...In 4D you store information in tables. Ideally, each table stores a different type of information. For example, the Prospects table stores information about a specific prospect, the lots table stores information about each specific lot. We use forms to enter and manage data. Each table in our database has an input form and an output form. An input form displays one record at a time. We use an inpu7t for to enter, view, and modify information in a single record. An output form displays several records as a list. We use an output form to browse through records, select and sort records, and print a selection of records. Of the people that access this program are our architects, our new home sales office, and our corporate office. The 4D plat maps are created in AutoCAD by our architects and marked with the correct addresses, lot separations and lot and block numbers for each subdivision and then...
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...National Aluminium Company (Nalco), a public sector unit (PSU), is India's largest producer of alumina and the second largest producer of aluminium. It is considered to be a turning point in the history of Indian Aluminium Industry. In a major leap forward, Nalco has not only addressed the need for self-sufficiency in aluminium, but also given the country a technological edge in producing this strategic metal to the best of world standards.. Following the discovery of large reserves of Bauxite ore in the east coast and the preliminary project work done by Bharat Aluminium Company Limited, NALCO was set up by the Government of India in 1981 to implement one of the largest multi-locational integrated Aluminium projects of the world with its own Captive Power Plant and Port Facilities. The technical collaboration of Aluminium Pechiney of France, the support of Eurodollar loans from a consortium of International Banks and the special dis-pensations of the Government of India and the Govt. of Orissa helped to implement the project expeditiously within the budgeted cost of Rs.2408 crore, under very difficult logistics of project management. Different segments of NALCO went into production in a phased manner starting from November 1985. Within a short span of time, the Company has emerged as a leader in the field of Aluminium production in...
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...systems of government and because of the acceptance of their social classes. The elimination of wealth in the Spartan society was implemented in Plato’s Republic. Both government ideals about erasing currency, trade, and unnecessary luxuries from the societies, personified people as being more accepting of their social classes. The citizens would not flaunt their riches to others because they did not possess more then they needed to be happy within their social classes. “…they are only fed, and not paid in addition to their food, like other men: and therefore they cannot, if they would, take a journey of pleasure; they have no money to spend on a mistress or any other luxurious fancy, which, as the world goes, is thought to be happiness… (Plat. 241).” The happiness that the people in the Republic will find is aiding the state, being equally devoted to their country and not thinking about individual luxuries or wealth. Such as the guardian...
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...One of the first things we are going to discuss will be Supply and Demand. The reason I chose supply and demand as my first topic is because I feel that it is one of the concepts that affect us the most. Supply and demand is so important that it has laws. Sir Hubert Douglas Henderson spoke of these laws. I. When, at the price ruling, demand exceeds supply, the price tends to rise. Conversely when supply exceeds demand the price tends to fall. II. A rise in price tends, sooner or later, to decrease demand and to increase supply. conversely a fall in price tends, sooner or later, to increase demand and to decrease supply. III. Price tends to the level at which demand is equal to supply. So Sir Hubert states that these three laws are the cornerstone of economic theory. (Henderson ,1922). I think that gas prices are a very good example of this concept. Whenever you see any type of conflict happening in the Middle East where the large oil fields are, the price of oil will rise. An example of this would be when the antigovernment protest began in Lybia, the price oil surged more than 6%. (Rooney, 2011). So this shows that if the supply is short or maybe even perceived to be in short supply, then the demand rises and so does the price of the item. You might have noticed that I said perceived. Even though the item might not be in short supply, if buyers think that the item may be in short supply will cause the price of the item to...
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...Les menus Pour le déjeuner “Le menu du marché” *est élaboré chaque semaine selon les produits de saison. Entrée, plat, dessert Entrée et plat ou plat et dessert *Les boissons ne sont pas comprises. 35 ¤ 29 ¤ Pour le dîner Le “menu découverte” et le “menu signature” sont élaborés à partir de produits sélectionnés chez les meilleurs producteurs et selon la saison afin de vous proposer une cuisine authentique, raffinée et créative. “Menu Découverte”*, en 4 services “Menu Signature”*, en 6 services *Les boissons ne sont pas comprises. 45 ¤ 60 ¤ Prix nets - service compris A la carte Les Entrées Œuf BIO vapeur aux épinards frais Crème de Normandie, comté, pousses d’épinards, pain grillé. 16 ¤ 18 ¤ 20 ¤ entrée plat Carpaccio de Saint Jacques Pomme fruit, champignons de Paris, huile de cacahuète grillée de chez Leblanc. Ravioles de champignons et copeaux de foie gras Consommé de canard, poivre du Sichuan, zeste de citron. Salade Caesar de homard bleu Feuilles croquantes, crème d’ail d’Arleux, poulet de Licques rôti. 20 ¤ 26 ¤ Prix nets - service compris Les Plats Noix de Saint Jacques boulonnaises grillées Butternut, thym citron, fumet de barbe. 28 ¤ 30 ¤ Langoustines Pad thaï Spaghettis de courges, cacahuètes, pamplemousse, coriandre. Le poisson de Christophe En direct des criées de Boulogne et Dunkerque, prix selon cours. Risotto roquette et ricotta Œuf bio, parmesan, Saporosso. 24 ¤ 26 ¤ 28 ¤ 28 ¤ 40 ¤ Blanquette...
