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Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level


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University of Rhode Island

Organizational leaders clearly have many choices when selecting performance evaluation and development tools. One tool that has gained popularity and has become a growing trend in Corporate America in recent years is the 360 degree performance review. This popularity is based on the perceptions of organizational leader’s that 360 degree reviews establish a culture for continuous learning and provide more global feedback for employees, which leads to improved performance. According to Human Resource Consultant, William M. Mercer, forty percent of American companies used 360 degree feedback in1995; by 2000 this number had jumped to sixty-five percent. In 2002, 90% of Fortune 500 companies were using a 360 degree performance review process. (Linman, 2006) Conducting performance reviews in general, provides a number of valuable functions for organizations. They allow an organization to: • Translate department/organization’s mission into specific achievable goals • Manage performance rather than react to it • Reduce overlap of job duties and ineffective, inefficient use of employee skills • Provide written acknowledgment of completed work • Gain new information and ideas from staff • Discuss skill and career development • Protect organization from unfounded charges of discrimination • Reduce stress for the supervisor -managing rather than reacting • Reduce stress for the employee -- what is expected is made clear

Critical analysis raises the question of the relative effectiveness of the 360 degree performance review, compared to other forms of feedback, in bringing about performance improvement through individual behavioral change. RESEARCH QUESTION How do 360 degree performance reviews affect employee attitudes, effectiveness and performance?

Why this is an important question
The process of conducting any type of employee review can be costly to an organization. Organizational leaders anticipate the cost of performance reviews to include the labor for supervisors to gather information to complete an evaluation and the time it takes to compose and deliver the feedback to the employee. 360 degree feedback is the most comprehensive and costly type of appraisal. Important hidden costs, employers may not be considering, are embedded in the employee’s affective and behavioral reaction to the feedback. Negative reactions to feedback can be evident in behavioral changes in the employee, such as withdrawal, a display of mistrust and decreased level of commitment, unwillingness to communicate or interact with colleagues and general defensiveness. These reactions should be of particular concern to organizations. An employee’s affective and behavioral reaction to feedback can land anywhere on the spectrum of negative to positive. Negative behavioral reactions can add to the cost for an organization since productivity can be negatively impacted as employees travel through the stages of receiving feedback which typically include; sadness, anger, rejection and finally acceptance. (Computer Sciences Corporation, 2004) Employees may become pre-occupied with their
© Diane Alexander, 2006


Alexander – 360 Degree Appraisal


negative reaction to the feedback and their focus and normal productivity levels at work may become interrupted. 360 degree reviews are intended to give an employee the opportunity to understand and remedy any friction points or issues that may exist between themselves and the rest of the organization. Friction points often times include issues in the areas of interpersonal relationships, teamwork, communication and management style. The true ability of a 360 degree review to remedy these types of issues is in question. While positive feedback serves to reinforce desired behaviors and motivate employees, negative feedback can contribute to a reduced level of job satisfaction, and a decreased ability or desire to contribute to an organization. I will examine how the 360 process affects employee attitudes in the workplace, as well as their professional effectiveness and general work performance.

What is a 360 degree review?
A 360 degree performance review is a formalized process whereby an individual receives feedback from multiple individuals or “raters” who regularly interact with the person being reviewed, commonly referred to as “the learner”. The objective is to provide the learner with feedback on their performance behaviors and outcomes as well as their potential, while identifying and establishing development goals. As a result of this feedback, the learner is expected to be able to set goals for self development which will support the advancement of their careers and in turn benefit the organization. The raters typically represent the learner’s boss, peers, subordinates, customers and sometimes even their significant others. Their own self assessments complete the circle. An organization needs to decide up front if the purpose of the feedback is developmental only, or if it will be evaluative and linked to promotion and reward. A 360 degree process is most often used as an assessment tool for personal development rather than evaluation and experts warn that linking 360 degree feedback to administrative actions such as selection or pay

could skew the feedback and become detrimental to the process. (Alimo-Metcalfe, 1998) For example, if the results of a 360 degree process are tied to an employee’s eligibility for advancement either in pay or position, the raters, who may see themselves as competitors, may become motivated to provide negative feedback. The process would be seen as a control tool, negatively impacting its reliability and validity within that organization. Raters respond to a variety of standardized questions evaluating the learner’s competencies, performance behaviors and performance outcomes either by inputting feedback into a computerized system or by recording responses using a paper format. Although the learner actively selects who the raters are, the author of the specific feedback is anonymous. The feedback is typically collected and compiled into a report for the learner, breaking the feedback down into a series of ratings and scores on a numerical scale indicating areas of strengths and opportunities for development. The role of the feedback coach is to assist the learner with interpreting the report and to ultimately assist with identifying areas to be developed, so an effective plan for improvement can be established. A feedback coach may be anyone internal or external to the organization, which has been properly trained in this area. Often times it is a Human Resource professional, a manager, or someone in a leadership position within that organization. Some organizations discount the need for a feedback coach believing that simply providing feedback is enough to motivate a learner to change. There is existing empirical data however that shows the importance of a feedback coach to this process. Proper training of the feedback coach is critical to its success. Coaches need to understand how to analyze the data and must be trained in the skill of delivering feedback. Lack of training or ineffective training of the feedback coach can lead to the program’s loss of credibility and can sabotage future efforts. The theory held by organizational leaders who choose this tool, is that this process will be embraced by its employees and the benefit to the organization will appear in the form of improved

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performers who are more aware of their strengths and developmental needs. (Kamen, 2003) Expert opinions vary regarding the validity of this theory.

