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Social Work Goals

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Personal/Professional Goals Advancing towards a master’s degree in Social Work at Walden University will present me with the opportunity to become career marketable to assist individuals and families with issues that can prohibit change. My drive in the direction towards the field of social work stems from social disadvantages within lower-income communities. A sizeable city can have an abundance of resources in one area, and a lack of necessary resources in another. A large dived in beneficial resources can negatively impact a community causing employment gaps, lower wages, poor housing conditions, and homelessness. My MSW degree would be utilized to bridge the gaps …show more content…
Homeless mothers in a waiting state would choose to pay for a motel room to provide shelter for their children when private shelters could not. A huge drawback in addition to the high cost, was the unsafe conditions and the absence of a grocery market within walking distance. Homeless individuals are left to purchase their food, utensils, and toiletry items from the gas station at 40% markup prices, taking needed dollars from impoverished hands. The continuous cycle of moving back and forth from the shelter to a motel room, uprooted children from their schools in which they are constantly having to readjust to new teachers and …show more content…
As a caseworker, I developed case management and home visitation competency skills. My responsibility to the client was to guide individuals in scheduling medical appointments, attend peer group workshops, link to employment services and apply for government benefits. Visiting clients on a bi-weekly basis allowed me to work independently with an individual on their treatment plan to achieve attainable goals. In addition to one’s treatment plan, I would conduct a risk assessment, safety plan, and schedule a follow-up visit to review action steps. Taking the time to discuss possible risk allowed the client to think of supportive persons if ever in a crisis, was an excellent communication tool for client’s who wouldn’t normally reach-out help. In helping the client build esteem towards building better relationships, I Implemented the agency ’s wellness recovery booklet within my visiting sessions which gave the client liberty to write down triggers and develop coping strategies. To provide extra support for the client I would create a scenario and role-play with the client on how to best use their coping methods. Establishing foundational case management skills within my employment at Lookout Mountain Community services, served as a positive stepping stone in my acclamation into the field of social

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