...Between the years 1975 and 1978, Cambodia was probably one of the worse places to be. Pol Pot was in control and killing millions of Cambodians in those years. In his reign, over 1.5 million Cambodians were killed. Pol Pot was never really brought to justice, because he died in 1998. Pol Pot was actually born as Saloth Sar in Cambodia. Before becoming a leader, he was a school teacher. During his time as a teacher, he joined the proto-communist Khmer People’s Revolutionary Party (KPRP). After joining the group, he became the secretary general. He became afraid that he would be arrested and fled. He came back after the U.S. bombings, which were supposed to prevent communists from taking over Cambodia. Him and the Khmer Rouge army took over and started to create what they thought of as the new Cambodia. Pol Pot started evacuating cities and forcing the citizens to live in rural, farming areas, after being impressed by China’s Cultural Revolution. During this evacuation, over two million people were moved from Phnom Penh. This whole evacuation was pretty bad, because men, women, children, and...
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...The Misrepresentation of Cambodia Sociology 300 Professor: Emmanuel Obi Althea M Pullins 01/18/2010 Abstract The history of Cambodia will be reviewed in this paper. The paper will focus on the history of Cambodia from the time that Pol Pot led the country until present time. The paper will look in detail at the genocide of Cambodia that occurred under the leadership of Pol Pot from 1975 to 1979 where an estimated 2,000,000 Cambodians died. An analysis of the political landscape will be discussed in the paper. Women culture and the treatment of women during this period will be examined. The paper will also evaluate the religious culture, the impact that various ethnicities had on Cambodia, and report on the agrarian reform in Cambodia. An exploration of why Cambodia progress in the areas of economic growth, social development, and political development has been stymied will be investigated. A comprehensive look at the educational system of Cambodia will be reviewed along with urban development. History Cambodia is juxtaposed on mainland Southeast Asia between Thailand and Vietnam (2010). Because of Cambodia’s location, it has long been vulnerable to foreign territorial ambitions. Cambodia has struggled to maintain self-identity and survival as a nation (1993). The name “Cambodia” derives from the French Cambadge, which comes from Khmer word the People’s Republic of Kampuchaea (1979-1989), the country was known internationally as Kampuchea, but more recent...
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...Richard Harrington Summer 2012 GOVERNMENT CRIME Human rights are rights unequivocally inherent to all human beings, whatever our basic nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, or any other status. We are all entitled to our human rights without discrimination. Government exposure of political crimes and human rights violations have been in the forefront of the media in the last half-century, and the United States has always assisted itself in its own interests. For the past decade the United States has been a global power and presence and most other countries are not. We are often called upon to engage in conflict situations like preventing violations of Human Rights and Genocide. It seems the United States only intervenes when our nations interests is concerned, and only brings negative reactions which severely undermines our effectiveness and especially our international credibility.“ American leadership must be commensurate with U.S. interests and the nature of the challenges facing the county. The United States should not take the lead on every issue or assume that every problem in the world demands a U.S. response. In the majority of cases, the United States should “lead from behind” or from the side, or sitting in front but rarely by itself”. (Foreign Affairs, Zenko & Cohen, Vol. 91 No. 2.) Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the legal forms of treaties, customary international law, general principles...
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...Summative Essay Is human intervention an ideological cover for the pursuit of other objectives? We all know what genocide is. We also heard of Holocaust and its Anne Frank diary. Such inhumane killings should not repeat in the modern history due to its immorality, and that is why we saw humanitarian interventions in Rwanda and Somalia in 1990s. However, it is questionable of what was the real purpose. I believe that humanitarian cause is necessary but not an adequate condition for any act of intervention, which can be shown by case studies. In order, I will discuss the meaning of intervention and its presumed ideologies. I will also list out the possible diplomatic objectives hid behind these actions and their significance compared to the original motives. Intervention and its ideologies: Failure from core objectives Interventions are defined as a use of threats or forces upon another nation to prevent or end violations of human rights occurred within its territory, ‘without the permission of the state within whose territory force is applied’ (Holzgrefe and Keohane, 2003: 18), implying an inevitable breach of sovereignty. We also have the non-violent resolutions such as humanitarian aids and economic sanctions, but the main focus here is on intervention involving armaments. Interventions are rooted from its core ideology: to save people. It is a ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) individuals from being deprived from basic needs, including food, shelter...