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...une alimentation équilibrée et dénuée de tous produits chimiques ou nocifs pour la santé. L’idée faire de la pause déjeuner une bouchée d’air frais. Le concept est simple proposer des plats bios en livraison rapide sur Paris et la proche banlieue. Fournir à une clientèle sensible à l’environnement et au bien être des plats bios préparés avec des ingrédients provenant de l’agriculture biologique locale et saisonnière. Les plats sont sophistiqués et les prix peu élevés. Le service easy bio est centré sur la livraison rapide et le take away. Les points de ventes Opéra et La Défense sont le point de départ pour les livraisons et peuvent aussi servir de take away. Les commandes peuvent être exécutées par téléphone ou internet. Produit Notre gamme de produit s’étendra d’un encas à un plateau repas complet. Le menu entrée + plat est estimé entre 12 et 15€ , le plateau complet ( entrée, plat, dessert et boisson) 20€ avec possibilité de réduction si la commande est importante. L II. Positionnement JESSICA MANU Clientèle ciblée La clientèle principalement ciblée restent les cadres supérieures actifs soucieux de leur alimentation et de l’environnement. Mais aussi les curieux ou supporters du mouvement bio qui souhaiterait bénéficier d’une cuisine inventive. Nous pensons prévoir des plats plus diététiques et léger approprié à la clientèle féminine. Ainsi qu’une gamme plus adaptée aux « grosses faims ». Lieu Nous souhaitons implanter Easy Bio au sein d’un quartier...
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...classical philosopher that lived from 429–347 Before Christ Existed. He died at age 81; he believed strongly in logic and reason. Moreover, his works contained discussions in aesthetics, political philosophy, theology, cosmology, epistemology, and the philosophy of language (Plato par 1). Although Plat existed way “Before Christ Existed” and even before the New Testament was developed, his philosophy seems to have some sort of relation to The New Testament and as Professor Shandon Guthrie mentioned the New Testament for a fact was influenced by Greek philosophers, especially Plato. Their commonalities involve their belief of the immortality of our human souls and dualism, the theory that human beings are made up of two independent constituents, the body and the mind or soul. These facts will present how Plato and the New Testament had relations of their views. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28, NIV). Firstly, stated this bible verse it emphasizes to not fear the “One” who destroys both soul and body, but also let us focus on the part that states ‘body and soul’. Plat believed in the dualism, and as previously stated it a theory that humans have two parts, the body and the soul. Also, the bible states in Ephesians 4:4 that “there is one body and one Spirit”, the spirit being internal to the soul, meaning there are indeed, two...
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...avez choisi? * Oui, alors, pour moi, le filet mignon de porc au miel du maquis. * Le filet mignon, D'accord. Et pour monsieur? * Qu'est-ce que c'est le plat du jour? * Le plat du jour c’est poulet rôti au miellé et à la vanille, c’est très bon. * Alors, je vais prendre la tarte aux tomates et le steak. * Oui, vous voulez quelle cuisson pour le steak? À point? * Non, bien cuit sil vous plait. * Alors, le filet pour la dame, et le steak pour le messier. * Merci beaucoup. * Vous pouvez m'apporter une serviette au papier, s'il vous plaît? * Bien sur, ensuite. * Le Steak est très bon. * Oui, mon filet est délicieux aussi! * Tout va bien ? * Oui tout est délicieux, mais nous n'avons plus de pain. Vous pouvez m'apporter du pain, s'il vous plaît? * Bien sur, ensuite. SE LO TRAE * Merci. * De rien. SE VA * Vous avez finir ? * Oui merci !! * Vous voulez le menu du dessert ? * Oui sil vous plait !! * Voici. * Qui est ce que nous recommandons ? * Le mousse du chocolat c’est magnifique ! * Alors, pour moi un mousse du chocolat. * Et pour moi un tarte au citron sil vous plait. * Très bien ! * Alors, voici vos desserts * Merci * L’adition sil vous plat !!! * Ici, ils on mange bien ? * Oui nous aimons le restaurant et le service c’est magnifique merci beaucoup pour tout. * Voilà !!!! bonne nuit ...
