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Plastic Surgeon Research Paper

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After high school, I plan on going to college and becoming a Plastic Surgeon here in California. The idea of helping people and making them feel better about themselves will make me feel like a better person and is very appealing to me. Growing up, I had a close relative that was born with a birth defect on her face. She never liked the way she looked, so she decided she wanted to get plastic surgery to get her birth defect removed. This surgery made her look like a completely different person. I was so amazed by the outcome of this surgery, and from that day on, I decided that I wanted to become a plastic surgeon to help people battle their insecurities. Plastic surgeons have many responsibilities and duties. “They are physicians who treat …show more content…
High schools provide these classes, so if you plan on becoming a Plastic Surgeon, it would be good to take these classes while in high school. I took biology and chemistry, which I completed and passed, and I am currently taking physics. Taking these classes in high school will prepare me for college science classes. In addition, you’ll need to spend another four years in medical school. Here you will learn about many different types of medicines. During medical school, you’ll need to earn a Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy degree from an official medical school and you are required to take and score high on your Medical College Admission Test. After earning one of these two degrees, you are required to spend 5-6 years of residency training, which will focus only on general and plastic surgery. These surgeries will usually be performed in a hospital and you are required to pay for your position. Generally, the first 3 years focus on general surgery and the last 2-3 years focus on plastic surgery. All states require you to have a license in order to practice. You must pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination in order to receive a license. After completing a medical residency, you are required to take several tests and exams, which include a …show more content…
“They are licensed medical doctors trained in patient interactions, trauma care and basic surgery techniques, as well as specialized areas, such as tissue transfer, body contouring and laser surgery.” (“Plastic Surgeon: Career Profile and Educational Requirements”) They must obtain good social skills in order for them to talk to others and to transfer important information more adequately, give their full undivided attention to other people while they are speaking, ask proper questions when talking to others, and they must be very polite and not interrupt others at inappropriate times. They must be critical thinkers, good decision makers, and must be able to read very well to understand written sentences and paragraphs. For plastic surgeons, the salary range is $91,881 - $508,240. Typically, your salary increases as your residency progresses. In the year 2012, about 5,800 plastic surgeons were hired in the state of California. It is predicted that 6,700 plastic surgeons will be employed in the year 2022. This profession will have around 90 openings due to growth and there will be about 140 replacement openings. In total, this is about 230 annual

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