...What is a Concept Map? Concept maps, developed by Joseph D. Novak [Novak & Gowin, 1984], are two-dimensional representations of a set of concepts and their relationships. In concept maps, concepts are depicted as labeled nodes, and relationships between concepts as labeled links. Concepts and links in sequence form simple propositions through the words in the nodes and links. Concept maps can be used to represent the knowledge of an individual. Concept maps follow the idea of assimilation theory. Assimilation theory suggests a distinction between meaningful learning and rote learning. Rote learning is often emphasized in educational settings, and consists of simple memorization of information, without concern for relationships among concepts. In contrast, meaningful learning results from linking new information to relevant, preexisting concepts or propositions in the cognitive structure of an individual. Ausubel believes that the most important factor for learning is what the learners already know. Concept maps are designed to tap into a person’s cognitive structure, and to externalize concepts and propositions. What are Concepts? We can define the concepts in concept maps to be patterns of ‘regularities’ in events or objects. Events can be ‘happenings’, while objects can be abstract or real ‘things’ in our environment. Typically, names, symbols or signs of our language denote concepts. We use these concepts when we observe or interpret events and objects....
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...Assessment Focus in Elementary Schools: Instructional Process for Assessment Mercedes Alvarez Keiser University EDU514G3 Dr. Brian Keintz Professor Date: July 1, 2010 Planning of Instruction Our textbook ‘Assessment of Student Learning’ states that before a teacher can construct an appropriate lesson a “blue print” needs to be created. This ‘blue print’ is meant to be a design to show what a student should have learned once they have finished the lesson. When constructing a lesson plan many things must be taken into account, mainly the grade level and subject this lesson is directed to. Florida has The Sunshine State Standards, also referred to as “content standards”, they are used to describe what a student should be able to achieve, in regards to that subject by the time the teacher has finished the lesson. The Sunshine State Standards are broad statements that describe what a child should know and be able to do at every grade level. These standards cover seven content areas: social studies, science, language arts, health/physical education, the arts, foreign language, and mathematics. The lesson might be two days or two weeks long, the time frame is indicated by the curriculum, which is followed by all the teachers in that same grade level. Careful planning is used when preparing these lesson plans. All the lessons must help the students achieve the goals set forth in the lesson to insure that the student is successful. The standards used in lesson plans can be...
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...assessment; 4. Describe types of assessment in the classroom; 5. Explain what is teacher-made tests; 6. Describe what is standardized tests; and 7. Explain what is authentic assessment. 254 CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 10 l CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT INTRODUCTION One of the most basic and difficult task that teachers face in their work is the process of assessment. Classroom assessment includes all the process involved in making decisions about students learning progress. It includes the observation of students’ written work, their answers to questions in class, and performance on teacher-made and standardized tests. According to (Koyalik, 2002 as cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2004): i. It facilitates teachers in decision making about learning progress through systematic information gathering. Besides that, assessment also accomplishes two other important goals; increasing learning and increasing motivation. The relationship between learning and assessment is very strong. Students learn more in classes where assessment is an integral part of instruction than in those where it isn’t. Brief assessment that provides frequent feedback about learning progress is more effective than long, infrequent ones, like once-a-term tests. 255 255 CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT 10.1 l CHAPTER 10 Definition of Measurement, Evaluation, Assessment and Test Assessment, evaluation, measurement and test: all four terms have to do with the systematic process of collecting data and analysing those data...