Words: 1891 - Pages: 8
..."CHII"IURENGA II 1896 - 1897: A REVISIONIST STUDY THESIS Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS of Rhodes University I by MARK PHILLIP MALCOLM HORN January 1986 The following typog~aphical co~~ections attention since submission of this thesis. have come to my p.i line 8, "Phillip" should ~ead Philip. p.vi, li.ne 11, "Risings" should ~ead Rising. p.Vll, line 12, "~esponce" should ~ead ~esponse. p.3, line 17, "wa~f-io~" should read warriors. p.5, line 4, "96" should read 1896. p .. 8, line 3, IILomangLlndi should read LomagLlndi. p.9, line 2, " (inve~ted comma) missing after "role". p.19, line 9, "triatises" should read treatises. p.28, line 18, "analysis" should ~ead analyses. p.30, line 10, "the and" should ~ead "and the". p.42, line 28, "Histo~ians" should ~ead Histo~ian's. p.47, line 13, "Lomangundi" should ~ead Lomagundi. p.48, line 12, ~ sign missing befo~e the figu~e of 121 000. p.52, line 5, 1. ~5ign missing before the figure of 3. p.55, line 1, ~ sign missing befo~e the figu~es 10 to 60. p.55, line 3, -£ sign missing befo~e the figu~e of 100. p.56, lines 7 - 10, quote to be indented. p.b2, li.ne 1tJ, "dela" should be separated out to read "de la". p.tI4, line 4, "assisthim" should be sepa~ated out to ~ead "assist him"~· p.b"?, line 11, "inte~nicine" should t-ead intet-necine. p.83, line 17, "Ma~ch 1895" should ~ead Ma~ch 1894. p.89, line 5, "faction" should ~ead fl~action. p.95, line 29, fn. 12, "lNA" should ~ead NAZ...
Words: 104376 - Pages: 418
...fatal in the sense of reprisals accustomed to it. In any case, international criminal activities are largely based geopolitical factors rather than the genuine purpose of ending human to human barbarism. This paper will attempt to prove that ‘global community’ commitment to end genocide events is categorically challenged by lack of sufficient devotion to ‘the pledge’ to eradicate the vice. The paper is structured into three main parts and one secondary part. The background will attempt to examine the scholarly effort attempting to relate the basis of global community pledge and the general act of genocide. A further sub category of this part will introduce the role played by United Nations in minimizing genocide. The second section will be substantial in analyzing past genocide events; courtesy of three relevant examples, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Rwanda. In this section, the document will examine the various roles played by United Nations in fueling the genocide. The third section will examine 21 century events, and how United Nations has chosen a back player in preventing the occurrences of these genocides. The secondary section will attempt to examine the role played by International Criminal Court and how it has been challenged in limiting genocide events. Background Research has attempted relate the end of the holocaust and the emergence of non-allied political movements and arms race to contemporary genocide. Besides, a close consideration of this discussion is the commencement...
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...Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan IPC Working Paper Series Number 121 CHINA AND CAMBODIA: PATRON AND CLIENT? John D. Ciorciari June 14, 2013 1 CHINA AND CAMBODIA: PATRON AND CLIENT? By John D. Ciorciari * International Policy Center Working Paper No. 121 Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan June 14, 2013 Abstract In recent years, Cambodia has become one of China’s closest international partners and diplomatic allies. Cambodia’s recent support for China during multilateral talks on the South China Sea has demonstrated the strength of the partnership and led some critics to depict Cambodia as a Chinese “client state.” This paper examines the extent to which that label is valid. In its ideal form, a patron-client relationship entails an asymmetric exchange of benefits, typically including material support and protection from the stronger state and a degree of deference and political support from its weaker partner. This deference, which reduces the weaker state’s autonomy and often generates political backlash, is what makes governments reluctant to embrace client state status. This paper argues that the Sino-Cambodian relationship has strengthened largely because China has offered Cambodia’s governing elites a favorable bargain, providing extensive economic and political benefits without demanding costly forms of political fealty in return. That has begun to change, however. Cambodia’s governing elites have...
