...Monday- 10 Piece Nuggets Tuesday- Taco Tuesday Wednesday- Spinach Salad with Strawberries Thursday- Thanksgiving Turkey Hoagie/Wrap Friday- Cheese steak of the Day Roman WEEKLY FAN FAVORITE’S HAM & CHEDDAR PRETZEL MELT CHICKEN, CHEDDAR, BACON PANNINI- DAILY FAVORITES: Pizza Slice $2.25 Classic Cheeseburger $310 Chicken Patty Sandwich $300 Cheesesteak $4.50 Chicken Fillet Sandwich $3.75 Chicken Nuggets (6) $3.75 Fresh Salads: Large Garden $3.50 Large Caesar $3.50 Chicken Caesar $4.50 Small Side Salad $2 PEPPERONI STROMBOLI TWISTER FRIES- MEATLOVERS PIZZA TACO TUESDAYS!! WALKING TACOS CHEESE QUESADILLAS- More Info… 24 SWEET & SOUR CHICKEN SERVED WITH RICE- BACON, CHEDDAR, CHICKEN- BOARDWALK PIZZA 23 SOUTHWEST TURKEY PANNINI- TWISTER FRIES- WHITE PIZZA- 30 27 26 25 PEPPERONI STROMBOLI- Turkey BaBoom sandwich MEATLOVERS PIZZA 20 CHICKEN PARM PANNINI BUFFALO CHICKEN PIZZA Turkey Baboom Sandwich 19 PEPPERONI PERSONALS- POPCORN CHICKEN- NEW-PIZZA NUEVA Chicken Salad 18 HAM & CHEDDAR PRETZEL MELT- Turkey BaBoom Sandwich 17 TACO TUESDAYS!! WALKING TACOS- CHEESE QUESADILLAS- Chicken Salad Sandwich 16 SOUTHWEST TURKEY PANNINI-$ TWISTER FRIES- WHITE PIZZA- Turkey BaBoom Sandwich 13 BBQ Chicken Personal Pizza Chicken Fingers Turkey BaBoom...
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...Reconciling a good, loving God with the idea of eternal punishment is one of the most difficult things I have had to do in my Christian life. How can a God who loves us enough to shed His own blood for us then, at the end of our lives, send some of us away from Him to be punished forever? There are some different theories about what happens to us after we die. Eternal punishment is the idea that sin must be punished and those who have not received the gift of salvation will be punished forever for their sins. Annihilationism is the idea that, rather than eternal punishment, some souls will simply cease to exist. There are three main forms of this. The first says that all human beings simply cease to exist at death. The second says that God imparts immorality to the redeemed human beings and allows the rest of humankind to cease to exist at death. The third says that humankind is immortal and fulfills its destiny in salvation. In this third form of annihilationism, reprobates cease to exist, either by a direct act of God or by the corrosive effect of evil. Universalism claims that all will be saved. The Bible uses some different words when referring to a place of torment. Sheol is the word used in the Hebrew texts to describe a place where all souls go after death. Hades is the Greek equivalent. Sheol is a much broader word referring simply to the place where souls go upon death. Hades narrows the concept somewhat and separates death from a place of punishment. Gehenna refers...
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...Patmos was located in the Mediterranean Sea; practically in the middle of no where * The island of Patmos was sterile in nature; meaning it was unable to produce; no seed, fruit, grass or plants grew on the Island of Patmos * The island’s terrain was rocky, barren and desolate * The island was a place of stagnation; nothing flowing or moving; the island sat still as that of pond water * The word Patmos means “my killing” or a place of killing; this was a place where people felt death naturally, spiritually and mentally * The Apostle John was persecuted and sent to the island of Patmos as punishment because he refused to be quiet when it came to preaching, teaching and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ (he was truly a trumpet in Zion sounding the alarm about Jesus) * But in the midst of Patmos (barrenness, desolation and in the middle of nowhere), the Apostle John continued to preach and convert criminals who were exiled on the island (the devil still couldn’t shut his mouth concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ) * Matter fact, the Apostle John held Gospel services in caves on the island of Patmos; he was compelled to set up a temple of God on the island of Patmos…in the midst of the barrenness, isolation and desolation So in a...