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...BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 LATAR BELAKANG Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan pada zaman sekarang telah berkembang dengan cukup pesat, terutama di bidang teknologi itu sendiri. Termasuk dalam bidang kedokteran itu sendiri. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas mengenai salah satu teknik ataupun metode yang digunakan dalam bidang kedokteran yaitu kromatografi terutama kromatografi lapis tipis. Kromatografi adalah teknik kromatografi adalah teknik pemisahan suatu zat yang didasarkan pada perbadaan kecepatan migrasi komponen-komponen yang dipisahkan diantara dua fase, yaitu fase gerak dan fase diam. Istilah kromatografi pertama kali ditemukan oleh Michael Tswatt (1903), seorang ahli botani asal Rusia. Kromatografi sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang terdiri dari dua kata yaitu, “chromos” yang berarti warna dan “graphos” yang berarti menulis. Jadi kromatografi berarti penulisan dengan warna. Kromatografi sendiri dapat diklasifikasikan lagi menjadi empat teknik yaitu adalah Kromatografi Kertas (KKT), Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT), Kromatografi Gas Cair (KGC), dan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT). Pada makalah ini akan dibahas mengenai kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Kromatografi lapis tipis adalah salah satu teknik kromatografi yang banyak digunakan karena penggunaanya yang mudah dan cukup murah. Metode ini menggunakan lempeng kaca atau lembaran plastik yang ditutupi penyerap untuk lapisan tipis dan kering bentuk silika gel, alomina, selulosa dan polianida. Untuk menotolkan...
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...Residential Land Development Residential construction planning and zoning will be the primary focus of this research assignment. First discussed topic will be a rough checklist of the development process from start to finish. Secondly discussed, will be the comprehensive land use plan. Next, the topic will be exactly what zoning is, and how it affects urban land development process. Subdivision regulations, plats, will also be discussed. Lastly a graph showing the process will be provided and discussed regarding the city of Lubbock ‘s development process. Development starts with a vision in mind; it would be have to be used with the skills, desires and resources to produce the outcome that is desirable by the developer. “Construction Funding (4th Edition)” says, “ The process of development is long and complex”, they give a check list that is a good guideline for the process, but due to the complexity of the process it is not a definite checklist. According to “Construction Funding (4th Edition)” page 67 the check list goes as follows: - Concept: Product identification and establishment of development criteria - Identity seed capital - Assemble Internal team: Site Acquisition, financial analysis, marketing, negotiation - Market area identification - Location possibilities - Feasibility study - Marketing study - Site Analysis: Preliminary environmental study, suitable for desired purpose; identifying potential obstacles and opposition - Land Acquisition: Optioning...
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...TUGAS AKUNTANSI MANAJERIAL UPSTREAM, MIDSTREAM, dan DOWNSTREAM untuk PERUSAHAAN JASA, MANUFAKTUR, dan DAGANG 1. Pengertian UPSTREAM dan DOWNSTREAM (a) Upstream (Hulu) Tahap Upstream atau hulu dari sebuah proses produksi melibatkan pencarian dan penggalian bahan baku. Bagian hulu dari proses produksi tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan materi itu sendiri, seperti pengolahan bahan. Bagian dari proses ini hanya menemukan dan mengekstrak bahan baku untuk produksi. Dengan demikian, setiap industri yang bergantung pada ekstraksi bahan baku umumnya memiliki tahap hulu dalam proses produksinya. Dalam arti yang lebih umum, "hulu" bisa juga merujuk kepada setiap bagian dari proses produksi yang berkaitan dengan tahap ekstraksi atau pencarian bahan baku. Di dalam supply chain operations, aktivitas upstream (hulu) meliputi aktivitas dari suatu perusahaan manufaktur dengan para penyalurannya (yang mana dapat manufaktur,assembler, atau kedua-duanya) dan koneksi mereka kepada pada penyalur (para penyalur second-tier). Hubungan para penyalur dapat diperluas kepada beberapa strata, semua jalan dari asal material (contohnya bijih tambang, pertumbuhan tanaman). Di dalam upstream supply chain, aktivitas yang utama adalah pengadaan. (b) Downstream (Hilir) Tahap Downstream atau hilir dalam proses produksi melibatkan pengolahan bahan yang dikumpulkan selama tahap hulu menjadi produk jadi. Tahap selanjutnya, meliputi penjualan aktual produk yang ke bisnis lain, pemerintah, atau perorangan...