How do 360 degree reviews differ from more commonly used feedback/review processes?
Accuracy of Feedback The 360 degree review process is purported to be superior to traditional forms of evaluation and feedback because it provides more complete and accurate assessment of the employee’s competencies, behaviors and performance outcomes. A traditional performance review, where one supervisor assesses a subordinate, is no longer seen as an effective means of obtaining accurate feedback for employees. With traditional reviews, employees are rated by a single person, who may be biased or have an incomplete view of their work. (Toolpack Consulting) Standard performance evaluations have been criticized for being ineffective for a variety of reasons such as the potential biases of the rater and the potential subjectivity of ratings. 360 degree feedback is viewed as more accurate because, by nature of the process, it offers feedback on observed behaviors and performance from a circle of raters, as opposed to subjective viewpoints from a single individual. Multiple raters offering similar feedback will send a reinforced message to the learner about what is working well and what needs to be improved. Feedback is more difficult to ignore when it is repeatedly offered by multiple sources. Generally, traditional reviews are good at identifying either excellent performers or poor performers, but don’t differentiate well among the performers in the middle. Managers struggle with evaluations of employees who fall within the middle group and this becomes a problem when reviews are used as the basis for salary adjustments and bonuses. Rater carelessness; use of appraisals for political or personal reasons; the halo effect, where an employee’s strengths in one area are spread to other areas, are all additional problems with traditional reviews. A multi-rater process like the 360 review can help avoid this problem as any skewed data is likely

to appear as an anomaly when the feedback trends for that individual are examined. Part of a feedback coach’s role is to assist the learner in examining common threads within the feedback, looking for reinforced messages. Three-sixty degree reviews provide feedback on a learner’s cooperation with people outside their department, helpfulness towards customers and vendors etc., which may not be reviewed by other types of appraisals. This alternative method can provide a more balanced view. The 360 degree performance review process intends to provide a more global and accurate view of the employee’s performance. The accuracy of the 360 degree process depends on whether the respondents interact regularly with the learner and whether the learner reveals him/herself to others. Since a learner can be different with each person, it would follow that there is a benefit to having many respondents involved. The underlying assumption of the 360 degree technique is that the accuracy and scope of the assessment of the individual increases when consulting a full circle of daily business contacts, as opposed to one supervisor. The view of most practitioners is that the use of more raters leads to more accurate results for the individual. (Church, A.H. & Braken, D. W., 1997) In order for a 360 degree process to be successful, participants must feel the survey instrument is reliable and valid. An advantage to having an electronic system is that rater reliability can be more easily managed. For instance, if a rater used the same rating for all the survey questions, the system would flag the rater to consider if the ratings were accurate or simply careless. This feature serves to point out unusual trends in responses and might encourage the rater to be more thoughtful in their responses. It is possible that such a feature may increase the validity of the 360 degree feedback process over a paper process. (Edwards, Ewen, 1996) A validity caution such as this is not part of a paper process. Acceptance of Feedback While traditional performance reviews offer a single or limited viewpoint, the 360 degree review offers feedback from many sources that often times

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send repeating and consistent messages. When a learner sees a consistent pattern of feedback, that feedback is more likely to become reinforced and is more difficult to write off as invalid. There is a possibility that multi-rater feedback from a 360 degree review is more likely to be accepted by the employee. Once an individual accepts feedback there is an increasing likelihood of behavioral change and performance improvement. Employees may find the methodology of a 360 degree review to be more thorough and unbiased than traditional evaluations. When they consider this process as opposed to being evaluated by an individual supervisor who may have only limited knowledge of what they do, they are more likely to see the value in this type of evaluation.

The Role of Feedback in Behavioral Change
Nothing happens until a person wants something to happen. In the 360 degree process, the acceptance of feedback is the catalyst to behavioral change. Feedback provides individual motivation if the learner accepts it. Not all learners feel as if they are capable or are interested in change. If and when the learner becomes truly motivated, this energy will serve as the elixir to change. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change, developed by Dr. James Prochaska and his colleagues at the University of Rhode Island Cancer Prevention Research Center, helps in understanding the stages of change an individual passes through. This group of researchers point out the criticality of understanding and identifying the stage an individual is in before successful change intervention can be designed and applied. One of the model’s major contributions is the recognition that behavioral change unfolds in a series of stages. (Prochaska, DiClemente, Norcross, 1992) Prior to the 360 degree process, learners are usually in what Dr. Prochaska terms the Precontemplation stage, at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. This is when learners are unaware of

problems or that there is a need for change. Once the 360 degree process is implemented and the learner begins to receive feedback, they move into the Contemplation stage, in which individuals have identified a problem. It is during this stage that learners are deciding whether or not there is a need to take action to correct the problem. A learner enters the Preparation stage once that individual decides there is a need to take some action. In the 360 degree process, the learner discusses the trends of the feedback with their coach and identifies common themes. Specific plans of action are developed as the learner chooses among potential solutions. The Action stage is where the learner actually put their plan to work and begins to change behavioral patterns. The months following the 360 review process compose the Maintenance stage where the learner works to prevent relapse. They have become cognizant of the gains attained, and are motivated to sustain progress. (Prochaska, DiClemente, Norcross, 1992) When an organization implements expensive programs, like 360 degree reviews, they intend for employees to move successfully through the behavioral model for change. Some learners however reject feedback all together and therefore resist the move from precontemplation to contemplation. Without the acceptance of feedback, change cannot occur. For feedback to be effective in bringing out behavioral change, it must move the individual through these first two stages of this model. In order for a 360 review process to be successful, the individual must complete all of the stages in the Transtheoretical Model.

