Premium Essay

Pitbulls Should Be Banned Research Paper

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Pages 2
Do you think pitbulls should be banned, well if so read this essay and you might change your mind. People treat pitbulls very unfair.People say they have a bad reputation but I think that there not all that bad.Read this to see what my opinion is about pitbulls.

If you don’t know what a pitbull is, it’s a type of dog that are known for attacking people and other dogs.Although this is true, it isn’t always true.It says in an article I read that in the news,when there is a dog attack were the dog type is unknown they immediately accuse it of being a pitbull.If a dog that is known for a good reputation attacks someone or something,they sometimes don’t even report it but they report almost all of pitbull attacks.I think that is very unfair.


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