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...tabernacle as a central place of worship) STUDENT NO: 13m04ebt004 MASUMBUO MPATHE ZIRO The sanctuary An introduction: Unquestionably, the greatest revelation of the love and character of God was at the cross, where the Lord offered Himself in the person of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. To help human beings to understand better what this great sacrifice meant, God devised the earthly sanctuary – modeling the heavenly sanctuary – as a pictorial representation of the plan of salvation ( Hebrews 8:5,Kjv). The sanctuary as a central place of worship serves as a teaching tool to help us then and now understand Jesus as our savior a high priest. The sanctuary – a heavenly plan for Gods residence in man “Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them”……. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?”(Exodus 25:8,9; 1 Corinthian’s 3:16, Kjv). In profound simplicity and challenging depth God has revealed the way of salvation in the symbolism of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary. Said the psalmist, “Thy way, o God is in the sanctuary”(Psalms 77:13). And Jesus said of Himself, “Iam the way”(John 14:6). As the shekinah glory dwelt within the wilderness tabernacle of ancient Israel, so did the Father abide in Christ, that through Christ, God might find eternal residence in us. God’s presence abode with his people in the dwelling places they prepared for Him, from...
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...universalism. Universalism holds the belief that all men will be reconciled to God. Atonement is not just for those that accept the salvation of God but to everyone. We as Christians hold to the doctrine of eternal punishment for the lost. A person who never accepts the Lord will go to a place of torments after they die. The bible plainly tells us that sin will be punished. This punishment will be given in a place called Hell. The bible refers to hell as a place of fire, Matt. (8:12), a place where the fires never go out, Mark( 9:43). It is a place where there is eternal darkness Matt. (8:12), and where the worm will not die Mark (9:48).1 The worst thing about hell will be the eternal separation from God. The word hell has been defined in different ways. The old testament uses the word Sheol. Sheol is a place where no one can save themselves. Ps. (89:48), it is the place where people go when they die Genesis. (37:35) (44: 29, 31) A place where the wicked go upon death Job (21:13), also a place the righteous are saved from. Ps. (49:15, 86:13; Prov. 15:24) Sheol is a place that God has absolute sovereignty over. No one can escape from God in Sheol (Amos 9:2), God Himself brings people down to it (1 Sam. 2:6).2 The New Testament uses two words, the first being Hades. Sheol and Hades are virtually alike in meanings’ they both are used for the grave. Luke 16:23 says that Hades is the place of punishment of the wicked dead. The second word is Gehenna. Gehenna...
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...go to sacred places to worship the divine god or gods of their specific religion. Many religions also have certain times of worship. Religion provides people with three main functions, which are emotional comfort, social solidarity, and ultimate meaning. Many people turn to religion for answers to the questions that seemingly cannot be answered. These questions range from, why do I exist, is there a heaven, and why is there suffering. Religion provides emotional comfort to people in the form of reassurance after a tragedy or death, even in the event of a birth, there is some emotional comfort knowing that everything went alright. “One of the functions of religion is to justify, rationalize, and support the sentiments that give cohesion to society.” (Davis, 1949 p.519) This quote explains what social solidarity is. In a simpler way, social solidarity is uniting followers into a community that shares values. A few examples of social solidarity are weddings, funerals, and birthdays. One reason people believe in god is because of life and death. When a loved one dies, the people they leave behind want to be assured that they are going to a good place in the afterlife. A place where they know they will have no worries for all of eternity. This is one reason people believe in one or more gods. People feel the need to believe that there is re-creation, becoming one with the spirits, or going to a heaven. Not all cultures share the same gods. Christians believe in a god that created...