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...Journal of Moral Education Vol. 34, No. 4, December 2005, pp. 391–398 EDITORIAL Marxism and moral education W. John Morgan* University of Nottingham, UK It is obviously necessary to begin with Karl Marx. According to Vorlander, ‘The ¨ moment anyone started to talk to Marx about morality, he would roar with laughter’ (Vorlander, 1904, p. 22; Lukes, 1985, p. 26). Yet the normative element is central to ¨ Marx’s thinking and the resolution of the paradox is to be found, according to Lukes, in the distinction between a bourgeois morality of law and a revolutionary morality of class emancipation. Marx is interested fundamentally in the moral education of the proletariat through the liberating process that accompanies revolution. It has been argued that in order to explain the motives of the socialist revolutionary, Marx needs such a theory of moral education that is, at the same time, his normative objective. In particular, it is said, ‘he needs an account of how vast numbers of working people acquire a commitment to make a revolution in their common interest’ (Miller, 1998, p. 377). Moreover, this must be powerful enough to break the economic, social and ideological grip of the capitalist system that he has analysed and exposed in such detail. The mode of production is the economic key, as it was for the emergence of capitalism. However, the development of capitalism itself creates a fresh social and psychological context, providing the proletariat with the opportunity...
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...Bangladesh garment exports boom despite disasters Published July 09, 2013 AFP * In this photograph taken on June 23, 2010, Bangladeshi women sew clothes in a garment factory in Ashulia. Output from Bangladesh's accident-prone garment sector has increased in June, with demand from foreign retailers still growing despite the country's factory disaster in April. (AFP/File) DHAKA (AFP) – Output from Bangladesh's accident-prone garment sector increased in June, data showed Tuesday, with demand from foreign retailers still growing despite the country's factory disaster in April. At least 1,129 people were killed when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed outside the capital Dhaka in April, sparking demonstrations against Western brands and prompting some retailers to threaten to cancel orders. Government data released on Tuesday showed that the country's total exports -- 80 percent of which come from the garment sector -- soared by 16 percent year-on-year in June to $2.7 billion, following an increase of 15 percent in May. "The disasters didn't have much impact. They are scattered incidents," head of the government's Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) Shuvhashish Bose told AFP, referring to the Rana Plaza tragedy and other factory fires that have killed another 130 workers since November. Total exports from Bangladesh, the second-biggest clothing manufacturer in the world after China, grew by 11 percent to a record $27.02 billion in the 2012-13 financial year to June. ...
Words: 18334 - Pages: 74
...www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev World Development Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 1539–1560, 2002 Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/02/$ - see front matter PII: S0305-750X(02)00058-X Women in Sustainable Development: Empowerment through Partnerships for Healthy Living CLAUDIA MARA VARGAS * I University of Vermont, Burlington, USA Summary. — This article seeks to take partnerships seriously. Specifically, it is concerned with the nature, opportunities, and challenges facing women’s nongovernmental organization (NGOs), which seek to make real contributions to sustainable development. It uses a case study of COFERENE, a successful women’s NGO in Costa Rica, to explore the nature of partnerships, the contextual factors that shape them, the successes that can be realized from their wise use, and the potential problems that may arise. There are lessons, both optimistic and cautionary, to be learned from COFERENE’S experiences. This article analyzes these lessons. In synthesis, partnerships are complex and demanding, though there are cases in which women’s NGOs have used them effectively to foster sustainable development. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words — geographical focus: global, country specific: Costa Rica, sustainable development, partnerships, culture, nonprofits A woman said that her father was a street sweeper. If some people consider this a humble job, her opinion was that a person who has the job of...
Words: 14873 - Pages: 60
...A abandon s.n. 1. {de drepturî) (dr.) desertion/renunciation of rights 2. (a/ navei, al încărcăturiî) (mar.) abandonment 3. (retragerea dintr-o operaţiune cu primâ contra cedării unei prime) {bur.) abandon ~ pe mare rea - abandon in heavy sea abandona v.t. 1. (drepttiri, pretenţii) to relinquish, to waive 2. (nava, încarcătura etc.) to abandon, to leave abandonare s.f. 1. (de drepturi, pretenţii) relinquishment 2. abandonment, abandoning ~ a navei - (de întregul echipqf, când nava nu mai poate fi salvaîa) abandonment of ship ~ a postului - dereliction ofduty ~ a produsului - (a prodncerii şi a comercializăru acestuia) product abandonment/elimination ~ a unui bun - (asig. mar.) dereliction abandonat adj. {asig. mar.) abandoned, derelict ~ temporar - temporarily abandoned abata v.t. (a exploata un zâcâmdnî} to work abataj s.f. 1. (loc) coal-face. stope, workings 2. (acţiune') mining. cutting, hewing 3. (al arborilor) felling 4. (al vitelor) slaughter abate v.t. 1. (din drnm) to turn oft7 aside/away, to divert, to deviate: to sheer, to v.'ander, 10 escape 2. (mar.} to steer off 3. (a/'boti) to fcll v.r. {de la} (dr.) to iniriiige, to vioîaie, to transgress abatere s.f. 1. tuming off/away, diverting, deviation 2. (dr.) infringe-ment, violation, transgression; trespass(ing) 3. {de la regulă) exception ~ de la datorie - breach ofduty ~ din drum - (niar.) deviation ~ disciplinară - misbehaviour, infraction ofdiscipline ~ medie - mean deviation ~ standard (concept statistic care indicâ...