Reaction to Feedback and Its Affect on the Employee
The effective interpretation and delivery of feedback is undoubtedly a specialized skill, which explains the importance of the role a “feedback coach” plays in the 360 degree process. An experienced feedback coach is familiar with many of the typical reactions to feedback and can assist the learner with handling their reactions appropriately. A feedback coach can assist with the interpretation of the feedback

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through open dialogue with the employee over a period of time. These coaching sessions usually focus on encouraging the learner to; look within themselves to examine the behaviors that might be triggering the feedback; reflect on their interactions with others; examine their own performance level; be honest with themselves about the development needed. Additionally, the coach points out common themes or messages the raters are passing to the learner in order to reinforce those intended messages. Empirical analysis has shown the positive effect combining 360 degree feedback with coaching aimed at enhancing self awareness can have on an individual’s performance. (Luthans, Peterson 2003) The study of human nature and the science of psychology can explain the various reactions people have to feedback. Interpersonal feedback in its purest form is one human being communicating their feelings and thoughts about another human being. It may sound uncomplicated, but receiving feedback often times invokes as much fear in individuals as does the idea of public speaking. The need for successful relationships is a human attribute. Requesting feedback from others takes us out of our comfort zone since there is the possibility that the feedback may be less than positive. Negative feedback may be interpreted as rejection and may bring on feelings of vulnerability and defensiveness. Most people fear negative feedback and will not actively seek it out. Negative feedback may threaten a learner’s self concept. They may feel they can’t change anyway, that their ways are too ingrained. As social beings, our most intense emotions occur in relationships with others. Negative feedback may interrupt those relationships. For many of us, our professional lives and our place within an organization define who we are. It is where we spend the greatest amount of time and is often the central core of our lives. Many of our basic needs such as achievement, recognition, respect, power and control are likely to affect interactions and performance at work. (Wertheim, 2004) This explains the difficulty an individual might have with accepting negative feedback from others in the workplace.

Three-sixty degree reviews provide specific detailed feedback describing the learner’s performance behaviors, performance outcomes and relationships with others, from the point of view of others. The acceptance of this feedback is not always easy, especially if the feedback is counter to the learner’s self concept. While positive feedback is typically aimed at enhancing feelings of psychological safety and reinforcing selected behaviors, negative feedback is seen as aimed at shaking one loose from one’s self satisfied concept of oneself and at stimulating one to try new behaviors. In a 360 review, negative feedback can be reframed as corrective feedback. Corrective feedback is intended to encourage thoughtful examination of one’s behavior, the intended outcome of a 360 review. (Schaible & Jacobs, 1975) Issues, however, may arise in how the learner receives the corrective feedback. According to Dr. Keith Morran, Professor of Education at Indiana University, level of defensiveness can be a barrier to receiving corrective feedback. Among all of the possible barriers to receiving corrective feedback, he cites defensiveness as one of the most influential. Being receptive to feedback is clearly an important gateway to learning and practicing strategies for personal improvement. Staying out of defensive modes is essential to moving on and changing behavior. Once feedback is received, there exists the problem of looking at the difference between the ideal self and the real self. Looking at the gaps often contributes to defensiveness. If the learner’s drive to achieve is strong, an emphasis on gaps often arouses feelings of anxiety and defensiveness. When this happens, the learner becomes de-motivated rather than motivated. This causes an interruption in learning and when self directed learning stops, the chance for change to occur minimizes. This mechanism of defensiveness is a problem in receiving feedback. When open feedback is given, there is a risk of triggering emotions of defensiveness. Once a person is defensive, all of their energy goes into defending rather than looking at opportunities for change. (Leadership Advantage, 2001)

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Defensiveness appears when the structure of the self concept is shaken. Within the self concept lies the perceived self. The perceived self includes perceptions of individual attributes, one of which is competencies. Individuals have perceptions of what skills, abilities, talents and knowledge they possess. (Leonard, Beauvais, Scholl, 1995) Corrective feedback forces the learner to receive messages that are counter to those self perceptions shaking the learner’s comfort level and forcing some level of defensiveness to appear. Self perceptions are determined through interaction with one’s environment. When feedback is abundant and regularly given, a set of firmly held self perceptions is formed. Ambiguous, lacking or inconsistent feedback results in weakly held self perceptions. Although a 360 degree review offers an opportunity for direct feedback, if this is one of the few times the learner has received feedback, the self perception is probably skewed or inaccurate which will cause the learner to be surprised by the nature of the feedback. Raters in a 360 degree process provide social feedback for the learner. They provide direct attributions which are communicated through the form of written or oral communication, praise, reprimand, or recognition. 360 degree feedback may include all of these. (Leonard, Beauvais, Scholl, 1995) Self esteem is an important component of the Self Concept model. It is the evaluative component of the self. One type of self esteem is the Socially-influenced self esteem, which is a function of the expectations of others. “Socially influenced self esteem results from communication or feedback from reference group members or society as a whole, concerning the value of an identity and the individual’s ability to meet the expectations of the reference group and/or society as a whole.” (Leonard, Beauvais, Scholl, 1995) Self esteem may become damaged during the 360 degree process. Feedback that is counter to the learner’s beliefs about themselves can cause an emotional reaction or an affective motivation.

“Affective Motivation deals with the way in which individuals experience, process and behave based on emotion. The basic premise of affective motivation theories is that individuals experience emotional reactions to certain situations.” (Scholl, 2002) Some of the emotions we feel include:

Fear Anger Anxiety Guilt Boredom

Joy Frustration Excitement Sorrow Others

There are a number of ways in which emotions, or our affective states, are involved in the motivation of behavior. Motivation is the force that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior. Individuals exist in, and move among, one of three Affective States: A. Positive Affective State is when the individual is experiencing positive feelings, such as relaxation, excitement, pleasure, or joy. B. Neutral Affective State is when the individual is experiencing little or no noticeable feelings at the present time. C. Negative Affective State is when the individual is experiencing negative feelings and emotions such as emotional pain, anxiety, guilt, frustration, boredom, or anger. (Scholl, Richard, W., 2002) Which affective state the learner is in after receiving 360 degree feedback determines the level of motivation for behavioral change. Those who end up in a negative affective state and never move from there are the employees who will resist behavioral change and who will represent a loss to the organization. That loss will come in terms of the learner’s negative attitude and their loss of motivation to further contribute to the organization.