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...to exist is called a necessary being. The universe contains only contingent beings. God would be the only necessary being because he exists. Dependent beings cannot cause themselves. They are dependent on their causes. If there is no independent being, then the whole chain of dependent beings is dependent on nothing and could not exist. But they do exist. Therefore there is an independent being. I learned that there must have been an unmoved mover (GOD) who first put things in motion. I learned that nothing can move itself. If every object in motion had a mover, then the first object in motion needed a mover. Therefore this first mover is the Unmoved Mover, called God. The chain of movers must have a first mover because nothing can move itself. The First Way is all about Motion. Motion means moving to any kind of change, not just change of place. So, if the whole chain of moving things had no first mover, it could not now be moving, as it is. If there were an infinite regress of movers with no first mover, no motion could ever begin, and if it never began, it could not go on and exist now. But it does go on, it does exist now. Therefore it began, and therefore there is a first mover. God is simple, without composition of parts, such as body and soul, or matter and form. God is perfect, lacking nothing. That is, God is distinguished from other beings on account of God's complete actuality. God is not finite in the ways that created beings are physically, intellectually, and emotionally...
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...Jesus died for the people of his religion that they can be cleansed of their sins. While you are reading this paper and you are thinking about what this religion means to you, you need to remember that not every religion is going to affect someone like it affects yourself. The thing to keep in my when you are reading this paper is that you should have an open mind about what you read so that you can take away as much information as you can from this report. The place of worship that I chose to go check out was a church that was relatively close but the place of worship in which I believed would be the best to research. The name of this place of worship that I decided to research was Revival Christian Fellowship. While this place of worship was bigger than any other place of worship that I have seen in a long time it was the place that I believed would give me the answers I was looking for. Not only did I believe that this was that place of worship that would give me all of the answers I was looking for but it was the place that felt to me like it would give the best information to those who read this report. The Revival Christian Fellowship is located in Murrieta, California off of...
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...people need God to be led out of dark times and places. He shows this throughout the poems by showing how the little boy was in a dark, scary place and was brought out by his "father". The poems can also be alluded to the hymn "Amazing Grace' in which a sinner was once lost and is brought into the light by God. The first part of the Little Boy Lost shows a pitiful, helpless child calling out to an uncaring father who has left and is ignoring him. The little boy questions the father and asks where he is going. He begs to his father to speak to him or he will be lost. The "father" that the little boy is speaking of can be interpreted to represent God. The speaker is creating the allusion that the boy needs and wants God to lead/speak to him or else he will be lost. As the little boy continues to follow this "father" he soon realizes he has mistaken the figure and 'no father was there'. The little boy had been misled into the depth of the 'mire' by what is described as a 'vapour'. Basically what this part of the poem means is the boys life is dark without God. He has been led into a swamp and knows the only way he can be removed is by God....
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...Right Side of God Have you had something happen in your life that made you feel wrong? Maybe you've made some mistakes. Maybe circumstances put you in the wrong place. Maybe someone even told you—"You're wrong." It's easy to let those external influences affect your thoughts and make you feel wrongly about yourself. If that's you, I just want to encourage you today—if you are in Christ Jesus, you're not on the wrong side of life. You are not in a wrong place; in fact, you are in the right place—on the right side of God! Colossians says that if we are raised with Christ, we are seated with Him in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father. It says we are to seek what's at His right side, and that is Jesus Christ. What's significant about the right hand? The right hand represents the blessing of God. It represents favor, honor and authority. In scripture, Joseph wanted his father to bless him with his right hand. Jesus sits at the right hand of God continually interceding for us! Think about when you greet someone. You extend your right hand! If you feel wrong today, that's not God. God is not in the business of condemning people; He's in the business of loving people! His right hand is extended toward you. He wants to greet you, He wants to hold on to you, and He wants to position you in heavenly places. So many times, we think it's our earthly position that gives us strength and power. We think if we are doing well on the job, we are in a good place. We think...
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...that if God is a God of love then why would He send people to hell to be tormented forever. Some even think that if God would send people to hell then He is cruel and vindictive and thus is no better than Satan. But the question we have to ask ourselves is this. If God is love and sin opposes God then why would He not punish us for our wrong doing? We can view God’s relationship to humanity like a parent child relationship. When I child does wrong and goes unpunished what will that child turn out to be like in society? Will they be a respected person or a person that is devoted to crime and riotous living? If God left sin unchecked it would not be just or right. Because God is righteous and just He has to deal with sin and because he is holy sin cannot stand in His presence. God does not send people to hell because he wants to in fact it is just the opposite the Bible tells us that “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9 KJV) So obviously God does not desire that any man spend eternity in hell but the person who refuses to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and the work that he accomplished on the cross then that will be their eternal resting place. Why was hell created? “God created hell, a real place where real people will suffer real punishment for a real eternity.” So if God created hell as a place of punishment...