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...Human resource management! page 1 / 8 Introduction to Human Resource Management A. Why HRM is important to all managers ? ! Business success lies in controlling the scarcest of resources : human intelligence ! Authority will be increasingly challenged B. HRM trends Some key challenges : ! demographics (talent shortage, ageing population, changing family patterns, diversity) ! economics (health costs, retirement costs, demand for qualified workers, M&As) ! globalisation (off shoring, uniformisation of labour standards, CSR & NGO, safety & security) ! technology (knowledge management, eLearning, protection of intangible assets) C. Strategic Human Resource Management Analysing work & designing jobs A. Job Analysis ! systematic gathering and organization of information concerning jobs : tasks / duties / responsibility You do this job analysis with : questionnaires, interviews, direct observation, and logs or diaries. The uses of job analysis : legal, recruiting, selection, performance, compensation, training, career dvpt. B. Job description ! document that identifies and defines a job in terms of its tasks, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, specifications. - Identification information : non-discrimination / up-dated / agreed - Job summary - Job duties and responsibilities - Job specifications and qualifications C. Types of employment Standard contract / Flexible contract Florent Malbranche © ! EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL 2010/1011 Human resource management! page...
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...The Washback Effect of Oral English Testing on English Teaching Abstract: Language Testing, as the partner of language teaching, can not only serve to check the achievements of language teaching, but also can produce the washback effect. This thesis introduces the interrelationship between the two important aspects concerning language learning and the characteristics of oral English test in recent years, trying to analyze the washback effect of oral English test on English teaching and to provide for some constructive suggestions in order to promote the oral English teaching. Keywords: Oral English testing, English teaching, washback effect 0. Introduction Language testing and teaching can be regarded as twins-they are so closely interrelated that it’s impossible to work in either field without the other one. Language testing can serve to check the achievements of language teaching and at the same time it can exert some washback effects on teaching, which may be conducive to language teaching or do harm to it. The relationship between oral English testing and teaching is also the same case. The aim of oral English teaching is to enable the students to obtain the flexible communicative abilities and to deal with all kinds of circumstances involved in using oral English. Oral English testing is a scientific measuring tool. On one hand, it can give the students an objective, accurate and justice judgment of their oral English abilities and on the other hand it can check...
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... I. What are the different factors that affect the academic performance of elementary pupils? This study deals with the factors that determine the school-related performance of elementary students; in particular to their health and nutritional status. The objectives of this article are relevant to the health and nutritional conditions of many school children, especially in public schools. In this same fashion, this is also related to the relationship between the academic performance of the school children and their nutritional health. All these aspects are vital in promoting a quality and effective education as well as providing the elementary pupils an equality of rights in learning. However, governments in various nations are constructing new class rooms, providing textbooks and other learning materials for the elementary students; as well as efficient trainings for the teachers in order to improve the quality of education among elementary levels. Still, there is a big difference between healthy school children and the non-healthy children when it comes to acquiring effective learning process in the school....
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...Identifying the Science Processes Kathy Harris EED-364 Curr. Mthd & Asmt: Sci & Math September 8, 2011 Identifying the Science Processes Observing Gathering information by using sense and instruments that extends the senses such as microscopes, magnifier glasses and telescopes. Students collect and array of leaves and describe the leaf pattern and texture. Classifying Objects or organism are sorted according to characteristics, attributes and features. Sort different type of animals with backbones and those without backbone. Communicating Record observation, measurements and experiment and sharing it with others. Record student’s favorite color and record it on a bar graph. Measuring Quantify variables using different instrument and standard units. Standard units of measurement produce consistent results. Students can measure the length of a book by using cubes and then use a ruler for actually measurement. Predicting Making a guess of a possible outcome based on data collected. Ask class how many cups of water it would take to fill up a pint jar. Inferring Draw a tentative conclusion based on observation and prior knowledge. Could change before it is final or complete. Guessing what is in containers by touching or feeling the objects. Identifying and Controlling Variables Variables that are intentionally kept the same in an investigation in order to confound results. Place plants away from all light and see how long they can flourish without sunlight...
