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The Odyssey Book 1 Summary

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Reading Notes Odyssey Book 1-4
Deema Bakleh
September 7, 2016
Honors 155
Dr. Thum

Book 1

Character List:
Odysseus: Protagonist of story, yet to return from Trojan war
Poseidon: God of the sea, holds grudge against Odysseus for what he did to his son Polyphemos
Zeus: King of Gods
Athene: Daughter of Zeus and God of wisdom
Kalypso: Nymph holding Odysseus as sex captive
Mentes: Family friend of Odysseus, ruler of Taphians
Suitors: Men who are trying to pursue Penelope, wife of Odysseus, as they presume he is dead
Telemachus: Son of Odysseus, in search of his father
Antinoos / Eurymachos: two of the suitors who are persistent on Penelope

The Trojan War has long ended, with its warriors returned home to their wives and children. However, circumstances have not been that kind to Odysseus, as he went through a series of events, which resulted in being trapped on the island of Calypso, a goddess who has fallen in love with him. Poseidon continues to hold a grudge against Odysseus, refusing to allow his voyage smooth sailing. Meanwhile, a …show more content…
He is a man with a plan, and angrily announces at his meeting that he has had enough of the suitors and their stay. Antinous blamed Penelope for the long stay of the suitors, as Penelope had devised a plan as to stall the process of picking her suitor by weaving a funereal shroud for Laertes. The catch, however, was that she would weave all day and unravel her work at night. She was caught, but Telemachos scoffed the ultimatum given by the arrogant Antinous. And refused to get rid of his mother or make her choose a suitor. Zeus intervenes with an omen that soon becomes known to be a sign that Odysseus is closer to his arrival. Telemachos has had enough, and begins his journey to Pylos. With some secretive moves from Athene, who conveniently disguises herself as both Mentor and Telemachos. At this point, things can only get more interesting from

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