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...Beersheba, and went toward Haran The Place (v. 11): And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; The Stone (v. 11): and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. The Dream (v. 12): And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. The Theophany [or ‘vision of God”](13-15): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Place (16-17 & 19): ______________________________________________________________________ The Stone (18, 22): _____________________________________________________________________ The Vow (20-22): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List the Names for God (& the verses where they are found): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In chapter 28, the authors of Genesis are describing an encounter with God in a dream and in a vision. 1. Do you...
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...Comparison and Contrast Paper Founder(s) of the religion There are five major religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism have a different origins. The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ. He was born in Bethlehem around 6-4BC. He was the son of Joseph and the Virgin Mary and in his early years most like trained as a carpenter under his father. Around the age of 30 he was baptized by John the Baptist and at the moment it was said the heavens opened up and God proclaimed that Jesus was his son and resulted in the beginning of his ministry and established a group that he called the twelve apostles. It was around this time where Jesus spent forty days and nights wandering the desert avoiding three temptations from Satan; hunger, power and faith. On Passover, he shared the last supper with his disciples when Jesus was arrested and condemned to death. On the third day, he resurrected from the dead and on the fortieth day after his resurrection, Jesus appeared, told to spread His word and ascended into heaven. The founder of Islam is the prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was born in 570 AD in Makah. In this early life, he was raised by his grandfather and after he died, his uncle. He later wed Khadija and lived a prosperous life. While making a retreat to a mountain cave, he was visited by a presence which left him in awe and was instructed to recite words which would be the foundation of the Qur’an. After a number of years, he...
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...The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you, saying. “ Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness. But so far, you have not obeyed.” ( Exodus 7:16) In this verse, God identifies himself with the people of Israel even though they are slaves when God refers to these people as “ my people ”. The Pharaoh was the king of a powerful nation and for this reason, he thought that Mose’ God had no power or authority to make such a request, for this reason, he does not obey. However, the Lord will reveal through the plagues that he has power over the earth. “ Then the magicians tried by their secret arts to produce gnats, but they could not. So there were gnats on man and beast.Then the magicians said to Pharaoh. This is the finger of God. But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them, as the LORD had said.” (Exodus 8: 18-19) In this verse, the magician tried to stop the consequence of not obey God and they can't. In each case, they had been unable to reverse the effect, the Pharaoh’s servant began to recognize the power of Mose God. It was God who sent Mose and his brother to show that he has power over Egypt and the Pharaoh. “Moreover, you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet yarns; you shall make them with cherubim skillfully worked into them.” ( Exodus 26:1) The cherubim will be included in the design to signify that the tabernacle is the place on earth where God chose to dwell...
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... Christians worship God believed to be the creator of the entire universe. Muslims worship Mohammed believed to be a prophet from God, Buddhist believe in the founder Siddhartha Guatama known as Buddha and Hindus believe in Brahma who is known to dwell in all part of reality, and existence throughout the whole universe. I will be writing on Hinduism religious traditions and beliefs. Hinduism is considered one of the largest religions in the world and dates back to 8000 BCE (Fisher, 2002 p. 83), recognized as one the complex and different religions because of the many gods they worship. Hinduism has no founder but has enlarged slowly over the period of years and widely practiced in Nepal and India. Settlers who lived by the Indus River obtained the name Hinduism. “It is derived from a name applied by foreigners to the people living in the region of the Indus River, and introduced in the nineteenth century under colonial British rule as a category for census-taking” (Fisher, 2002, p. 79). Today the preferred name for Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma, which means eternal religion. According to the Indian tradition, there are as many as 333 million deities (Fisher, 2002, p .79). However, the three major deities of Hinduism are Shiva, believed to be the creator and destroyer of every living thing, Brahma, known as the creator, and Vishnu considered as the protector or preserver of everything. Hindus believe in one supreme God known as Brahma. Among other gods of Hindu’s include Sarawathi...
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