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Plagiarism Is Everywhere


Submitted By lsmj23
Words 477
Pages 2
Plagiarism is Everywhere

In present-day society, with the development of globalization, our society is becoming more and more competitive. Hence, plagiarism is quite common nowadays especially in school. Without a doubt that plagiarism is a retrogress of civilization which can cause a series of negative effects on our society. There are several reasons for plagiarism’s extension. First of all, the awareness of plagiarism of educational system is weak. Many observers believe that cheating begins in high school, where many students are thought to copy from a book (Sterling 1992). Second, students put grades in the incorrect position. Students were taught that the higher grades you get, the better student you are, so students have in common is a general belief that to be the best , you have to copy the best (Thompson and William 1995), because as a consumer of knowledge ( ask Dr.G) students before graduate level lack of research and creativity ability. Last but not least, students lack of self-confidence, for a person who has relied on imitation more than creation for a long time, the skill of avoiding plagiarism is really a hard job (Thompson and William 1995). It is obvious that this phenomenon may cause many negative effects on our society. First, plagiarism leads to low quality education. As a killer of creation and invention, plagiarism will turn out similar works as well as papers which is a symbol of low quality education. Moreover, students who cheat in study are more likely tend to cheat in work in the future( I heard for Dr.G) because for a person who has relied on imitation more than creation for a long time, the skill of avoiding plagiarism is really a hard job (Thompson and William 1995). Additionally, plagiarism cost professors millions of time to check students’ works. Professor as a director as well as guider of creation and

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