...Topic: Plagiarism Title: Student Plagiarism and the use of a Plagiarism Detection Tool by Community College Faculty Rationale This study sought to better inform community college administrators and faculty regarding possible factors that contribute to higher levels of student plagiarism and to suggest appropriate preventative or responsive interventions. The specific purpose of the study was to investigate a set of faculty related factors that may be associated with particular levels of suggestive plagiarism. Suggestive plagiarism is an intentionally chosen term to capture the fact that TII reports on submitted papers only and that may, but not necessarily, infer actual plagiarism. It does not assess a student’s intent or ignorance of the rules of source attribution. This reality of the tool is discussed at greater length later in this study. This study guide aims to help you to understand what plagiarism is in the context of academic work, and offers guidance on how to avoid it. Introduction Plagiarism, and the larger issue of ownership of the written word, is not as easy to define as it might first appear. Many writers on the topic of plagiarism and academic honesty have attempted to define the term. It comes as no surprise that the use of the Internet is on the rise and that the high school and college students of today see it as an integral and vital tool for their learning. The combination of the ubiquitous nature of computers, the internet and other information technologies...
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...Plagiarism among KIRKHS Student (Introduction) Plagiarism among KIRKHS Student Plagiarism has always been a problem among lecturers and students because students tend to plagiarize their assignments. With the technology of the modern world, plagiarism have never been easier than what have been done in the past before. With just a simple left click and clicking the paste icon a student can complete their assignment or their work within minutes instead of using the proper way of researching and writing on their own. The problem of plagiarism have been around the academic world for a long time until it was known as “the problem that won’t go away” (Paldy, 1996), with the current modern technology the problem is getting bigger and bigger among the academician. There is evidence that student cheats in their academic journey and plagiarism in particular, are becoming more common and more widespread, encouraging Alschuler and Blimling (1995) to speak of “epidemic cheating”. This evidence is multi-dimensional, coming from many countries, including the USA (White,1993), the UK (Ashworth & Bannister, 1997), Southern Africa (Weeks, 2001) and Finland (Seppanen, 2002), embracing both undergraduate and postgraduate students and including public and private higher institutions of education, large and small. The word Plagiarism was derived from a Latin world that is “Plagiarius” that means “kidnapper” or “plunderer”, it was also defined as the practice of using the ideas of others...
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...It minds blowing on how the concept on what you thought about decision making and plagiarism has more to it than what was previously taught on it. In school, it was taught that decision making is what you make of it. You have a problem and you have to come up with a solution. Is there really a right way or a wrong way to come to an important decision? However, at the college and graduate school level, it more perception to it. It more elaboration on the process on which a person goes through to come to a decision. As many would say the mind is complex annuity and when it comes to making a decision, it lives up to it saying. That also goes for the concept of plagiarism. Plagiarism is no longer just copy and paste but more detailed. Plagiarism...
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...Plagiarism is one of the biggest problems in academics today. Plagiarism can be described as the act of borrowing and copying someone’s else words as one’s own without crediting the source. However, plagiarism can be unintentional, for instance, when a person lifts a passage from a source and forgets to put quotation marks around it or attempts to paraphrase, but instead changed only a few words. Plagiarism can also be described as the dishonest use of the work of others without crediting the source. However, an author can also use his or her previous work without citing it, which is known as self-plagiarism. Today, schools are the most affected by the issue of plagiarism. Most students admitted to plagiarizing work at some point during their studies (Madray 10). Most students do not...
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...to determine whether the students understanding regarding the subject. The Universities- The detection system help maintain the prestige of the degree. And the final output (student) is up to the standards made by the Universities. 2. What responsibility should a professor take to detect plagiarism The responsibility that, professors take to detect plagiarism as follows- • Introduction about plagiarism, and make student understand about what is plagiarism, what are the kinds of plagiarism and what are the consequences of plagiarism. • Professor may refer to the detection systems to detect plagiarism in a project or assignments. There are plagiarism detecting web sites such as turnitin.com, plagiarism.org and integriguard.com. • The one big responsibility of professor is to read the assignments carefully and see if there is no difference in the writing pattern in a single assignment. 3. When should disciplinary action be taken against a student? There are several methods to deal with plagiarism. But the real question is when to take those actions. According to me the actions can be taken in following circumstances. If the student is caught doing plagiarism in his first assignment, then the...
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...Abstract Plagiarism and other forms of cheating have been around since the beginning of formal education. In order to evaluate the factors that influence the behavior and attitudes towards this moral problem, one must recognize the Internet has made plagiarism a rapidly growing issue in today’s academia. Easy access to the Internet and to a world of what seems to be free information tempts students to copy and paste text into papers with a quick click of a mouse. The Internet also provides a means for students to purchase term papers, without researching or writing assignments on their own. Teachers and faculty must constantly evolve and find new ways to fight the growing problem of plagiarism, including the use of electronic tools implemented by educational institutions to control it. Understanding how and why students plagiarize will provide insight to faculty in combating the ever-persistent problem. Cyber-Plagiarism Plagiarism occurs when students claim someone else’s work as their own, or when they do not give proper credit for information obtained from another source. “The terms cyber-plagiarism, and cyber-cheating have become commonplace in recent years when recounting the phenomenon of students misusing resources that they find via ‘the Net,’” Smith, 2003, p. 22 (as cited in Wiebe, 2006-2008, ¶ 2). Today, many students commit cyber-plagiarism by not putting effort into writing their own work. They take the easy road and purchase ready-made papers...