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...Continuous Improvement: A Process for Implementation Abstract This paper will explore the basic steps of a process improvement model utilizing the Deming cycle, or Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), as a guide, in order to provide a framework for implementing continuous improvement. The first PDCA step is Planning, which has six tasks supporting the investigative planning process. The PDCA tasks include: 1) Describe the current process; 2) Collect data on the current process; 3) Identify and prioritize opportunities for process improvements; 4) Identify all possible causes; 5) Identify potential improvements; 6) Develop an action plan. The next PDCA step is the Do step and explains what is required for implementation of the selected improvements. The next PDCA step is the Check step. The Check step ensures a thorough review of the planned opportunity improvements from the previous steps as well as the execution of a supporting data collection effort. The final step is the Act step and is a culmination of all the previous PDCA steps, which results in a decision to adopt, adapt or abandon the selected improvements. The conclusion of this paper explains how the PDCA process improvement model can be utilized as a framework for implementing a continuous improvement. Introduction According to Neave (1987), in 1982 Dr. W. Edwards Deming provided one of his first statements regarding continuous improvement. He wrote,“Search continually for problems, to constantly...
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...one lose the idea aims to unite the critics of CSR from the left and the right, for the notion of CSR has had the debatable of being processed by both sides of the ideological spectrum. (Karim, 2012) I took survey of Coca Cola Company followed by CSR with practical application has been indicated as a main part of organization processes than also some reports show that many areas are struggling which containing high levels of pesticide waste. The government build up joint committee to search out its tests on the succulent. The tests also resulted as the existence of insecticide that failed to meet European standards, but they were still approved secure under local standards. Because of it, it was completed that Coca-Cola had some struggling aspect but it not disobey any national laws (JC, 2004). After almost three years in 2006 of ongoing accusation, the CSE presented its second test on Coca-Cola drinks, also appeared in a high contented of fungicide slag CSE published this test to prove that nothing had different, declare that the rigid standards for carbonated drinks and other liquors had either been lost in committees or closed by powerful concern in the government. Finally, in 2008 self-sufficient study attempted by The Energy and resources Institute (TERI) ended the long-standing accusation by concluding that the water used in Coca-Cola in India is free of defoliant. However, because the university did not analysis the...
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...Syllabus Vs Curriculum Outline Difference between a syllabus and a curriculum. An account of the salient factors we have to consider for constructing a syllabus. 1. Introduction. 2. Syllabus and curriculum A. Definition of syllabus B. Definition of curriculum C. Difference between syllabus and curriculum a. Basic difference b. Differences in detail approaches 3. Factors to construct a syllabus A. Type A: What is to be learn B. Type B. How is to be learn C. Van EK’s necessary component D. Selection of the content E. Organization of the content F. Components to design a syllabus a. Set A b. Set B c. Set C d. Set D G. McDonough about syllabus design H. Criteria for selection and grading a. Structural b. Topic c. Functional 4. The need for a syllabus A. Should a syllabus be explicit, and if so, to whom? B. Basic organizing principles 5. Creating and reinterpreting a syllabus 6. Conclusion Introduction: Throughout the 1970s while language teaching theorists and practititioners excited themselves with course design for Specific Purpose language teaching, and while needs of adult migrants and private sectors or industrial language learners were extensively examined, the majority of learners of English continued to struggle with large classes, limited text books, few contact hours, and years of unintensive study. The work of many teachers had either been...
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...can be set up for examples: 1) Knowledge – what information the individual needs to know to perform the role 2) Qualification – which should be only those necessary to do the job 3) Skills and abilities – what the individual has like their strengths and qualities to fulfill the role 4) Experience – the types of previous accomplishments and activities that would be likely to predict achievement and give benefits to the organization. 5) Personal attribute – such as the ability to work as part of a team. These types of person specification will be carry out through all the process when it comes to drafting advertisement, post vacancies on internet, short listing, constructing interview questions and assessing the applicants. 2) Planning recruitment campaigns - a recruitment plan will cover the number and types of employees required to cater for expansion or new developments and compensate for any deficits, the likely sources of candidates, and plans for tapping alternative sources and how the recruitment programmed will be conducted as mentioned by Armstrong (2009). At this stage, it aims at planning the process from the start to finish with a view to attract the best candidates and treating them in good ways throughout the process. Moreover, to source candidate several options can be used such as maintaining the contact details of high-quality applicants, advertising with other agencies, use a word-of-mouth and personal approaches. Therefore, job information should be readily...
