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Ceremonial Worship


Submitted By mpatheziro
Words 2714
Pages 11





The ceremonial worship in the Old Testament (the tabernacle as a central place of worship)

STUDENT NO: 13m04ebt004


The sanctuary

An introduction:

Unquestionably, the greatest revelation of the love and character of God was at the cross, where the Lord offered Himself in the person of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. To help human beings to understand better what this great sacrifice meant, God devised the earthly sanctuary – modeling the heavenly sanctuary – as a pictorial representation of the plan of salvation ( Hebrews 8:5,Kjv). The sanctuary as a central place of worship serves as a teaching tool to help us then and now understand Jesus as our savior a high priest.

The sanctuary – a heavenly plan for Gods residence in man

“Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them”……. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?”(Exodus 25:8,9; 1 Corinthian’s 3:16, Kjv). In profound simplicity and challenging depth God has revealed the way of salvation in the symbolism of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary. Said the psalmist, “Thy way, o God is in the sanctuary”(Psalms 77:13). And Jesus said of Himself, “Iam the way”(John 14:6). As the shekinah glory dwelt within the wilderness tabernacle of ancient Israel, so did the Father abide in Christ, that through Christ, God might find eternal residence in us.

God’s presence abode with his people in the dwelling places they prepared for Him, from the time the tabernacle was erected in wilderness, all the way down through the history of their spiritual wanderings until the memorable day when the type meets the antitype. The book of

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