and preached about forgiveness and having faith. Throughout his travels, Jesus preformed many miracles. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and turned water into wine among many other things. As Jesus’ following began to gain strength with many followers, the Romans got concerned that he could become a threat to the king of Rome. He was arrested and brought before Pontius Pilate and where was asked if he was the king of the Jews and the son of God. When he answered yes to the questions he was condemned...
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...The Swing How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do! Up in the air and over the wall, Till I can see so wide, River and trees and cattle and all Over the countryside-- Till I look down on the garden green, Down on the roof so brown-- Up in the air I go flying again, Up in the air and down! Robert Louis Stevenson Because I Could Not Stop for Death( personification) Top of Form Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality. We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labour, and my leisure too, For his civility. We passed the school where children played, Their lessons scarcely done; We passed the fields of gazing grain, We passed the setting sun. We paused before a house that seemed A swelling of the ground; The roof was scarcely visible, The cornice but a mound. Since then 'tis centuries; but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses' heads Were toward eternity. The poem by Emily Dickinson "Because I could not stop for Death" is know to be one of the best poems in English. Every image extends and intensifies each other. But there are some pro and cons in this poem. The poem helps us to characterize and bring death down to a more personal level. It shows a different perspective of death that the more popular views of death being brutal and...
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...Islam Beliefs and the Five Pillars Islam is a religion based on a faith that encompasses much of the Bible and its teachings. There is a belief in God, Jesus, Abraham and his sons Ismael, Isaac, and Jacob, and Moses. It is said that this religion has some basis in the son Ismael whom Abraham took with his mother and left in the desert as a precaution to not making his wife Sarah jealous after Ismael’s birth. Later Muhammad who is believed by the Islamic people to be a messenger or prophet of God was the first model for the Islamic religion and it is his prophetic recitations that make up the word of God given to his followers throughout his lifetime. There have been a few prophets in the Islamic faith who have succeeded Muhammad after his death. The Islamic people now called Muslims follow their version of the Bible called the Qur’an which is said to be the first Bible based on Gods prophecies as he gave them to Muhammad. The central teachings and beliefs of the Islamic faith come from the Qur’an and the teachings of Muhammad. The Shahadah is chanted into the ear of all infants born Muslim. This chant is translated as; “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God” (Fisher 2014). This in essence shows that like Christianity and Judaism the core belief is in “only the one God” (Fisher 2014) although the Muslims call him by many names. Islam believes very strongly in unity over every aspect of life. Muhammad as a prophet is said not to have started a new religion...
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...Muslims that follow a vegetarian diet and also many that are carnivorous in their food choices. c. Muslims believe that Mankind’s purpose is to know that Allah is the ONE and only GOD, and to follow the writings and teachings of the Qur’an. They are to make a pilgrimage once in their lives to Mecca, to support the poor, to fast during the month of Ramadan, and to profess faith. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) d. Muslims believe that in order to have morality one must follow the writings of the Qur’an and the Hadith and to also follow the “The Five Pillars”, which consist of the following: to make a pilgrimage once in their lives to Mecca, to support the poor, to fast during the month of Ramadan, to profess faith, and daily prayer. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) e. Muslims believe in Heaven or Paradise and Hell, They believe that in order to get into Heaven they must complete the “Five Pillars”, they however also believe that Allah has the final say as to what happens to them. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) II. If we compared Christianity to Islam we would say a very similar and...
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