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...JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING VOL. 38, NO. 2, PP. 222 ± 259 (2001) Using a Metaphor for Learning to Improve Students' Metacognition in the Chemistry Classroom Gregory P. Thomas1 and Campbell J. McRobbie2 1 Department of Curriculum Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong S.A.R., China 2 Centre for Mathematics and Science Education, Queensland University of Technology, Victoria Park Road, Brisbane, 4059, Australia Received 6 March 2000; accepted 31 August 2000 Abstract: A constructivist framework was used in conjunction with an interpretive methodology to investigate the effect of an intervention using the metaphor ``learning is constructing'' on students' metacognition and learning processes. The metaphor was used to communicate with students regarding learning processes consistent with constructivism. Students were initially found to be generally non-metacognitive regarding their learning processes. Despite some students possessing metacognitive knowledge consistent with a constructivist learning orientation, their pre-intervention views and preferences in relation to teaching and learning were predominantly consistent with transmission models. The effect of the intervention on students' metacognition was variable. Some students became increasingly metacognitive and reported evidence of revision of their learning processes. Others reported little or no effect. The effects of the intervention can be partially explained by considering changes...
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...Quantitative research methods in educational planning Series editor: Kenneth N.Ross Module John Izard 6 Overview of test construction UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning Quantitative research methods in educational planning These modules were prepared by IIEP staff and consultants to be used in training workshops presented for the National Research Coordinators who are responsible for the educational policy research programme conducted by the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ). The publication is available from the following two Internet Websites: http://www.sacmeq.org and http://www.unesco.org/iiep. International Institute for Educational Planning/UNESCO 7-9 rue Eugène-Delacroix, 75116 Paris, France Tel: (33 1) 45 03 77 00 Fax: (33 1 ) 40 72 83 66 e-mail: information@iiep.unesco.org IIEP web site: http://www.unesco.org/iiep September 2005 © UNESCO The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission ...
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...“The relationship between Differentiated Instruction and Standardized Testing Outcomes” Tiffany R. Williams Argosy University June 14, 2012 Theoretical Framework Once the literature review was engineered, it was determined that there was sufficient research provided on differentiated instruction and standardized test outcomes. The theoretical framework consisted of different philosophies and theories on differentiation instruction, meeting the individual needs, and how differentiating instruction and standardized testing outcomes coexist. Differentiation is described as an educational strategy that cogitates that students’ learning profiles are different and that their highest learning capacity is reached when educators accommodate curriculum and instruction to meet individual needs. Other theorists have perceived differentiated instruction in their own ways and the purpose of this literature review is to validate the research study by aligning it with the findings of each point discussed. Literature Review Introduction Education is said to be the process of receiving systematic instruction; the delivery of knowledge and information between a student and a teacher; and the level of cognition. Before the embodiment of education that involves curriculum and assessments mandated by the government, it was merely a system that was in the hands of the state, parents, and church. During this time, schools focused on literacy and assessed students on the basis of how...
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...researched based strategies into a fifth grade collaborative classroom to increase students with learning-disabilities academic performance by incorporating brain-based strategies into daily lessons and implementing parental involvement. These students display poor test scores, low motivation and behaviors that negatively impact their learning. The purpose of the plan is to determine if incorporating brain-based strategies would help raise test scores and improve student behaviors. Researched based strategies will be included through the following methods: teaching to the brains natural learning systems, and BrainSMART strategies to increase the students’ ability to retain information. The success of this plan will be measured through examination of students’ Georgia Criterion Reference Competency Test (GCRCT), Quarterly Benchmark Assessments (QBA), a teacher-developed observation checklist, and a parent survey. As a result of this plan students will show an increase in academic performance in reading and math and appropriate learning behaviors. Introduction Although research suggests that the specific teaching of thinking skills is proven to dramatically increase student achievement, these skills are seldom taught systematically in American schools. At the same time, studies suggest that IQ without such specific teaching may account for only 4% to 10% of life success (as cited in Wilson & Conyers, 2011). Brain-based research is a different...
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