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HOW 360 DEGREE REVIEW FEEDBACK AFFECTS EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES, EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE “Most theorists believe that behavior is a result of a complex combination of, or conflict between, cognitive and affective processes.” (Scholl, 2002) In understanding how 360 degree feedback influences behavior, we must consider the theory of Emotional Intelligence. This theory deals with how individuals respond to felt emotions with behavioral responses, like those emotions evoked by receiving corrective feedback. The theory describes how a trigger or situation can evoke an emotional response, which leads to a behavioral response. This theory explains the reaction a 360 degree review process provokes in learners. Individuals possess differing levels of Emotional Intelligence Skills which allow them to deal with their own emotions as well as with the emotions of others. Some individuals have the motivation or ability to control behavioral effects of negative emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety, and still perform in a positive way even when their emotional state is negative. According to some theorists, individuals high in this skill are likely to react to negative or disconfirming feedback by attempting to diagnose the causes of low performance and actually increase their effort directed at improving performance. (Scholl, 2002) These types of individuals react to 360 degree reviews as organizational leaders’ hope, motivated to change behavior and improve performance. Others with low skill development in this area are likely to quit at the first sign of failure or invalidation, negatively impacting productivity and the organization. These individuals are the most likely to reject and discontinue the 360 degree process. In cases where the learner has low skill development, sometimes the feedback can cause the learner to react poorly. While some level of defensiveness is a generally understandable, some learners react in a more extreme manner. As was stated earlier in this paper, the group of raters is selected by the learner, but the author of the specific feedback is anonymous. Some learners will attempt to identify who has given the specific feedback and that can lead to the learner seeking out the rater and challenging

them on the accuracy of their feedback. The learner may become aggressive and confrontational. These types of conversations can be very destructive to the process as well as to the relationship between the rater and the learner and the harmony within the organization. The role of the feedback coach is to guide the learner through the process and to help them understand identifying the specific author is not important; the offering of feedback and its message is what is important. If the learner becomes hostile towards the raters and the process, they are clearly not ready to accept feedback. In this type of situation, the learner’s performance may suffer because they become too pre-occupied with the specifics of the feedback and are not focusing on quality performance. The organization experiences the loss in terms of employee productivity and commitment. The use of a feedback coach in a 360 degree process is shown to be of particular importance if an organization is using the tool with the objective of positively effecting performance, as is concluded in an empirical study conducted by Fred Luthans, Distinguished Professor, College of Business Administration at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and Suzanne Peterson, Assistant Professor at the Richard T. Farmer School of Business at Miami University. Their study confirmed that combining 360s with coaching focused on enhanced self-awareness and behavioral management improves the effectiveness of the feedback This study focuses on the impact of 360 degree feedback combined with coaching on the learner’s self awareness and outcomes of their attitudes and indirectly organizational performance. The findings reveal an important lesson; for 360 programs to have a positive impact, learners need systematic coaching along with the 360 degree feedback in order to gain self awareness and have a positive impact on work satisfaction and organizational commitment. (Luthans, Peterson, 2003) Organizational leaders have the ability to influence the employee attitudes towards programs like the 360 degree review. If the leaders of the organization support the program and communicate positive messages about the program, employees will likely echo that

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support. Employee attitudes towards programs like the 360 review can also be negatively impacted by the attitudes of managers. Organizational leaders need to be aware of the possibility and warning signs of negative cascaded attitudes towards the 360 degree process. This is most often found where a senior manager resists the process. If senior management is heard to say that these programs don't work and are a waste of time, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This attitude and behavior then cascades down to the learners who then, not surprisingly, also apply the same 'no good, not doing it' negative attitude to their own review responsibilities. A 'no good, not doing it' attitude in the middle ranks is almost invariably traceable back to a senior manager who holds the same view. (Business, 1995-2006) “The attitudes individuals hold toward the feedback process may be relevant to their reactions to feedback itself. Feedback recipients’ attitudes toward the feedback process itself will also impact the way feedback is perceived and used. Earlier work in the area of performance appraisal feedback has suggested that individuals that have positive attitudes toward the process and believe it is fair are more receptive to feedback.”(Taylor, Tracy, Renard, Harrison& Carroll, 1995) Although some organizations report success in their ability to positively affect the performance behaviors and performance outcomes of their employees by implementing a 360 degree review process, true measurement supporting those improvements is virtually nonexistent. Many organizations claim this process is of benefit to them, but true metrics do not exist beyond the occasional narrowly focused study. The documented effect that a 360 degree feedback process actually has on employees is quite limited and usually anecdotal at best. In theory, the concept of a 360 degree program is solid but evidence of specific results are lacking. The limited empirical analysis information that is available, reveals that 360degree programs; unfortunately, have at best, mixed reviews. (Luthans, Peterson, 2003) What these analysis do show is the major advantages of this process are (1) they provide ratees with

