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Police Brutality Protests

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Ever since I first got lost when I was six years old and that Police Officer Anderson saw me sitting on the bench at the park I knew that I wanted to become a cop. I knew from that moment that I wanted to help people. I wanted to make a difference. After the police officer took me home to my worried mother and father I told my parents I wanted to be just like Officer Anderson and I wanted to help people. My parents did care, probably didn’t even hear me, to busy hugging and kissing me and asking me if I was okay. I've always known that I was brought into this world to be a police officer, to make a difference, to help a little lost kid like me find his way home. I strived for that goal for the rest of my youth, getting straight A’s in all …show more content…
Do you start your shift in the early hours of the day knowing that the day might be the day when you don’t go home, when their a bullet with your name on it? Well that’s an everyday occurrence being a police officer in Madison, Wisconsin. Over the years police brutality protests have gone on in the streets and shutting down the city for hours until the police can get the rallies broken apart. It’s an everyday occurence to feel like there’s a target on you back for being a cop. All this happens everyday, to every cop, on every shift. In the past through years Madison has gotten more and more dangerous than ever. Neighborhoods being taken over by gangs like the MS 13 and Money Boz. Everyday I go out to those neighborhoods and try to stop gang violence. Try to keep teens from joining those gangs. But this day was different, this day a bullet had my name on …show more content…
I’m in a new bed in a new room with actual walls and a glass door instead of just a bunch of curtains on each side. The doctor walks into the small four walled room and says words. Not just words, but words that I can hear. Words that I don’t have to lip read to know what people are saying. The doctor says “ I see you woke up from your sleep. You know, your really lucky, you took three bullets in the chest. Two just missing your heart by centimeters.”
“Thank you doc,” i respond. “ But what happened when I passed

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