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Cop Lookout Analysis

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Imagine a five year old in the car with their father and “playing a game” while riding that is called “Cop Lookout”. Assuming that it is light-hearted and innocent, it is really a way to protect their father from getting caught having meth inside the car. Addiction is often defined as an illness not just of the individual but of the whole family (Wormer, 2008). Sometimes the misery is so intense that the system barely functions (Wormer, 2008). Having a family that is loving and involved in their child’s life is one of the most beneficial things a child could have. If a child has a family that is loving, the child will be better off. From the time a child is born, they need their parents. They constantly need attention and love, and children …show more content…
Even though some of his story was extremely heartbreaking, it is nice to see that he is not letting his parent’s actions define him. Considering that I know him pretty well, the interview took place at his apartment, where he was able to really give me details about his experience with growing up with parents who were addicted to meth. Tyler is a 22 year old white male. I told him in the beginning of the interview that if he felt uncomfortable answering any of my questions, then he did not have to answer. He told me that he did not have a problem with answering anything because this is his story, and it has made him who he is. I asked him if he could tell me a little bit about what his childhood was like growing up, and I thought I had made a mistake by seeing the expression that came upon his face. He sat there for a minute and he finally said “you know, I don’t really remember anything from my childhood. I think I have blocked out a lot of my childhood because of what my parents were doing. The only “childhood” I had was when I lived with my grandparents. From the age of 4 until I was 12 years old, I lived with my grandparents. In the middle of the night, my mother dropped my brother and me off and left us. My parents did not treat me like a child. The only family outing that I can remember is going to see my dad in rehab. Before moving in with my grandparents, I never really got gifts for Christmas or …show more content…
When I brought this up to him, he looked at me and said “I refuse to be like my parents, I will make something of myself. I’ll be the first to graduate from college in my family. I will not allow people to believe that just because I come from parents who are drug addicts that I am going to behave in the same manner.” Another incorrigible proposition that I found is that drugs are becoming more and more accepted as the time goes on. Usually people believe that once you are around drugs as often as he was, it would normalize it and it would not be such a shock, but to the subject, drugs are not acceptable. He will not associate himself with people who are involved with them. He stated to me once in the interview that “just because I have been around drugs since I was 4 years old, doesn’t make me feel any less about them. If anything it makes me feel worse. I’ve seen them ruin my family, drugs will never be acceptable in my

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