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...Plagiarism. When we think of plagiarism the word criminal and bad comes into your mind. You understand that it incorrect and should be stopped, but contrary, one does not often intentionally mean to take an already written and published thought. Plagiarism is basically an act of taking an idea, writing, conversation of someone else and presents it off as your own. Plagiarism can consist any type of information like from books, internet, scripts, television shows, interviews, articles, speeches, blogs or any other source where you can find useful information and benefit for your knowledges. It is necessary to indicate the source of information within your writing using an internal citation whenever you use take sentences or phrases from any other source, it would be easier to see who's idea it was. Writing a bibliography in the end of your work is not enough to list the source. Plagiarism is not only in violation of the law, but also in violation of the ethics. This is one case in which laws agree with ethics. To plagiarize means to steal and pass off the ideas and words of another as one own. It is important to recognize that this definition includes the use of another production without crediting the source. When a person makes an effort to present an idea that has been taken from an existing source as new and original, he or she is committing an act of plagiarism, but on the other hand it could help for your studies to look thought all information and collect only information...
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...How to Avoid Plagiarism Trent R. Hartzler Heartland Community College Abstract Plagiarism is a common problem in high schools, universities, and everyday life. The object of this paper is to help students of all ages understand how to avoid accidental plagiarism. The biggest mistake that students make when writing a paper, is taking information that isn’t their own, using it in a non-credible way in their paper. Most students don’t understand the proper way to cite information within their paper. This idea is called proper attribution. The original maker of the quote or idea you are using deserves to be credited within your own work. Although a student may be paraphrasing, this does not mean a source doesn’t have to be credited. To avoid accidental plagiarism, a student must understand how to properly site credible information. To better understand how to properly site information, use the purdue owl on the internet to show how to site sources. It gives thorough examples of all different types of citations. Another way to avoid accidental plagiarism is to put your paper into a plagiarism checker such as grammarly. Grammarly is a website designed to have papers uploaded to check for plagiarism. Students can easily upload their paper, and grammarly is synced with a web database of information to check for any types of plagiarism. Using these two methods will help decrease the percentage of plagiarism tremendously. Plagiarism is a huge problem in today’s society. The more...
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...Higher Education, Vol. 28, No. 5, October 2003 In Other (People’s) Words: plagiarism by university students—literature and lessons CHRIS PARK, The Graduate School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK ABSTRACT This paper reviews the literature on plagiarism by students, much of it based on North American experience, to discover what lessons it holds for institutional policy and practice within institutions of higher education in the UK. It explores seven themes: the meaning and context of plagiarism, the nature of plagiarism by students, how do students perceive plagiarism, how big a problem is student plagiarism, why do students cheat, what challenges are posed by digital plagiarism and is there a need to promote academic integrity? It is concluded that plagiarism is doubtless common and getting more so (particularly with increased access to digital sources, including the Internet), that there are multiple reasons why students plagiarise and that students often rationalise their cheating behaviour and downplay the importance of plagiarism by themselves and their peers. It is also concluded that there is a growing need for UK institutions to develop cohesive frameworks for dealing with student plagiarism that are based on prevention supported by robust detection and penalty systems that are transparent and applied consistently. Introduction Much has been written on the theme of plagiarism by students, particularly in the context of North American experience. This...
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... colleges and universities are increasingly concerned about plagiarism because of the many ways that students can now cheat using various difficult to detect sources, which are not their own. All academic institutions impress on every single student the dangers of plagiarism and how severely they will be punished if plagiarised material is discovered in their work. This can be really terrifying especially if they are new to academic life. The problem is that everyone tells you about the dangers of plagiarism but nobody tells you how to solve it. You may not even know what plagiarism is and need an essay checker to point it out to you. Basically, plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and attempting to pass it off as your own and this kind of plagiarism can occur in two ways, both of which can be identified by an essay checker. * Plagiarism can be done deliberately, in which case it is not only against the rules of the schools, colleges and universities but it's also a crime, which is punishable by law. * It can also be done accidentally because you have failed to cite sources correctly or because you have been careless when taking notes and transferring them to your essay. This is especially likely when you are new to academic life or when you are doing extensive research into a subject. Viper, our free essay checker, will identify both of these and will help you to see where there are possible problem areas within your work, before your tutor does and save you...