information on how they are perceived by others; (2) they provide more information for improvement (by addressing weaknesses) than any other technique; and (3) ratings and feedback from different groups with special insights can be obtained. Major problems include (1) they provide an overwhelming amount of information, making it difficult for the rate to effectively process all the information;(2) it is difficult to reconcile the differences between self ratings and others’ ratings; and (3)there is need for a coach to figure out what to do with the conflicting information. Although these systems are extremely popular, their effectiveness is unknown. (DeNisi, Griffin, 2001) Jai Ghorpadi, a professor of management at San Diego State University, wrote in the Academy of Management Executive that “while it delivers valuable feedback, the 360 degree concept has serious problems relating to effectiveness.” Ghorpadi reported that out of more than 600 feedback studies, one third found improvements in employee performance, one third reported decreases in employee performance and the rest reported no impact at all. John Sullivan, a professor of human resource management at San Francisco State University says “There is no data showing that 360 degree feedback actually improves productivity, increases retention or decreases grievances.” (Pfau, Kay, 2002) One reason for the apparent lack of metrics is that typically, when 360 degree feedback is used for development the learner “owns” the data. The data is presented to the learner first, acknowledging the importance of complete confidentiality. The learner is often the only person to see the data, unless there is a feedback coach or the data is willingly shared with a supervisor. Occasionally Human Resources have access to the data, but not always. The upside of this is that the learner has a perceived safety net as they know the data is purely developmental. The downside is that the development is left completely up to the learner, which may or may not lead to change, and this accounts for the absence of measurable data. (Maylett, Riboldi, 2006)

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CONCLUSIONS While behavioral change and performance improvement may be common outcomes of the 360 degree process, this desired outcome is not always achieved and the process can backfire on an organization in terms of an employee’s affective and behavioral reaction, impacting their motivation and commitment. Most employees’ dread receiving 360 degree feedback, but all are undoubtedly curious about it. The anticipated moment of reviewing what others have said about you is an emotionally stressful time. The learner is generally very interested in the 360 degree program at the beginning. The interest level in the process can wane however, negatively affecting the program’s success. There can be multiple factors affecting the learner’s commitment to the program including; the quality of the learner/feedback coach relationship; the learner’s comfort level with the process; the learner’s acceptance of the feedback; the time commitment the learner is willing and able to make to the process and the learner’s motivation to change behavior and improve performance. Without the commitments of the organizational leaders, the learner, and the feedback coach, the program will be ineffective. Three-sixty degree feedback can be damaging to some people, their egos and their self-esteem, at least for the short term. Some learners get past the immediate emotional responses to the feedback and are able to decide how much behavioral change they plan on undertaking. This is also the point in time when the learner decides how much of themselves they will invest in the 360 degree process. Organizations can only benefit from a 360 degree process if the learner accepts the feedback and takes appropriate action to remedy any friction points. After considering the feedback, learners typically become very motivated to change behavior and are dedicated to the process, or they become de-motivated and discontinue participation. To date, the general consensus from research and practice has been that there are both benefits and potential problems associated with 360 degree reviews, especially if used as an

evaluation system rather than just as a personal development technique. (Brett, Atwater, 2001) Regardless of the absence of measurable effectiveness, 360 degree reviews offer employees something traditional review processes do not, an opportunity to receive feedback from a well rounded group of people. Feedback is a vital part of performance growth and development. Understanding ourselves, and how we interact with others, helps us to understand what impact we have on those around us. The perceptions of others within our circle of influence, whether those perceptions are accurate or inaccurate determine, to a large degree, our level of success. Regardless of the accuracy of these perceptions, our interactions with others both influences and is influenced by the perceptions of others. This is the value of a 360 degree feedback program. (Maylett, Riboldi 2006) In order to be persistently successful, people and organizations need to adapt continually to their environment .This requires information from the environment. The more active and open the feedback loops, the more effective the adaptation and change can be. A 360 degree process can support this. This process, even without available meaningful metrics, still offers the potential to deepen employee’s understanding of their own performance. Organizational leaders who choose to use such a program must be accepting of the fact that some employees will reject feedback and development for those employees will be limited or nonexistent. If leaders in an organization can accept the fact that implementing a 360 degree process is only likely to improve the performance behaviors and performance outcomes of those learners who can be moved from the precontemplation stage to the contemplation stage, and that this program will only benefit a certain percentage of participating employees, than the 360 degree process may be the right tool for them. The best performance reviews, regardless of the tool used, allows managers and employees to communicate, provide feedback, and share ideas, information and opinions. Organizations would benefit from any performance tool that allows for better

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communication with management, honest feedback from those they interact with regularly and an opportunity to understand specifically how they can improve their own performance. Clearly the 360 degree feedback process is popular. The perceived benefits of implementing such a program will only be realized if it is utilized in the right organizational climate with the appropriate expectations for success. In the wrong environment, without the presence or proper training of feedback coaches and raters, the results can be detrimental. Organizations should carefully weigh all the costs, including process related as well as the cost of behavioral outcomes. Success of such a program is predicated on implementing and sustaining long term behavioral change and development. Careful consideration should be given to the design of the process as well as to the implementation in order for the process to drive performance behaviors and performance outcomes. REFERENCES Alimo-Metcalfe, B. 1998. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Pgs 6, 35- 44. Anonymous. Personnel/HumanResources Policies.University Wisconsin-Madison cfm accessed March 4, 2006. Anonymous. April 2004. CSC 360 Degree Coaching Certificate Handbook. Computer Sciences Corporation. Anonymous.2002-2006. Alternative Performance Reviews. Toolpack Consulting accessed March, 2006. Anonymous. 2001.Survival Of The Fittest: Feedback Is Not For Sissies. Leadership Advantage. NotForSissies.shtml accessed March, 2006. . Brett, J.F.,Atwater, L.E.(2001). 360-feedback: Accuracy reactions, and perceptions of

