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Elderly Abuse Research Paper

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The elderly population of the world are a vulnerably population to abuse. Most of the time elderly individuals rely on a caregiver or family member to help with their basic needs and without them, they would be hopeless to themselves. Conditions and circumstances that increase the likelihood of elderly abuse are poor physical and mental health of elderly person, elderly in hospitals, nursing homes, or long-term facilities, and lack of funds to pay for care (2) Those of poor physical and mental health are usually the individuals which are abused more (2). These individuals are unable to protect themselves and are high mistreated because the elderly individual cannot do anything to change the situation. In institutions, abuse of elderly can be …show more content…
Elderly often lose their dignity when the individual becomes incontinent and it goes uncleaned by staff, leaving them to sit in their own feces for hours. Lack of funds of family members often leads to relatives taking care of the elderly individual (4). However, this is a stressful job to take on and many are neglected or abused from frustration. The population of elderly individuals is expected to double from 2010 to 2050 (2). With the population of older individuals growing and growing will affect health care systems. Those of low income will be affect the most from lack of resources (2). Those who have inadequate resources will be expose to more risk factors than those of higher income …show more content…
Elderly abuse and protecting our elderly falls under goal three, good health and well-being, and goal ten, reducing inequality within and among countries (7). Goal number three is to ensure healthy lives for all ages (7). This means infants to elderly, everyone deserves the right to a health life. The UN is concerned with increasing life expectancy and eliminating common diseases leading to mortality (7). Goal number ten is aimed at decreasing the number of individuals in poverty. Low income elderly or elderly in poverty are more likely to be abused than high income individuals. Relieving elderly of poverty allows them better access to heal and education services (7). The goal targets to ensure social, economic and political inclusion of all, regardless of age

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