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...The use of words and ideas of other people is considered as plagiarism. This notion is widely used in different spheres of human life. Academic world is one of the spheres where the issue of plagiarism is mostly referred to. The use of words and ideas of other people without appropriate references means to steal those. One does not have any ethical right to do it. Also, academic integrity requires from students to be honest. Plagiarism has nothing in common with honesty. The US government, as well as the government of other states, has developed a legal act which refers plagiarism to a crime. However, the cultural aspects play an important role...
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...Critical Analysis of ‘Lessons on Plagiarism: Issues for Teachers and Learners’ The journal article ‘Lessons on Plagiarism: Issues for Teachers and Learners’ focuses on how universities have not dealt with student plagiarism issues fairly and adequately in Australian universities and, in particular, further localising the issue to Adelaide. Set over 10 years ago, the article mainly uses then current research, circa 2003 and delves as far back as 1996. Declared a prevalent issue of the times, the article concerns tertiary students, an academic Rights Officer and university staff members to ‘explore’, offer insight and, finally, to touch on possible future actions. Three case studies are presented to support the author’s argument. The first case study involves a humanities undergraduate who was accused of plagiarism, and ‘it was the opinion of the assessor that the incorrect referencing was not a result of ignorance or misunderstanding of the conventions’, according to the Head of Department (Anyanwu 2004, p. 179). Interestingly, a number of ‘breaches’ were outlined to support the assessor’s judgement. The case study was resolved by the Head of Department concluding that ‘the breaches were a result of ignorance and misunderstanding, and offered her the opportunity to resubmit the assignment’ (Anyanwu 2004, p. 179). Through the first case study, the problem of how long it took to resolve the issue through fault of the academic authorities...
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...Plagiarism Abstract: Plagiarism is theft. There are many forms that plagiarism can take, but the results are the same. Students plagiarize for many reasons, some innocent, some not so much so. Time management and study skills are essential tools to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism can, and should be, avoided on student’s behalf. Plagiarism The world-wide-web is exactly that, world wide. This means there is a veritable plethora of information about anyone or anything you can imagine as well as many websites where students sell their work to others for a small fee. Using these particular sites is not the problem; the fact that most of the time copy and paste are used next is. This is a form of plagiarism or using another’s work as your own. Plagiarism is a widespread problem in universities as well as online. In this essay, we will examine exactly what constitutes plagiarism, why plagiarism happens, and what the consequences of plagiarism can be. A group at the University of Missouri at Columbia School of Journalism says that plagiarism is: “The use of any part of another’s writing and passing it off as your own.”(Shotz, 2008). The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines plagiarism as “to steal and pass off (ideals or words of another) as one’s own: (another production) without crediting the source, present as new and original an ideal or product derived from an existing source.” When a student plagiarizes, he or she takes...
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...Some Insight on Plagiarism in Higher Education Amy Joyner Liberty University Evering, L., & Moorman, G. (2012). Rethinking plagiarism in the digital age. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(1), 35-44. The article written by Evering & Moorman, 2012, is an article about the complexity and issues that evolve around plagiarism. Plagiarism as we see it today is clearly an issue of concern as far as why people do it and what can be done to avoid it. Plagiarism is not just an issue but clearly a serious and ongoing problem in the world today that needs to be put under control. According to Evering & Moorman, 2012, “Most public and private schools, colleges, and universities have academic integrity or honor codes and consequences for plagiarism, but few professors and teachers explicitly address what plagiarism means or provide examples of individual contexts and degrees of unauthorized copying”. Plagiarism is considered a serious issue that needs to be re-exam as far as Evering & Moorman are concern because it is said that not many students understand what plagiarism is let along trying to prevent it. Although several schools have honor codes about plagiarism and the penalties you can get, it’s still not a discussion with students about what it is and how to avoid it. The article states that “students are seldom engaged in instruction or discussion about what plagiarism is, why it is a problem, and how it can be avoided” (Evering & Moorman, 2012)...
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...Plagiarism in the Academic Environment Linda Williams Liberty University Abstract This paper discusses plagiarism in an academic environment. Intentional as well as unintentional plagiarism is rampant throughout academia. Plagiarism may be unintentional, such as an improperly cited source or an over abundance of paraphrasing, or intentional, such as presenting another’s work as one’s own. Due to the availability of works online plagiarism is a much greater problem and harder than ever to prove. Sites such as TurnItIn assist educators and students ensure work is original. The program produces an originality report after comparing the submitted work against millions of other submitted works. The penalty for plagiarism can range from a failing grade on the submitted work to expulsion from the academic institution. Liberty University has strict academic honesty policies in place. Any accusation of academic dishonesty will be thoroughly investigated. If proven the student will receive a failing grade in the course. Two failing grades for academic dishonesty will result in expulsion from the University as a violation of the Code of Conduct. Written appeals must be submitted within five business days. The Department Chair will compare all evidence from the instructor and student and make a decision as to whether the student can proceed in the course. Keywords: Plagiarism, academic dishonesty, prevention of plagiarism Plagiarism in the Academic...
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