usefulness. Journal of Applied Psychology, Pgs. 86, 930-942 Chapman, Alan. 1995-2006. Performance Appraisals. isals.htm accessed March, 12, 2006. Church, A.H. & Braken, D. W. 1997. Advancing the state of art of 360-degree feedback. Groups and Organization Management. Pgs. 22,149-161. DeNisi, A.S., Griffin, R.W.(2001) Human Resource Management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Edwards, M.R., Ewen, A.J..1996. Automating 360 degree feedback, HR Focus, 73, 3-4.No 9 Kamen, Paddy, 2003. Circular Logic: The Benefits of 360-Degree Performance Reviews. Panoramic Feedback les/univen.html accessed March 5,2006. Leonard, Beauvais, L.L., Scholl, R.W..1995, A Self Concept-Based Model of Work Motivation. Linman, Terri. 360-degree Feedback: Weighing the Pros and Cons ventions/360_1.htm accessed March 4, 2006. Luthans F., Peterson S..2003. 360- Degree feedback with systematic coaching: Empirical Analysis suggests a winning combination. Human Resource Management.Vol 42, Iss 3;pg 243 Maylett, Tracy M., Riboldi, Juan M.. 2006. The 360-Degree Dilemma lemma%20%20Performance%20or%20Dev elopment.pdf accessed March, 2006. Pfau, B., Kay,I..2002. Does 360-Degree Feedback Negatively Affect Company Performance? .HR Magazine.

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Prochaska, J.O., DiClemete, C.C., Norcross, J.C. 1992. In Search of How People Change, Applications to Addictive Behavior, American Psychologist, Vol 47 No 9 Pgs 1102-1114 Schaible, T.D. & Jacobs, A.1975, Feedback III: Sequence effects: Enhancement of Feedback, Pg. 151 Scholl, Richard, W.. Affective Motivation and Emotional Intelligence. September, 2002 Motivation.html accessed March, 2006. Silverman, M, Kerrin, M, Carter, A. 2005.360 Degree Feedback: Beyond the Spin. IES Report 418. Taylor, M., Tracy, K., Renard, M., Harrison, J. & Carroll, S. 1995. Due Process in Performance Appraisal: A Quasi Experiment in Procedural Justice. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, Pgs. 495-523 Wertheim, Edward G., Ph.D., 2004.Effective Communication, Feedback and Listening, Northeastern University College of Business Administration. back.htm accessed March 10, 2006

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Planning and Reflection Skills at Postgraduate Level

...Study Skills for Postgraduate Learning | Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level | [Student Name] [Student ID] [Submission Date] | Table of Contents Abstract 3 Task 1: Development of a Research Strategy 4 Task 2: Development of a Project Plan 7 Task 3: Reflective Piece 10 Effectiveness of My Research Strategy & Project Plan 10 Problems Faced and Learning: 10 Learned Time Management Skills and Reflection Skills: 11 New Learning during the Research Project: Reviewing a Case Study 11 Conclusion from the Case study 13 My Reflections on the Research Questions: 13 References 14 Abstract The point addressed in this research document is the Importance of Planning and Reflection Skills at Postgraduate Level and also an assumption that post graduate students acquire planning and critical reflection skills automatically during their post graduate studies. Planning, critical thinking and reflecting are the pillars of the postgraduate study, managerial work and continuing professional development (CPD). “It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting upon this experience it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalizations or concepts can be generated. And it is generalizations that allow new situations to be tackled effectively.” (Gibbs 1988) Reflection is a key element in any successful planning. You are probably...

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Postgraduate Personal Development Planning

...Personal Development Planning For Postgraduate Research Students Postgraduate Personal Development Planning 1 INTRODUCTION Personal Development Planning (PDP) is a process already present in most PhD supervision and study practices. PDP is ‘a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development’ (QAA 2001). This handbook provides guidelines for Postgraduate Research students at Queen’s on what PDP involves and to help you to get the most out of the process. Please note that there may be slight variations or specific requirements for you in your School or subject area. Key features of PDP: • PDP is an ongoing process, not a single document, nor is it carried out at a single point in time. • It provides you with the opportunity to plan, reflect on and record your progress, development and achievements. • PDP formalises good practice in working for and supervising a research degree. • PDP is a structured and supported process. The structure and support is provided by: - The Skills Analysis Questionnaire - The Postgraduate Skills Training Programme (PSTP) - Records of meetings with your supervisor(s) - Training plans - Formal reviews – 3 month, differentiation, and annual monitoring - Records and evidence of your achievement - Your evaluation and reflection of your progress, achievements and skills - Your research diary or log...

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Maridian School Recomendation

...MERIDIAN MANAGEMENT SCHOOL (MMS) Mini Case Study Analysis (Human resource Perspective)   1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Management School of Meridian University is a specialist Postgraduate management school. MMS has being established 15 years before this case study was written since then MMS became leader in the field of postgraduate management. MMS has wide portfolio of courses both fulltime and part-time basis this was partly because of easy procedure for introducing new course. MMS has its own dedicated staff headed by head of school. The other staff of MMS composed of 20 academic staff, one SAO and 4 administrators from the four different divisions of MMS namely: Organisational Behaviour/Human Resource Management, Operation Management, Finance & Economics and Marketing. The organisational structure of MMS had relative flat structure, the academic staff who were equally divided into the four subject divisions were either lecturer or senior lecturer. In addition to that senior lecturer were only in a higher grade of the Salary scale of MMS but had same condition of employment with the lecturers. Currently MMS is facing problem of losing important staff who were important for the smooth going of school activities at a critical time of the year when MMS is getting ready for the new intake. 2.0 ISSUES: There a number of issues related to this case but I will concentrate more on issues on staffing since it is the most critical issue in this case. For the staffing...

