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Plato and Music Paper


Submitted By Dmguy
Words 691
Pages 3
The philosophy of Plato and its influences on modern society concerning music

In modern society music is ubiquitous. Everywhere a person goes music can be heard, from the local grocery store to the radios in cars. With all this exposure to music it would be easy to forget it is even there but how much does this constant exposure affect an individual? Is it good to be subjected to every random song that you might encounter on a day to day basis? Questions concerning the effects of music on people have been around for a long time, going back as far as ancient Greece. While this paper will not attempt to cover the complete body of literature this topic entails nor will it attempt to answer these questions, it will examine one of their most notable philosophers, Plato, and see how his opinions concerning music and its effects on behavior on individuals and society at large match up with the beliefs of today.

Plato felt that music could have a profound effect on individuals, for good or for ill, and could shape society at large. In Plato's Republic we find Socrates discussing with Glaucon what proper modes of music should be included in the education of the guardians of their ideal state. By this point in the Republic guardians have been defined as individuals who are both fierce to enemies of the state and gentle to its citizens.(Plato) To this end the two men describe at great length the types of music that encourage or accompany all manner of behaviors and proceed to eliminate those that encourage acts unbecoming of such soldiers. For dirges and laments the modes of Mixed Lydian and Hyperlydian were ascribed, for drinking and effeminacy Ionian and Lydian, and those that promote bravery and temperance, namely the modes Dorian and Phrygian.(Plato). Glaucon and Socrates exclude all but the last two as guardians should not behave in any other manner. They go on to even ban the use of instruments that can play outside these modes leaving only three instruments, the lyre, cithara, and pipes, for society to use.(Plato)

Later the discussion moves towards the physical and mental training of the guardians. Socrates reasons that a person must have a balance between the two as favoring the former would make a man savage and prone to acts of violence while too much of the later leaves him too soft to be an effective defender of the state. For mental training Socrates references listening to music so that an individual might become more cultured.(Plato) This emphasis on music in the building of their ideal state reveals just how important a role music played in Greek philosophy.

At first glance these idea seems extreme when compared to the modern viewpoints but a closer look at elements of our society reveal they influence us today. In marketing music is used extensively to affect the moods of both customers and employees, encouraging sales, increased productivity, and providing a relaxed environment to reduce the stress of both consumers and workers alike.(Matamalas and Ramos) Many people can cite examples of the older generation claiming music of the younger is a vulgar and compels youth to commit horrible acts of violence and other abhorrent behaviors. Atrocities such as the Columbine high school massacre and gang violence have been attributed to kids listening to heavy metal and rap. Rap has also been linked to drug culture and a the objectifying of women.

In conclusion it has been shown that in many instances Plato's viewpoints are mirrored in the popular opinion of modern society and to a lesser extent music has been demonstrated scientifically to alter the mood and behavior of its listeners. The exact extent of this influence is a matter of much debate but the ideas of ancient Greece permeate our culture and the world at large.

Reference page

Plato. Republic. Trans. Francis MacDonald Cornford. New York and London: Oxford University Press. Print.
*Elwany, Mohamed. ed. Plato. The Complete Works of Plato. Benjamin Jowett Trans. pdf.

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