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...Introduction La cuisine française a véritablement commencé au Moyen Age. La révolution Française posera les véritablement fondements de la cuisine actuelle avec la naissance de la restauration. L’apogée de la « grande cuisine » se fait au XIXème siècle. De tous temps, le raffinement de la table a été lié au degré de civilisation des peuples. Les Mésopotamiens, les Egyptiens, les Grecs, les Romains sont à l’origine de la culture française et de nos habitudes culinaires. La gastronomie est un témoignage historique incontestable de notre mode de vie et de l’évolution de nos mœurs. Depuis 2010, au même titre que le Mont-Saint-Michel ou le château de Versailles, le «repas gastronomique des Français» appartient désormais au patrimoine de l'Humanité. Le comité intergouvernemental de l'Unesco réuni à Nairobi (Kenya) a statué favorablement sur la demande en ce sens déposée par la France. La Préhistoire (avant -2000) - La découverture du feu (exemple : les hommes mettaient des pierres dans le feu pour qu’elles soient brulantes, les retiraient puis les aliments étaient placés sur des outres remplies d’eau sur les pierres chauffés à blanc pour les cuire). Le feu est devenu le centre du repas : les repas deviennent en commun. Il permet aussi de conserver. Durant la préhistoire début de l’élevage et de la culture avec des techniques rudimentaires. Passage du vagabondage alimentaire (ramassage au fur et à mesure des besoins) au commensalisme alimentaire. L’homme se nourri...
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...Quitclaim Deed This Quitclaim Deed made 11/10/2010, by Diversified Property Group Inc. ("Transferor") 11022 E. Boone, Spokane Valley, Washington,99206 to: Transferor, in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, remises, releases, and forever quitclaims to Transferee all of the interest of Transferor, if any, in an to that real property located in the County of Spokane, and State of Washington, and more certainly described as follows: The East 185 feet of the North 139 feet of Trac 51, Opportunity, according to Plat recorded in Volume "k" of Plats, Pages 20, 22 and 23, in the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington Parcel NOS. 45162.0945 and 45162.0938. Subject To lien in favor of WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE; and Subject To restrictive covenants, easements and encumbrances of record. To have and to hold, all and singular the described property, together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances belonging to such property, or in anywise appertaining, and the rents, issues, and profits of such property to Transferee, and Transferee's heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Transferor has executed this Quitclaim Deed on the date first above written. Diversified Property By: ______________________________ Acknowledgment State of ________________ ) ...
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...Gillian Golub FI331 Final Paper There are many offices that affect the ownership of real estate, such as the Tax Assessor’s Office, Tax Commissioner’s Office, Clerk of Superior Court’s Office, Office of Planning and Zoning, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Agriculture Extension Service, and Alabama Forestry Commission. All these different offices are very similar but have significant duties. The Tax Assessor is an elected official by the county, and is responsible for locating taxable property in the County. The Tax Assessor’s Office also assesses the value, identifying the owner, and publishing annual and supplemental assessment rolls. There are a few types of property that are tax-exempt. Some commonly granted exemptions include, property used in manufacture of other goods, property used by a tax-exempt or other parties for a charitable or other not-for-profit purpose, and property considered a “necessity of life”. Some jurisdictions offer partial or whole tax exemption to educational institutions. Certain types of property are Specifically in Alabama, a disabled veteran may receive a full property tax exemption on his/her primary residence if the veteran is 100 percent disabled as a result of service and has a net annual income of 12,000 or less. The reason why a tax assessor is important, and we need assessments of our properties is to fairly collect property taxes. Property taxes are a primary source of revenue for many local governments. The next office that...
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...étaient très élégantes. Le lit était très grand et confortable. Dans chaque un chambre il y avait une belle salle de bain. Dans l’hôtel il y avait une grande salle à manger ou ils ont servi le petit déjeuner chaque matin. Mais vendredi matin nous avons mangé nous petit déjeuner dans le jardin. Les Photos de L’Hôtel d’Argouges L’Hotel d’Argouges Le Jardin Le Chambre La Salle de Bain La Salle a Manger Le Salon Jeudi soir Jean- Jacques et moi sommes allés dîner au restaurant La Rapière. Nous avons pris le menu a 27,50 euro. Comme entrée Jean- Jacques a pris le filet de rouget grillé, salsa de tomates, tuile au parmesan et vinaigrette de persil plat et j’ai pris le tartine campagnarde, les gésiers de volaille, tomates séchées, pignons de pin, crème. Comme plat principale, je pris le filet de bar à la sarriette poché, infusion de tilleul et Jean- Jacques a pris le pot au feu de joue de bœuf. Aussi, nous avons reçu un plateau des fromages. Et comme le dessert mon ami a pris la tarte fine aux pommes et sa boule de glace cannelle...
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