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Innformation and Knowledge Management

...____________________________________________________________________ PROGRAMME HANDBOOK ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ JANUARY 2016 INTAKE ____________________________________________________________________ Copyright© 2016 THE MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA All rights reserved, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying machines, without the written permission of the publisher 1 MANCOSA: POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. WELCOME 1.1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL 1.2 MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DEAN 3 4 INTRODUCTION TO MANCOSA 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY OF MANCOSA 2.2 PROGRAMME OFFERINGS 2.3 ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT 4 5 5 3. THE MANCOSA VISION 6 4. THE MANCOSA MISSION 6 5. POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 5.1 OVERALL PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES 5.2 PROGRAMME FOCUS 5.3 MODULE DESCRIPTIONS 2. 6. PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION 6.1 PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT 6.2 FINANCE 6.2.1 FEE PAYMENT 6.2.2 PAYMENT OF FEES AND OTHER DUES 6.2.3 PAYMENT PLANS 6.2.4 ADDITIONAL FEES/CHARGES 6.2.5 REGISTRATION SPECIFIC/INCOMPLETE MODULES ...

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...ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Canadian and Australian Licensing Policies for International Medical Graduates: A Web-based Comparison P McGrath1, A Wong2, H Holewa1 1 International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research, CQU, Milton, Queensland, Australia 2 Department of Anaesthesia, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Published: April 2011 McGrath P, Wong A, Holewa H Canadian and Australian Licensing Policies for International Medical Graduates: A Web-based Comparison Education for Health, Volume 24, Issue 1, 2011 Available from: ABSTRACT Context: The increasing global mobility of physicians and severe physician shortages of many countries has led to an increasing reliance on International Medical Graduates (IMGs) by countries including Australia and Canada. Objectives: A web-based comparison of licensing policies for IMGs in Australia and Canada to inform and improve policies in each country. Methods: The research involved identification of relevant government and medical regulatory bodies’ official websites documenting information on the licensing process for IMGs from each respective country; in-depth examination and comparison of the licensing processes outlined on these sites; and compilation of a comprehensive list of similarities and differences. Findings: While difficult entry requirements are imposed in Canada, once full registration is achieved IMGs have the same membership rights as Canadian medical graduates...

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Business and University Collaboration

...A Review of Business–University Collaboration      Professor Sir Tim Wilson DL  February 2012      Preface  Just as castles provided the source of strength for medieval towns, and factories provided prosperity  in the industrial age, universities are the source of strength in the knowledge‐based economy of the  twenty‐first century.            Lord Dearing, September 2002  The words of Lord Dearing continue to ring true. The economic and social prosperity of the UK  depends upon a healthy knowledge‐based economy. In our globally competitive economic  environment, never before has there been a greater need for a talented, enterprising workforce, for  constant innovation in product and service development, for a thriving culture of entrepreneurship,  for dynamic leading‐edge scientific and technological development and for world‐class research that  attracts investment.  In collaboration with business, and with the support of government, the UK  university sector has the capability to fulfil Lord Dearing’s vision: to be the source of strength in the  UK’s knowledge based economy of the twenty first century.     Universities are an integral part of the skills and innovation supply chain to business. However, this  supply chain is not a simple linear supplier‐purchaser transaction; it is not the acquisition of a single  product or service. This supply chain is multi‐dimensional, it has to be sustainable, and it has to have  quality, strength and resilience. These attributes can only be secured through close collaboration...

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Teachers E-Learning Readiness

...COMPLEMENTING TRADITIONAL LECTURE-BASED TEACHING WITH E-LEARNING: A CASE STUDY Nicholaus Thomas Andrade Hall Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield Western Bank,, Sheffield, S10 2TN, United Kingdom José Miguel Baptista Nunes Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, United Kingdom ABSTRACT The objectivist nature of lecture -based teaching is often perceived to be unsuited to encourage deep learnin g and the acquisition of contextualised transferable skills. On the other hand, collaborative and active e -learning is seen to be an approach capable of fostering these highly desirable outcomes in the learning process. However, given the pragmatic needs and constraints of teaching and learning in Higher Education (HE), lectures are still the prevalent mode of imparting knowledge to students. In order to try and improve the learning experience of students undertaking a course in Information Systems, the research team, with considerable experience in online learning, tried to combine objectivist lectures with a moderate constructivist learning process facilitated by a WebCT online resource. This paper presents the design and development of such an e -learn ing environment and discusses how e -learning can be applied to complement and support traditional on-campus teaching. The e -learning resource aims at providing students with content materials, self-assessment facilities, case-study materials and infrastru...

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Mmc by Tooke

...House of Commons Health Committee Modernising Medical Careers Volume II Written evidence Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 8 November 2007 HC 25-II, Session 2007-08 Published on 14 November 2007 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £20.50 The Health Committee The Health Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department of Health and its associated bodies. Current membership Rt Hon Kevin Barron MP (Labour, Rother Valley) (Chairman) Charlotte Atkins MP (Labour, Staffordshire Moorlands) Mr Ronnie Campbell MP (Labour, Blyth Valley) Jim Dowd MP (Labour, Lewisham West) Sandra Gidley MP (Liberal Democrat, Romsey) Dr Doug Naysmith MP (Labour, Bristol North West) Mike Penning MP (Conservative, Hemel Hempstead) Mr Lee Scott MP (Conservative, Ilford North) Dr Howard Stoate MP (Labour, Dartford) Mr Robert Syms MP (Conservative, Poole) Dr Richard Taylor MP (Independent, Wyre Forest) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at Committee staff The current staff...

