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The Book Of Enoch

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It is interesting that both the intermediary Enoch and the lustful fallen angels that fell from heaven are both said to be those who imparted the original teachings of the occult and alchemical mysteries. In exchange, the fallen angels for their revelations, had sexual intercourse with human women and bred through them a race of hungry giants. The Book of Enoch recounts this forbidden exchange of sex for wisdom with a view to explaining the origins of human sinfulness and error. These ideas are also repeated in Gnostic texts found at Nag Hammadi, such as the Apocryphon of John and Hypostasis of the Archons. Zosimos made explicit references to this Enochian episode in many of his writings, and even implies that Hermes was well aware of the Book of Enoch and taught that fallen angels or “daimons” had intercourse with women. …show more content…
In 1 Enoch, “new” pillars and ornaments are associated with both a “new house” symbolic of heaven and with the “old house” described as the “abyss, full of fire and flaming”, associated with a hellish prison dimension in which the fallen angels or “shepherds” and their sheep are condemned. In 2 Enoch 44:5, Enoch-Metatron makes the following

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