Words: 33779 - Pages: 136
...Easy French STEP-BY-STEP Master High-Frequency Grammar for French Proficiency—FAST! Myrna Bell Rochester New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-164221-7 MHID: 0-07-164221-8 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-145387-5, MHID: 0-07-145387-3. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative please visit the Contact Us page at www.mhprofessional.com. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”) and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of...
Words: 95898 - Pages: 384
...A CRITICAL SURVEY OF CONTEMPORARY SOUTH AFRICAN POETRY A CRITICAL SURVEY OF CONTEMPORARY SOUTH AFRICAN POETRY: THE LANGUAGE OF CONFLICT AND COMMITMENT By Laura Holland, B.A. A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts McMaster University September 1987 MASTER OF Arts (1987) (English) McMASTER UNIVERSITY Hamilton, Ontario TITLE: A Critical Survey of Contemporary South African Poetry: The Language of Conflict and Commitment AUTHOR: Laura Linda Holland, B.A. (University of Alberta) SUPERVISOR: Dr. Alan Bishop NUMBER OF PAGES: v, 134 ii ABSTRACT The thes is concentrates on South African poetry from 1960 to the present. It closely examines a selection of poems by Breyten Breytenbach, Dennis Brutus, Pascal Gwala, Wopko Jensma, Oswald Mtshali, Arthur Nortje, Cosmo Pieterse, Sipho Sepamla, and Wally Serote, among others. The body of the thesis discusses these poets' contributions to poetry about prison, exile, and township life. The thesis focuses on the struggle between various polical, racial, and cultural groups for hegemony over South Africa's poetic development. Such issues as language, ideology, and censorship are explored insofar as they in! .luence t:ne content and structure of the poetry. This body of poems, sadly, is little studied in North America. The thesis presents an introduction to and a survey of the major tendencies in South African poetry and, in part...
Words: 33218 - Pages: 133
...No one should ever work. Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working. That doesn’t mean we have to stop doing things. It does mean creating a new way of life based on play; in other words, a ludic conviviality, commensality, and maybe even art. There is more to play than child’s play, as worthy as that is. I call for a collective adventure in generalized joy and freely interdependent exuberance. Play isn’t passive. Doubtless we all need a lot more time for sheer sloth and slack than we ever enjoy now, regardless of income or occupation, but once recovered from employment-induced exhaustion nearly all of us want to act. Oblomovism and Stakhanovism are two sides of the same debased coin. The ludic life is totally incompatible with existing reality. So much the worse for “reality,” the gravity hole that sucks the vitality from the little in life that still distinguishes it from mere survival. Curiously—or maybe not—all the old ideologies are conservative because they believe in work. Some of them, like Marxism and most brands of anarchism, believe in work all the more fiercely because they believe in so little else. Liberals say we should end employment discrimination. I say we should end employment. Conservatives support right-towork laws. Following Karl Marx’s wayward son-in-law Paul Lafargue I support the right to...
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...in Growth and Development Massachusetts Institute of Technology Daron Acemoglu Harvard University and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs James Robinson Abstract: In this paper we argue that the main determinant of differences in prosperity across countries are differences in economic institutions. To solve the problem of development will entail reforming these institutions. Unfortunately, this is difficult because economic institutions are collective choices that are the outcome of a political process. The economic institutions of a society depend on the nature of political institutions and the distribution of political power in society. As yet, we only have a highly preliminary understanding of the factors that lead a society into a political equilibrium which supports good economic institutions. However, it is clear that it is the political nature of an institutional equilibrium that makes it very difficult to reform economic institutions. We illustrate this with a series of pitfalls of institutional reforms. Our analysis reveals challenges for those who would wish to solve the problem of development and poverty. That such challenges exist is hardly surprising and we believe that the main reason for such challenges is the forces we have outlined in this paper. Better development policy will only come when we recognize this and understand these forces better. Nevertheless, some countries do undergo political transitions, reform their institutions, and...
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