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Industrial Engineering

...VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COURSE BROCHURE Got questions about studying at Victoria University, visiting, or applying? WELCOME MD MANJURUL Phone: +61 3 9919 1164 Email: Apply online: Find an agent: This is your introduction to the incredible array of academic programs and resources we offer. Feel free to create additional brochures if your interests change. IN THIS BROCHURE Campuses, facilities and services Why study at Victoria University How to apply Cost of living English language requirements (TAFE/VET) English language requirements (Undergraduate) English language requirements (Postgraduate) English language courses Scholarship opportunities for international students Accommodation and private rentals Student support and safety Career and employment services Live in Melbourne   SELECTED COURSES Diploma of Accounting Diploma of Library and Information Services Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology Diploma of Engineering - Advanced Trade Diploma of Engineering Technology   Information and fees listed in this brochure are for non-resident students starting the course in 2015. Fees are subject to approval and may change. In some courses students must buy equipment or clothing that they will need in the course. These equipment or clothing costs are not included in the course fees listed and we recommend you seek advice from the...

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Wns Hand Book123 space and lakes. At the heart of it all is the new Student Centre, which was completed in 2011. With its accessible areas, Library services and multitude of facilities, it is a place for students to study or just gather together and we are very proud of this building. In 2011 we celebrated 10 years of another important building, the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts. This world-class facility was the vision of a group of driven Waikato people. It quickly became a focal point in the campus and continues to be an important venue for the performing arts community. I encourage you to experience all our facilities during your study at Waikato. We are heading towards our 50th anniversary in 2014; you are benefitting from many years of planning, hard work and vision. I sincerely hope you enjoy your time at the University of Waikato; I urge you to make the most of the excellent education, the beautiful setting and the top facilities and then...

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Visualizing Research to the research process in art and design / by Carole Gray and Julian Malins. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7546-3577-5 1. Design--Research--Methodology--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Art--Research--Methodology-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3. Research--Methodology--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Malins, Julian. II. Title. NK1170.G68 2004 707’.2--dc22 ISBN 0 7546 3577 5 Typeset by Wileman Design Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall Ashgate Publishing Company Suite 420 101 Cherry Street Burlington, VT 05401-4405 USA 2004004900 Contents List of figures vii ix x Authors’ biographies By way of a foreword: ‘Alice is in wonderland’. Discuss Mike Press Acknowledgements Introduction 1 1 xiv Planning the journey: introduction to research in Art and...

Words: 81106 - Pages: 325

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...Report on The System of Education in India Nordic Recognition Information Centres 1 October 2006 THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN INDIA Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3 Background to the Study Tour ............................................................................................... 3 Report Structure ..................................................................................................................... 3 Country Profile ....................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 1 General Education ............................................................................ 5 Administration of Education .................................................................................................. 5 School Education.................................................................................................................... 6 National Curricula .................................................................................................................. 7 Examination and Assessment............................................................................................... 12 Source................................................................................................................................... 15 Islamic Education .......................................

Words: 23697 - Pages: 95

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Time Management

...makers and educational stakeholders were discussed. Keywords: time management, external motivation, students' academic performance, Universiti Utara Malaysia 1. Introduction There is no doubt that today's students are the future leaders for nation building. However, the journey of transforming a nation's dreams into reality is not easy. Students in every discipline in universities should overcome various obstacles in order to achieve better academic performance measured by the GPA system. The Grade Point Average (GPA) system, as an indicator of the students' academic performance, is used in many countries around the world (James & Chilvers, 2001; Svanum & Zody, 2001). Malaysia is no exception. It is not necessarily true that a high level of academic performance will always be associated with a high intelligence quotient or hard work. Thus, the factors that influence students' academic performance needs to be identified and improved by university management, faculty and students...

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Education Scenario and Needs in India: Building a Perspective Fo 2025

...Education scenario and needs in India: Building a perspective for 2025 Suman Sachdeva SECTION-I The Indian Constitution resolves to provide quality education to all and in an effort to fulfill the educational needs of the country specifically for the diverse societies and cultures of the country the government has chalked out different educational categories: Elementary education, Secondary education, Higher education, Adult education, Technical and Vocational education. Despite serious handicaps of means and resources, the country has built up during the last 50 years, a very large system of education and has created a vast body of men and women equipped with a high order of scientific and technological capabilities, robust humanist and philosophical thought and creativity. It would be worthwhile to observe the trends in the different sectors of education from post Independence period to the present scenario. Sectors of Education Elementary Education Graph I: Comparative Statement of Number of Institutions in 1950-51 and 1998-99 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 6.27 2.1 1.9 0.13 1950-51 1998-99 Primary Schools (Classes I-V) Upper Primary Schools (Classes VI-VIII) Comparative Statement of Numbers of Students (Upper Primary Stage) in 1950-51 and 1998-99 403.53 400 300 200 100 0 1950-51 1998-99 31.19 57.58 12.7 At the time of Independence, only fourteen percent of the population was literate and only one child out of three had been enrolled...

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...BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, AARHUS UNIVERSITY Department for Marketing and Statistics March 2012 Diet and eating habits at the transition to motherhood: Influencing factors, self-developed coping strategies and how the public and private sector can support the maintenance of a healthy diet Master Thesis Master of Sciences in Marketing Author: Supervisor: Sandra Denise Kunz Petersen Jessica Aschemann-Witzel EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PURPOSE – The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the changes in diet and eating behavior women experience during the transition to motherhood, the underlying influencing factors, as well as their self-developed coping strategies, in order to devise recommendations for the public and private sector to support the adaption and maintenance of healthy eating habits during this transition. METHOD – A life course perspective was adopted and behavioral change models, used in health-related research, applied. In addition, the data of 18 qualitative e-mail interviews with German mothers was analyzed by means of qualitative content analysis. FINDINGS – The transition to parenthood represents an important life event that can be divided into several phases, each of which is characterized by a range of distinct changes in women’s eating behavior and influencing factors thereof. Women develop coping strategies to face these challenges, but are still found to lack perceived behavioral control and self-efficacy and are confronted with perceived...

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